"The reason why the people of the world rebelled was because they did not have enough to eat and not have enough clothing. Seeing that this place is so rich, it is natural to envy. "

Lu Zhi sighed.

Although he once suppressed the Yellow Turban Army, he was also very sympathetic to these poor people.

"If every place is as rich as Zhuoxian, who will rebel. "

"The top is clear. The common people are hardworking and willing to work, if there are not so many corrupt officials and corrupt officials, forcing them to be cornered, every piece of land will be planted with crops in Zhuo County. "

Xiao Yi sighed lightly.

Lu Zhi's eyes straightened, "Xiao Jun, speak carefully." How can we, as courtiers, talk about it at will? "

"Old Lu doesn't need to be angry, you know better than us what kind of person the Son of Heaven is. "

Xiao Yi was too lazy to argue with this kind of stubborn donkey.

This kind of person is quite pitiful, the emperor has already broken his heart, but in order to adhere to the so-called way of being a minister, he not only suffers himself, but also his family and friends.

Xiao Yi can't reverse this kind of thinking, and he doesn't bother to reverse it.

Lu Zhi didn't speak, he was really clear.

Xun Yu on the side also fell into deep thought.

Even a famous Confucian like Lu Zhi, a person who has made meritorious contributions to the imperial court, can't stop a slander. Even if he enters the imperial court, he is afraid that he will have to survive under the snort of eunuchs and traitors.

Lu Zi can't change things, can I change them?

However, as a citizen of the Han Dynasty, if the Han Dynasty is in trouble now, shouldn't I do my part? If I retreat in the face of difficulties, then what's the point of reading so many sage books!

At this moment, Xun You and Lu Zhi's hearts are extremely contradictory.

Loyalty to the Han has been engraved in their bones.

But they knew very well in their hearts that the building would collapse, and it would be difficult to support it alone. The Great Han is already terminally ill, and it is not their loyalty that can turn the situation around.

Although Xiao Yi's words are a bit wild, his political achievements are unmatched.

The fact that the people here can live so rich and beautiful is all due to Xiao Yi.

Xun You thought about it carefully: Even if he fell to the court and became a big official, would he be able to do so many effective things like Xiao Jun?

The answer is no!

Because Lu Zhi's example is right in front of you.

"Horizontally, it is a peak on the side of the ridge, and the height is different from far and near. Isn't it just that the perspective of the problem is different, and the understanding is also different.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, only because I am in this mountain.

I don't know what the true face of the court is, is that because my heart is in the court?

And Xiao Jun only wants to develop Zhuo County, and his heart is outside the imperial court, so he sees the imperial court so thoroughly?

No, I can't sink in, it's just going to get deeper and deeper!"

At this moment, Xun You understood the meaning of Xiao Yi's poem.

You can serve the country anywhere!

Instead of being lucky everywhere in the court, being restricted everywhere. It is better to go to a broader world, show your talents, use your own skills, and truly do something for the people of the world.

I can't save the country, I can always save the people!

"How does Ming Gong plan to deal with these yellow turban thieves?"

After Xun You figured it out in his heart, he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

"How to deal with it?"

Xiao Yi really didn't think about it.

Now, they have retreated to the county, and they can't go to the county to beat them. Without the support of the city wall, even if you can win the battle, you will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"There is a plan, but it doesn't cost a single soldier to be insufficient, call 100,000 yellow turbans to vote!"


Xiao Yi looked at him in surprise, did he figure it out.

"Publica, please. "

Lu Zhi also looked at this young man curiously, what kind of strategy can persuade 100,000 people to surrender without spending a single soldier!

He had fought with the Yellow Turban Army, and he knew very well how deep the Yellow Turban Army's grudge against officers and soldiers was.

It is almost impossible not to defeat them, to persuade them to surrender.

"The Yellow Turban Thief is just a peaceful paradise where he can live in peace. Zhang Jiao also took advantage of this to incite people's hearts. But such a world has already appeared in Zhuoxian. Which do you think they would choose if they took the risk of losing their heads to continue their pursuit of that ethereal world, or if they could enjoy the peaceful paradise by leaving their soldiers?"

Everyone understood what Xun Yu meant as soon as they heard it.

After all, Zhang Jiao only drew a cake, and his Yellow Turban Army lost many battles, and the fighting spirit of the Yellow Turban Army became more and more sluggish.

Now, if you put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot, who would be stupid enough to go through the ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties.

Lu Zhi shook his head, "As long as Zhang Bao is still alive, it is impossible for them to surrender." "

What the common people want is very simple, but these careerists are not as great as they say.

Of course, Xiao Yat is also aware of this.

Not long ago, Zhang Jiao wanted him to join the Yellow Turban Army, and he only gave him the title of General Futian, which shows that the ambitions of the three brothers are not small.

"I know, you want the Yellow Turban Thief to have civil strife and kill Zhang Bao. However, although Sanzhang is a treacherous person, he has won the hearts of the people. It's like someone else gives enough benefits to the people of Zhuo County, and there is no way for them to assassinate Xiao Jun. "

Lu Zhidao.

The three brothers Zhang Bao are indeed respected by the Yellow Turban believers.

This can be seen from the fact that their purging team can no longer bear to trample on the crops.

Xiao Yi nodded, wanting to see what Xun You said next.

The latter laughed, "Master Lu is right, under normal circumstances. But what if they are in a desperate situation?"

"They are now in the territory of the county, they can attack and retreat, how can they fall into a desperate situation?"

Lu Zhi was puzzled.

Xiao Yi didn't know what kind of medicine Xun You's gourd bought.

But Liu Ji and Xu Shu behind them seemed to understand something.

"The Yellow Turban thieves took advantage of the situation, but now they have retreated from the camp, and their fighting spirit has gone more than half.

At this time, it is only necessary to send a general to rob the camp late at night, and they can be defeated in one fell swoop.

Where does Lu Shi think they will flee to when they are in a hurry?"

Xun You asked with a smile.

"Naturally, it's the nearest county!"

Hiding in the city is the safest.

When Zhang Bao marched into Zhuoxian, he had already defeated the county, so the county was their best choice.

The smile on the corner of Xun You's mouth was even stronger, "And as far as I know, as early as the beginning of spring, Xiao Jun had already bought all the grain in the surrounding counties. In the county, there is no grain storage at all.

What will happen if an army of 100,000 retreats into a city where there is no food in stock?"

No food?

They're going to go crazy for sure!

Lu Zhi pondered for a moment and continued, "However, with the soldiers of Zhuo County, there is no way to encircle them in the city, and they can abandon the city and flee at any time. "

"We have reinforcements. "


"Fan Yang, Han Zhuo!"

Xun You is confident in his plan, "Han Zhuo is a villain who forgets his righteousness, he only needs a letter from the lord, promising a lot of profits, and telling him that Zhang Bao's head belongs to him, and he will definitely come to help desperately." "

Now there are legends in the secluded land that Xiao Yi is the nemesis of the Yellow Turban Thief.

If Han Zhuo knew that he had such a great credit, he would definitely choose to believe Xiao Yi to steal the credit.

"But ......"

Lu Zhi thought about it for a long time, but he didn't find a flaw.

Finally, he sighed, "Alas, it seems that I am really old, so I should go back to teaching."

From now on, the world will belong to you young people. "

With that, he shook his head and left.

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