In the class just now, this young man made a deep impression on Xiao Yi. Basically, a class is a conversation between the two of them.

This person has a clear mind, his brain reacts very quickly, and many questions are understood at a glance. comprehension ability, and even be able to throw off Cai Yong and Lu Zhi for several streets. Not to mention, ordinary people.

Therefore, Xiao Yat guessed that this could be some great talent.

Xiao Yi deliberately left some flaws in the class, just to wait for him to take the initiative to come to him.

As a result, he really came!

"Let's find a quiet place and sit down and talk. "

Xiao Yi smiled.

"I can't ask for it. "

Although the latter questioned Xiao Yat, he had long been attracted by the wonderful natural phenomenon, so he was eager to ask Xiao Yat more questions.

The two came to Wansan Restaurant, found a quiet private room, ordered a few side dishes, and scalded a pot of good wine.

"Brother Tai Shicai said that there is a loophole in my class, let's listen to it?"

Although Xiao Yat is not a physicist or an astronomer, it is completely enough to fool the people in front of him with the knowledge he has learned.

What's more, there are some loopholes that he deliberately left behind.

The young man said, "Xiao Jun said that any object with weight has a gravitational force. This is the vulnerability. "

"I want to hear about it!"

The smile on the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth was even stronger.

There is a law of gravitation, how can there be a loophole. No matter how smart this person is, it is impossible to overturn the laws that people have summarized for hundreds of years.

"You said that the sun is more than a million times bigger than the earth, and the earth is already so vast, so how big should the sun be! And you said that the heavier the object, the greater the gravitational pull. According to your argument, the earth should be attracted to the sun. Why does the earth revolve around the sun and does not fall on it?"

He has a clear mind, and it's really nice for someone who is new to physics to be able to ask such a question.

This "loophole" was not even noticed by Xiao Yi himself.

In his time, every middle school student may have such doubts when they take physics class.

But later, the teacher will give the answer.

It's just that when it comes to the first cosmic velocity, it's even more complicated to say.

Yat did not intend to explain it that way.

After all, he doesn't have any physical foundation, and he may not understand it when he says it.

If you don't understand, you can't convince him.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, and picked up the wine bottle in front of him, "Brother, please take a look." "

He shook the glass gently, and the otherwise calm wine left the center and slowly turned along the wall.

The young scribe saw through it a little, and his eyes brightened a little.

"What do you mean by speed?"

"That's right, it is precisely because the earth revolves around the sun and has a rotational speed that it will not be attracted by the sun. Moreover, this speed cannot be fast or slow. "

Yat lowered the speed of the decanter, and the height of the wine was lowered a little.

"If the earth rotates too slowly, it will be attracted by the sun.

But if it spins too fast, it will leave the sun and fly out of orbit. "

"I see!"

The young scribe was convinced at this time, and stood up and bowed to Xiao Yi, "Xiao Jun knows astronomy and geography, and is rare in the world, Xun Yu worships!"

"Xun Yu, Xun Gongda?"

Xiao Yi was dumbfounded!

This young man who pursues the truth is actually him!

Boss Cao's group, one of the top strategists, has used tricks to turn Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Yuan Shu and others around!

I didn't expect that I would take a class casually and lead him out......

Earned, earned, earned.

"Xiao Jun knows?"

Xun You was a little surprised.

I've lived for more than 20 years, and it seems that I've always been very obscure, the first time I came to Zhuoxian, how could he know about me?

"I have also heard of Gongda's deeds. At the age of thirteen, he can distinguish between loyalty and treachery, and he is famous at a young age. "

Xun You is 189 years, after Liu Hong's death, when He Jin presided over the government, he was recruited into Beijing to worship the Huangmen squire. Previously, he had only been known locally.

But his talent has come to the fore.

Some deeds are so worrying that Xiao Jun smiled. "

It's always a joy to be complimented by others.

Next, the two chatted for a while about the wonderful knowledge of nature, and Xiao Yat explained to him, "The sunrise is as big as the car cover, and the middle of the day is like a plate, isn't this small for the far and big for the near?" and "The beginning of the day is cool and cool, and the middle of the day is like a soup, this is not hot for the near and cold for the far?"

Xun You was very interested in natural phenomena, listened to it with relish, and once again, was convinced by Xiao Yi's profound knowledge!

During the banquet, Xiao Yi asked him about his future plans, and Xun Yu sighed.

"I want to enter the court as an official, use what I have learned to support the government and the people. However, the ten permanent servants controlled the government and appointed them only by relatives.

And although I was born in a scholar family, this vein has withered, and there is no way to serve the country. "

He, like his uncle Xun Yu, was bent on supporting the Han family. Boss Cao has been unable to change his thoughts for so many years, which shows that it is not easy to truly subdue him.

But Xiao Yat didn't want to, and let this amazing talent work for others.

"Gongda is in the middle of the country, how can he say that there is no way to serve the country?

Could it be that Luoyang is the only country in the world, and other places are rejected from abroad?"

Xiao Yat said.

Xun You shook his head, "That's not what you meant. "

"I understand, you don't look down on the place and want to be an official in the court. "

Xun You continued to shake his head, "No, fame is like a floating cloud to me." You just thinks that as an official in the court, you can speak directly to the Son of Heaven and let him not be deceived by villains. Only in this way can we solve the problem at its root. "

The Son of Heaven is the master of this country.

If the son of heaven is clear, the world will be bright!

If the sky is dark, the world will be dark!

Xun You saw through the essence of the problem, with lofty ideals and revenge.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "Gongda, I'll send you a poem, take a pen and paper!"

Xiao Yat inscribed a poem on the white paper, titled, "Gift Gongda!"

"Horizontally, it is a peak on the side of the ridge, and the height is different from far and near. I don't know the true face of Lushan, only because I am in this mountain!"

After writing, Xiao Yat did not explain why,

He is a person who likes to pursue the truth, and when he explains it clearly, it is boring. Let him slowly comprehend, maybe it will open up a new world for him.

"That's all for today. If Gongda has figured out something, he can come to the house to find me at any time.

Leave. "

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