They were so tired that they were sweating, and the severe pain began to appear again. However, they were not tired but very happy.

It was not until sunset that the two returned home. At this time, Xu's family had prepared dinner and their medicinal diet.

In order to mend the body of the two children, Xu bit his teeth and killed the only old hen who laid eggs in the family. When the two children were still at the gate of the hospital, they had already smelled the smell of chicken, which made them stir their fingers!

Two people can't wait to run into the house, see Xu is carrying a pot of medicated chicken, the aroma is delicious!

Liu he had been immune to meat in his previous life, but his stomach was really miserable. He had forgotten what the chicken was like in his mouth, not to mention Zhang Yong. It was estimated that he had never eaten it twice.

Liu Qian and Xu's two adults moved only one or two pieces of chicken, and they did not eat more, which made Liu he feel full of emotion. The parents of this life are really good to themselves.

"I can't just care about myself. Now that I have a certain foundation, I should make my family's life better."

Liu he thought for a moment and then made a decision.

After finishing the meal, Liu he went to the yard and saw Liu Qian chopping firewood.

"Father, these are not the only herbs that children get from their ancestors. There are many in that mountain stream. The children will pick up some more tomorrow, and the father can take them to the county and town to exchange for some living needs. "

Liu Qian waved his hand and refused.

"My son, don't worry. Since this herb is given to you by your ancestors, you should enjoy it and become a talent as soon as possible. The need of daily life, for the father's own care. "

Looking at his father's forced smile, Liu he felt sad.

"Father, the grandfather said in his dream that if children and Yongzi want to grow stronger, they need to eat more meat in addition to these herbs. The child thought, use these herbs to exchange for some food and meat, so that the body can keep up with the heavier training

After listening to Liu He, Liu Qian's attitude changed immediately.

"Well, it does make sense. Since you and your father have told you to come back, that's what your father said

Liu He waved his hands again and again.

"I don't need this. My father is directly in charge of my own business. Yongzi and I have grown up, and we don't need to bother my father. We can go and pick them ourselves. Although there are few people in the wilderness over there, the ancestors have expelled the wild animals, and there will be no danger when they pass by. "

Liu Qian looked at his son. He was very pleased. He nodded and only explained a few words of caution.

Father and son were talking, and Xu's call came from the room. It turned out that she was ready for a hot bath.

The two children jumped into the barrel and felt very comfortable.

"Ha ha, it's really comfortable. I'm afraid that the life of those big families may not be the same. Young master, let's increase the intensity of training tomorrow. I can handle two dogs! "

Zhang Yong clapped the muscles in the aching part of his body and said happily.

Liu He looked at the silly Zhang Yong and laughed in his heart.

As a modern person, I enjoy bathing, sauna and sweating, so I don't think it's strange. But for Zhang Yong, it's a rare thing.

"Yongzi, you can't worry about this. You have to step by step. Otherwise, it will do harm."

Zhang Yong turned his head and looked at Liu He inexplicably.

"Ah? What sword are you looking for? Childe, do you have any sword lost? Do you want to find it? Just tell Ergou. Even if he has dug out the mountain, he will find it for you! How big is that sword? "

Looking at Zhang Yong's serious face, Liu he patted his forehead, suddenly speechless.

"Well It's not a sword What do you think of this word? It's enough Advanced enough. What I mean is step by step, that is to say, you can't be too anxious, you have to be down-to-earth, one by one. It's the same thing to do things and to be human. "

Zhang Yong was suddenly enlightened. At the same time, he looked at Liu He with worship on his face. Liu he couldn't help but get goose bumps on his body.

"Oh, young master, you know so much. Come on, I'll tell you more about the two dogs, and let them have more insight, so that they can better serve the young master in the future. "

Looking at Zhang Yong's sincere thirst for knowledge, Liu he was not polite. He took advantage of the bath for more than half an hour to educate Zhang Yong.

After the bath, they washed their bodies again, poured out the medicine in the bucket, cleaned them up, and then went to bed.

Although the medicine in this wooden bucket has some weight, it is easy to lift it for the two children today.

Liu he went back to his room and lay down well. After a while, he was just about to fall asleep when the system's emotionless voice sounded, which almost made Liu he get up."Hint: the host gave Zhang Yong some instruction. After Zhang Yong went back to bed to think, he realized something, and his intelligence improved by 1 point."

"Ha ha, the boy looks stupid, but his brain is still very smart. It's good, but he can make materials. It seems that the direction of training in the future should be changed. He can't just be a strong general, but a general with both wisdom and courage!"

Liu he fell asleep in this happy and happy mood.

Early the next morning, Liu He took Zhang Yong up the mountain in a hurry. He picked up all the herbs he had made and the herbs he was going to sell. He also collected an extra ginseng plant and gave it to Zhang Yong. He asked him to take it home to his parents and his sister Zhang Erni. Zhang Yong almost knelt down to thank him.

After Liu Qian got the herbs, he carefully wrapped it with a rag and rushed to the county. These herbs are specially selected by Liu He, belonging to the relatively common species, which are not of high value and will not attract the covetous attention of others.

Ten days passed. On that day, the two children got up early, and the routine came to the back mountain for exercise.

"Young master, today is the day we have made an appointment with Master Zhu. Can I really beat him?"

Liu he patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, you are sure to win this contest! Will I lie to you

In these ten days, it is the most extravagant ten days for my family in terms of food. The porridge of two meals a day is thick enough to stand up chopsticks, and has eaten three meals of meat. It is absolutely unthinkable before!

Liu's health is better than that of Liu Jinhe.

Zhang Yong's military force has reached 40 points, and let himself get 25 points. If he can win again today, it can be called double happiness.

Zhang Yong's nervous mood suddenly eased a lot when he saw that he was so committed.

At this moment, a loud voice came.

"Ha ha, my young master is coming! Two dogs, you wait for me to kowtow and admit defeat , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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