Seeing that many people rushed over, nanduohe said to Liu He, "this strong man, please go back to the post house for a while. Even if they have the courage, they will never dare to rush into the post office and rob people."

Princess Wusun also nodded, a pair of beautiful eyes, not from Liu He half an inch.

"Come in, I'll be safe with you."

Finish saying, she also did not have the slightest taboo, direct hand is going to pull up Liu He.

Liu he just raised his hands and clasped his fists to the two men: "you and take it easy. It's a long time ago that you should be taught a lesson. The princess should return to the inn first, so as not to hurt you."

He left this sentence, the whole person suddenly, like a meteor general jump out.

Princess Wusun was full of adoration: "what a mighty man..."

"Princess, this place is not safe. You'd better go back to the pavilion first," he said to her

However, the princess seemed to turn a deaf ear, staring at Liu He's back for a while, then suddenly turned her head and looked at nanduohe with a very serious look.

"Nanduohe, the princess wants to recruit her husband-in-law."

"Ah?" Nandolh was stunned at the spot by her words.

"Give it to me. Let this boy know how good I am. Come on."

The young man hopped and continued to drink.

And dozens of his guards, together with his entourage of other princes who were especially close to him, all got rid of the battle with the forbidden army and all of them came to Liu He.

Liu He raised his mouth slightly, stretched his arms backward, and twisted his neck: "I haven't fought for a long time. This old bone can be active."

With that, he bent forward with his hands on his hips.

The childe sneered: "tut tut Tut, now I know that it's too late to bend down and beg for mercy."

However, as soon as his voice fell, Liu He straightened up almost in an instant. His hands, which had been folded around his waist, turned into two steel hammers and suddenly fanned out.


A pair of meat palms directly collided with the weapons of the two fighters. Liu he leaned forward and turned his fist into a palm, holding the other party's knife handle in an instant.


After a light drink, the two long swords were all taken away by Liu He, and he followed him closely. He chopped the swords according to the situation. After hearing the "jingle" two sharp sounds, he cut off the weapons of two other guards on the spot.

"Wow It's so fierce, so brave. " Princess Wusun couldn't take her eyes off and praised her again and again.

However, nanduohe was anxious: "princess, it's better to return to the post office first."

But Princess Wusun was reluctant: "I'm not afraid. I'm safe with this warrior."

On the other side of the street, Yang Xiu looked at everything in front of him with a look of "the world is in control".

"General Zhang, thank you for reminding you? Look at the woman's eyes. She looks like she's not married. Tut Tut, think about it. If such good things are disturbed by you, your majesty will not chop you up? "

Zhang jaw is also secretly happy: "young master Yang's kindness, a family will remember, in the future it will be rewarded."

Gong saner on one side takes a look at them, but he doesn't speak.

On the other hand, Liu he showed great power, and more than 100 fighters were knocked down by him in a flash. Although many weapons were attacked, they could not get close to him.

Liu He in the crowd, deft, a look of lack of interest.

"Oh, no fun, no fun. Now, the bodyguards of these big families in Luoyang have only this ability? Compared with the most common soldiers in the army, they are more than one notch different. How can you protect your master and son with such skill? "

Under his ridicule, many young masters were infuriated.

"All of you, don't fight with the forbidden army, and kill the boy who doesn't know the sky and the earth."

At the same time, more than a dozen young master ordered, and hundreds of thugs all rushed towards Liu He.

At this time, a violent drink came.

"Stop it all!"

The voice was very loud and full of vitality, which attracted everyone to look at the past.

I saw a man in general's armor, with another team of forbidden troops, quickly walked over.

When nandolh saw the man appear, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "well, Captain Ma is here, we are safe."

Ma Xiaowei was very angry and fierce. He was a veteran of the battlefield for many years. He came to the public and glanced at it.

"How dare you harass the post houses where foreign envoys are stationed, and even fight against the imperial court's forbidden army without authorization. You are totally lawless. If you come here, you will be arrested by our general."

"Wait a minute." Several young men came forward.

"Do you know who we are and dare to arrest us?"

Ma Xiaowei glanced at them, then sneered: "yes, it's just some dandies of some big families in the city. Don't say it's you. Even if you wait for the parents behind you to come, you don't dare to collide with the post office or challenge the forbidden army.""You..."

"Shut up. When you are small, you are disturbing the stability of the capital. When you are big, you are not aware of the rules and regulations and don't pay attention to your majesty. Now, you still don't know how to introspect yourself and dare to be so arrogant. Ma has always recognized his majesty and only military discipline. Who dares to break into the post, but whoever he is, can be killed on the spot. Do you want to have a try? "

As soon as the words came out, those childish brothers seemed to feel a murderous spirit coming on their faces, and they could not help but retreat a step back.

Zhang jaw looked at the Ma Xiaowei, and his face was full of praise. "This Ma Xiaowei is upright and fearless of power and power, but he is a talent. I don't know which general trained him?"

Gong three son answered, "according to the servants, the horse captain is a former general, who was transferred back to the Luoyang army three years ago and served as one of the army's school officers. He was sent to his majesty to take charge of the post guard.

"Ah, it's no wonder that it's from commander Yun's army. With his temperament, the officers and men he can train should be somewhat arrogant."

Zhang maxillofacial shows admiration.

But Yang Xiu said, "general, it's your turn to show up."

"Well? Ah? " Some of the jaw didn't respond.

Yang Xiu pointed to Liu He's side: "Your Majesty is disguised now. General Ma is a rude man, and he must not recognize him. Do you want to see your majesty really captured in prison?"

"Yes, yes, almost forgotten." Zhang jaw slapped hard on the forehead and then ran out in a big stride.

Ma Xiaowei waved his hand and said, "take all of them and send them to Luoyang prison for trial and conviction."

"You You dare. "

"How dare you Ah, what are you going to do

A group of forbidden troops came quickly, and without saying a word, they arrested all the young masters and their accompanying thugs.

When several forbidden soldiers were about to attack Liu He, Princess Wusun quickly stopped drinking.

"Wait, he He's here to save me. You can't arrest him. "

Ma Wei looked at her without any care. "Bumping into the post of the museum has the final say. Although he came to help him, he could be guilty or not."


"No, but. Whether you are a foreign envoy, a princess or a maid, you have nothing to do with Ma. Ma only knows how to act in accordance with the laws of the court and the will of his majesty. "

Ma Xiaowei interrupted Princess Wusun.

Princess Wusun wanted to explain a few more words, but was stopped by nanduohe: "Your Highness, this is the politics of the Han Dynasty. We can't interfere. At that time, I will go to their government office to testify for this strong man, and prove that he is really here to help guard the post house, not to make trouble. I want to be here to protect him. "

But even if he said so, Princess Wusun's eyes looked at Liu He with worry.

However, Ma Xiaowei was not concerned about these, he angrily cried: "what are you still in a daze to do, do not catch up?"

Liu he carried his hands behind him, and did not mean to resist at all. He allowed the two guards to take the rope and put it on him.

"Bold, not assistant?"

Zhang jaw came to Liu He and pushed the two guards away.

"General Zhang? How can you be here? " Ma Xiaowei doesn't know why.

Zhang jaw turned a deaf ear to his words, picked up the rope on Liu He's body, threw it aside, and then knelt down.

"Please forgive me for your late arrival."

In a word, let all the people present stand on the spot.

Those childish brothers opened their mouths and looked at Liu He: "he He He he he He is... "

Ma Xiaowei quickly regained consciousness and shook his head repeatedly: "no, no, I have seen your majesty many times in the army. He is not at all, general Zhang. Are you confused?"

Zhang jaw turned his head and glared at him fiercely: "if you don't have long eyes, don't you come to ask for a crime?"

"Well, those who don't know are not guilty."

Liu he said something lazily and stretched out his hand to tear off the whiskers on his face.

"This dress of mine is to prevent people from seeing it. It's reasonable that he can't recognize it. Get up."

Ma Xiaowei looks flustered and kneels down.

"Well, as I said just now, those who do not know are not guilty. Do you want to resist the order?"

Liu He's voice, not angry since Wei, let Ma Xiaowei just kneel half of the knee, and stopped, and then abruptly stood up straight.

"More Thank you, your majesty

"No need to thank you. I just don't want to investigate you for arresting me. The rest of the blame still needs to be investigated."

Liu He's words, let Ma Xiaowei "poop", or kneel down.

Liu He took a look at him: "you shoulder the security of the post office, but you can't make good investigation and careful arrangement, so that the gangsters will bump into the envoys and disobey my law and discipline. In vain, I will be humiliated and should have been beheaded. However, if you can remedy it in time, and you are not afraid of power, you should be exempted from the death penalty, be demoted to three levels, and be demoted to the Marquis of the army. You can go to Hulao to guard the pass today. ""I thank your majesty for not killing."

Ma Xiaowei kowtowed three times to Liu He, stood up and went straight to the gate of the city.

To this time, those childish brothers only then thoroughly reacts, hastily kneels down to beg for mercy.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

"We really don't know your Majesty's presence. Your majesty forgive me..."

Liu he didn't even bother to look at them. He waved: "drag it down and enter the prison for trial."

In their howling and begging for mercy, Liu He walked slowly to Princess Wusun.

"I didn't observe for a while, which surprised you."

Nanduohe was flattered and said, "I dare not. Today I know your Majesty's heavenly power. No wonder the Great Han can be so powerful. After the foreign ministers go back, they must publicize his Majesty's divine power and virtue to our country's Lord and subjects."

"Well, it's the best."

Liu He made a gesture of "please" to the post house: "you two, please go back to the post house and have a rest..."

He did not finish his words, Princess Wusun suddenly burst out a voice: "emperor, I like you, you marry me."

"Well? What? " Liu he was stunned on the spot.

Nanduohe was so frightened that he almost gasped for breath, and his old face turned red: "Princess Hall Your highness, don't talk nonsense... "

But the princess didn't care. She looked at Liu He and repeated it very seriously: "my name is Elia. I'm the third princess of Wusun state. On the 17th of this year, I like you. I want you to be my husband-in-law."

"Your Highness, shut up." Instead of paying attention to the courtesies, nandolh put his hand over Elia's mouth.

"This is the emperor of the Great Han Dynasty. How could he be the son-in-law of Wusun state?"

"Woo..." Elia broke away from him and said, "I don't care. I like him anyway. I don't care whether he is an emperor or a tramp. I want to marry him."

Liu he heard his eyelids jump: "ha ha Hehe, women from the western regions, as expected It's very straightforward indeed. "

But Princess Wusun refused: "you say, do you like me? Will you marry me

"Bold!" Without waiting for Liu He to reply, Gong san'er angrily rebuked: "my son of the Han Dynasty, there has been a queen for a long time. How can I marry another woman? If you want to send the princess to marry, you can only be accepted as a concubine by your majesty. How dare you have the desire to marry? "

"Talk a lot." Liu He drinks to rebuke a sentence, Gong san'er quickly denounces a crime to retreat.

Liu he said to the princess kindly: "the princess has a beautiful country and a pleasant temperament. I don't think I should like it? But... "

"So you just like me? Great. When are you going to marry me? I think, how about today? I'm so happy, nandolph, come on, get me a dress... "

Liu He looked at the princess and said to himself over there. He couldn't help but twitch in the corners of his eyes: "it's a very good girl. How could she be raised such a character A little bit A little nervous... "

It is absolutely impossible for Liu He, a normal man with Princess Wusun's beauty, to say that he is not moved. However, Liu He, who has been on the throne for many years, will not be such a eager person, so he has taken more consideration.

hard duo asked for a sin: "the kingdom of heaven brought the princess into the mission, but it did not pass. It was a sin to die. Now the princess has bumping against her majesty. Please forgive me. When the foreign ministers return to China, they will certainly ask the Lord of the state to send more tribute to show their sincerity of atonement. "

His forehead was covered with sweat and he looked nervous.

Liu he said with a smile: "ha ha, your princess's childlike nature, I will not put it in my heart. However, this marriage is very important. We should wait until we have passed the national documents. If the head of state of your country has leisure time, he can go to Luoyang and discuss it formally at that time. "

He neither agreed nor refused. After all, between the two countries, the Great Han Dynasty is the sovereign state, and Wusun is only a vassal state. If you want to marry the princess to the royal family of the Han Dynasty, it is up to Wusun state to take the initiative to ask for relatives from another country for a woman?

But this fell to Princess Wusun's ears, but she felt that Liu he had promised to marry. Otherwise, why should she see her father? In this way, she could not help cheering.

"Well, well, I'm sorry for what happened today. I'll arrange a separate residence for your mission. Someone will come and take you later. I'll go back to the Palace first because of the busy state affairs."

"Farewell to your majesty."

After seeing Liu He off, he could not help but sigh at the princess who was still elated.

"There is no danger There is no danger... "

He rubbed his chest and wiped the sweat off his forehead, but on second thought, his face suddenly showed a happy look.

"Ah If the princess can really be a big man, the son of heaven is a noble concubine, then we Wusun state will not become the relatives of the Han? At that time, the entire western regions, which country should not be polite to our country, and how can it not take more interests in the trade and trade with the Han people? Well, this is a great advantage. After I return home, I will try to make it happen. At that time, I will become the first meritorious official in the diplomatic relations between the two countries... "On the way back to the palace, Liu he suddenly said: "Yang Xiu, you stopped him before, didn't let him come to rescue him?"

Yang Xiu also did not deny: "Huibi, it is really a small minister."

Liu he did not ask the reason, but boasted: "you are smart, guess a lot of things."

Yang Xiu bowed his head and laughed: "Your Majesty, what I have guessed is more than that."

"Oh? What else? " Liu he was a little interested.

The emperor thought that it was for the sake of his majesty that they wanted to rob the post house

Liu he was also a little surprised: "Oh? How do you know that? "

"It's simple. As far as I know, although she has been in Beijing for many days, this princess Wusun has always lived in seclusion and never appeared. In the past few days, she only showed her unique appearance in laotao lane. In the past, these noble princes did not disdain to go to those places to eat, so they naturally did not see the beauty of the princess with their own eyes. Although these men are dandy, I know that they are fierce and cowardly, and have few opinions. I will never dare to come to the Inn and make trouble or even start to rob people just by a few hearsay. "

Liu He beauty PICK: "go on."

Yang Xiu seems to have been encouraged in general, speed up a few points.

"The only possibility is that some of their confidants secretly instigated and abetted the princess's appearance and even the consequences of the riot with them, and explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the incident. He also deliberately linked these more than ten people together to make them brave each other, so that they would dare to do such extravagant things. "

When Yang Xiu said this, though he lowered his head and bowed his body, his elation and complacency were also expressed.

"Pa pa pa pa..." Liu He touched his hands several times: "he is really the eldest son of Taiwei. He is really smart. I hope that in the future, you can carry forward this wisdom in the Imperial College teaching, and cultivate and select more talents for the imperial court, otherwise... "

Speaking of the last two words, Liu He's tone suddenly changed. Even Zhang jaw and Gong san'er all heard the murderous spirit. However, Yang Xiu was just in the moment when he was proud of himself. He only heard those praises in front of him, which made him more encouraged.

"Thanks to your Majesty's praise, I will try my best to live up to the emperor's kindness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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