Seven days later, the construction of the villa was officially started.

After hearing about the use of bricks to repair houses, the people of Zhuo County felt very novel and came to the construction site to visit.

When the house is raised day by day, the straight walls stand up, and it looks very imposing. The people who saw it were all amazed, and couldn't help but praise Xiao Jun for being extremely smart.

This is the house where the gods live.

Of course, repairing a house is not a matter of one or two days, not to mention, what Xiao Yi wants to build is a small three-story western-style building, and there are other rooms around.

He planned to build the project for two months, so he was not in a hurry.

During this time, he took Diao Chan and Fuzhong up and down and moved to the county government to live. The location is spacious, and it is also convenient to handle large and small affairs in the county.

Unconsciously, half a month has passed.

Zhuo County suddenly came two merchants.

"The villain's name is Zhang Shiping. "

"Villain Su Shuang. "

"The two of us, traveling merchants from Zhongshan County, brought a lot of grain and utensils to Hudi last month to exchange horses with them. On the way back, he passed through Liangxiang and was robbed of his horse by a gang of wandering thieves.

The villain has long heard that Xiao Jun is the king of benevolence and righteousness, and his prestige is far and wide. Therefore, I implore Xiao Jun to help recover these Huma. If it succeeds, we will be grateful. "

The walking merchants are the most well-informed, and it is not uncommon for them to find Xiao Yat.

But Xiao Yat is not a mercenary, and it is impossible to help others for money.

"Why didn't you two go to Liangxiang and surrender, but came to me?"

It stands to reason that you were robbed in Liangxiang, and you should go to Liangxiang to surrender.

Didn't they come to me to ask me to handle cases across regions and take the credit of others?

The two saw Xiao Yi's attitude, glanced at each other, and thought about it.

After a while, Su Shuang spoke

"It's better than this, as long as you take back this batch of Huma, I will give it to you. However, we hope that Xiao Jun will be able to sell us some cloud towels, Qixian wine, and other things that are not available elsewhere at a low price. "

He is worthy of being a businessman and never trades at a loss.

You must know that whether it is a cloud towel or a fairy wine, because the output is very low, Xiao Yi is not allowed to sell it to the outside world.

Moreover, the protection of property rights is also provided.

Whoever produces these things without permission is the enemy of Zhuoxian!

Therefore, many of the things he made were only spread within Zhuo County, and very little of them flowed into other counties.

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping took a fancy to the business opportunities here, so they made such a request.

"First of all, those horses don't belong to you anymore, and you can't talk about sending words. I can pick it up whenever I want.

Secondly, the supply of cloud towels and Qixian wine in Zhuoxian County is still insufficient, and I have no plans to sell them to the outside world for the time being.

If you two want to make money from me, you have to show enough sincerity. If you're playing tricks with me, I'd advise you to get out of here early. "

The two of them were terrified, and they no longer dared to despise the young county magistrate.

"It's not good for us, please forgive Xiao Jun. "

"The two of us really want to cooperate with you, and I hope that Xiao Jun can give us a chance.

The two of us have traveled to the north and south for many years, and have accumulated a lot of fame and contacts, and I believe that our cooperation will definitely be a win-win situation. "

Xiao Yi shook his head, dismissive of their words.

It's not that he hasn't heard of these two goods, it's just a small business, and there is no comparison with those merchants.

"If I want to find someone to work with, why don't I choose the Zhongshan Zhen family, the Xuzhou Mi family, these famous businessmen who move the world?

Give me a reason to choose you. "

Indeed, if you cooperate, you naturally have to find a strong family in order to get more benefits.

And the strength of Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping is completely incomparable with these families.

However, Xiao Yat wants not to cooperate!

"This ......


Su and Zhang looked at each other.

They thought that their strength was completely enough to cooperate with a county town. But I didn't expect that this county order didn't look down on them at all.

"We are indeed inferior to these big clans of the Zhen family, Xiao Jun, bother. "

The two prepared to leave.

"You are not comparable now, but you may not be in the future. "

Xiao Yi smiled mysteriously.

The two of them exclaimed, "Please teach Xiao Jun." "

"You two do things for me, and I support you to be the richest businessman in the world. Whether it's the Zhen family or the Mi family, they won't be able to compare to you when the time comes. "

Xiao Yat wants not to cooperate, but to subdue!

These two people do have a talent for business, and it is enough to be an assistant to Shen Wansan. And they do have some contacts and ways to quickly open up the market in the two places. So, Xiao Yat hit this idea.

"Do it for you!".

The two never thought of taking refuge in a certain person, but the name of the richest businessman in the world is too tempting.

is also a wealthy businessman in Zhongshan, who has always been pressed by the Zhen family and is difficult to develop.

Having such an opportunity really made them very excited.

"Another advantage of doing things for me is that the merchant is not the lowest class with me. Yat continued.

Shinong businessmen, merchants in this era are looked down upon. Hence the families that specialize in business, with a very low class.

This is also the reason why they can't kill the Zhen family.

Someone in the Zhen family is an official in the court, and he said that he was a family!

Historically, Mi Zhu devoted all his family property to support Liu Bei, which is also the reason.

So this sentence completely touched them

"We're willing to do things for you!".

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