Qin Qiong was not a reckless person, and when he asked, he knew that Lu Zhi brought people to support his highness, so he asked Lu Zhi’s men and horses to lay down their weapons and bring Lu Zhi to see Qin Bin.

At this time, seeing Qin Bin greeting on foot, Lu Zhi hurriedly dismounted and bowed down, “Your Majesty, the old minister is late…”

After saying that, he burst into tears.

Qin Bin heard Lu Zhi’s words with choking and guilt, and also quickly picked up Lu Zhi, and said, “Master Lu doesn’t need to be like this, and besides, now I am the King of Hongnong, don’t call me that anymore, Master Lu just call me by name.” ”

Hearing Qin Bin say this, although Lu Zhi felt sad in his heart, he was very gratified.

The reason why Lu Zhi was struggling with whether to come over and be loyal before was not that he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but that he was afraid that Qin Bin would not be willing to be deposed.

Once he escaped from the Luoyang Realm, if Qin Bin raised the banner of the Son of Heaven, it would really be chaotic in the world.

After all, if Qin Bin really did this, then who could guarantee that the other Liu royal families would not have other ideas?

Now as soon as he heard Qin Bin say this, plus secretly observing a little, and found that Qin Bin’s expression was sincere and not perfunctory, Lu Zhi was secretly relieved.

“Your Majesty… His Highness can think so, which is indeed a blessing for the great man. ”

Qin Bin smiled slightly, helped Lu Zhi to walk to the horse under the tree on the side, and after sitting down with Lu Zhi, said, “Why is Master Lu here?” ”

Lu Zhi didn’t think much and replied, “His Royal Highness is a subordinate.” ”

Qin Bin nodded and smiled, “With Master Lu’s help, I will be relieved.” ”

Lu Zhi shook his head slightly, and said again, “I don’t know how many His Highness’s subordinates are, and where are they going?” ”

Lu Zhi asked bluntly, and Qin Bin did not hide it, “Now there are less than six hundred soldiers and more than two hundred people, all of them are loyal to me, and I don’t know how many reinforcements there will be tomorrow, I think there are hundreds.” ”

Lu Zhi was shocked in his heart when he heard this, and he couldn’t imagine that the Hongnong King, who had been frivolous and weak, actually had such forces hidden.

However, in addition to some surprise in Lu Zhi’s heart, he was only happy.

Because there are so many troops, the operation is good, self-preservation is not a problem at all, at least Lu Zhi has this confidence.

Qin Bin paused for a moment and then continued, “I originally planned to go to Hongnong County first, that is my fiefdom, in name, it can be said that I went to the domain. It’s just that when I was in the Yong’an Palace, the news was blocked, and everything was difficult to know. May I ask Master Lu, do you know who is the current Taishou of Hongnong County? ”

Lu Zhi thought for a while, “It should be Wang Hong.” ”

“Oh? Who is this Wang Hong? ”

Lu Zhi replied, “Wang Hong, Zi Changwen, Taiyuan Qi people, is the new Situ Wang Yun of the current dynasty, as the old minister knows, Wang Wenchang is a little brave and a good general, but this person is appointed by Dong Zhuo, and His Highness Hongnong does not necessarily dare to accept Wang Wenchang.” ”

Lu Zhi’s words Qin Bin listened to clearly, and at the same time remembered who this Wang Hong was.

I remember that there seems to be no such person in the speech, but there is a slight record in the official history, and Qin Bin’s memory of studying history before is somewhat blurred.

It is only remembered that shortly after Dong Zhuo’s death, Wang Hong was appointed by Wang Yun to garrison Youfufeng, one of the three assistants, and was defeated and killed by Li Wei and Guo Qiang, who counterattacked Chang’an in the third year of Houchuping.

In essence, Wang Hong should be regarded as a member of Wang Yun’s faction, but now that Wang Yun is in a delicate situation in Luoyang, he lives cautiously, how can the people of his faction dare to take in the person Dong Zhuo wants to kill.

Of course, Qin Bin can also forcibly capture Hongnong, after all, it is still his fiefdom de jure, but Hongnong is not only a person under Wang Yun’s faction, Hongnong also has a Yang family family that is not inferior to the Yuan family at all, even if he really captures Hongnong, there are many elbows in governance.

After thinking about it, Qin Bin asked again, “Master Lu, who is the current captain of the division?” ”

The captain of the division is equivalent to the state pastor and the history of the assassination in terms of duties.

Because the two capitals were under the jurisdiction of the division, there was no prefecture or shi, but only a division under the lieutenant’s department.

Lu Zhi was stunned for a moment, as if he heard something from Qin Bin’s question, and thought about the current situation today, and finally sighed and said, “Before the old minister left Luoyang City, I heard that Dong Zhuo wanted to use the Dunhuang people to Gaixun, and Gai Yuangu was the captain of the division.

It’s just that I don’t know if anything has changed now.

However, the old minister to Emperor Fu Yizhen led 30,000 troops to station in Youfufeng at this time, and if he could persuade Yizhen to greet him, His Highness could gain a foothold in the land of Sanfu.

However, the guards of Nahangu Pass and Tongguan are all confidants of Dong Zhuo, and if they can’t pass these two levels and can’t enter the Sanfu, it is very rare to get the help of Huangfu Yi. ”

Qin Bin was silent for a while, and after a little thought, he spoke, “Master Lu should know that today, if there is no military power in his hands, there is no place to stay, but duckweed has no results, and the bright moon has no roots, so he can’t say that he will die violently one day.”

Since Dong Zhuo entered the dynasty, Tianwei has not existed, and how many people have the heart of the county chief of Tianxia Prefecture to the Han family?

Then that Cao Mengde gave an edict, leading to the mighty and powerful, if it was the first emperor, who dared to besiege Luoyang?

Now that the Kanto clan Hao Qiangming is on the side of the Qing monarch, he actually just wants to be the second Dong Zhuo. ”

“Hey, His Highness can see it through, it’s just…” Lu Zhi hesitated, as if he wanted to say something.

Qin Bin understood it, and said with relief, “Master Lu rest assured, as long as the Great Han Tianzi is still alone, no matter how chaotic the world is, it will not collapse in a blink of an eye, I just want to find a place to stay, and when the army is strong and strong, if the Son of Heaven is wise, I will be the Son of Heaven and not a subordinate.” ”

What if the Son of Heaven is not wise enough?

Lu Zhi didn’t ask, and Qin Bin didn’t say.

Lu Zhi was relieved in his heart, at least for now, it seemed that King Hongnong’s thoughts were not harmful to the great Han foundation that was now within reach.

As for whether the son is wise or not in the future, King Hongnong insists on replacing him, and that is reasonable.

After all, the position of the Son of Heaven originally belonged to King Hongnong, and as long as King Hongnong was not in a hurry, Lu Zhi was relieved.

Moreover, as far as the current point of view, King Hongnong is very clear and king, if he can really occupy the three auxiliaries, expand and merge in the north, Liang, embrace the two rivers in the south, keep the Han Valley Pass and peep into the world, and really achieve the hegemony of the first emperor and Gaozu, for the Great Han, maybe it is Guangwu in the world.

After thinking it through, Lu Zhizuo bowed and decided, “His Highness treats the old minister with courtesy, and the old minister treats the old minister as a liver and brain, and seeks a place for His Highness!” ”

Qin Bin was overjoyed and quickly helped Lu Zhi, “With the help of Master Lu, I will definitely be able to take the land of the three auxiliaries!” ”

After Lu Zhi sat upright, he continued, “Your Highness, please tell the old minister the truth, how many His Highness’s subordinates are?” ”

Qin Bin secretly calculated and said truthfully, “Master Lu, to be honest, within three days, our troops will arrive one after another, and we can gather about three thousand elite horses. ”

Lu Zhi was shocked in his heart, and asked again, “What are the ordnance, and the food and food supply geometry?” ”

“I have secret guards to replenish along the way, even if I provide food for an army of 350,000, there is no pressure. There is no shortage of ordnance, even siege equipment, and my secret guards can also be sent to the vicinity of Hangu Pass. ”

“Hiss~” Hearing Qin Bin say this, Lu Zhi gasped, although he didn’t know what ‘dark guard’ was, but he also understood that this was Qin Bin’s confidence in peeping at Sanfu, and at the same time he was more at ease.

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