Dian Wei is good at walking, and naturally his feet are more powerful. At the moment, neither of them has a mount. Therefore, after such a rush, he soon left Wei Yan behind and took the lead in Liu Zheng's cavalry.

"Who dares to break into the army without permission?"

A Yulin Feiqi rode his horse forward. When he was about to ask questions, Dian Wei suddenly gave a violent drink and then jumped up.


He kicked the soldier off the horse, but he didn't get on the horse. Instead, he grabbed the other party's saber. At the same time, he pulled the reins and yelled at Wei Yan behind him: "Wen Chang, your horse."

Wei Yan stepped forward quickly, stepped on the horse's back, took over the gun from Dianwei, and threw it a few times.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time It's just that this spear is not as good as a long knife. "

"Ha ha, a family also thinks that this big knife is not as good as double halberds, so I'll make use of it soon."

As they were saying this, a group of cavalry rushed over and said, "who are you waiting for? How dare you kill our soldiers and seek death?"

Wei Yan raised his eyebrows: "general Dian, let's go?"

Dian Wei exclaimed excitedly, "what are you waiting for? A family has been looking forward to this day. Kill... "

They went straight to the cavalry, and settled each other very neatly.

Liu Zheng, who was killing the enemy happily, suddenly heard the noise nearby. He turned his head and looked around and found the two men.

"Isn't that Wei Yan and Dian Wei? They were obviously caught by the father and the fifth uncle. How could they appear here? Did they escape? "

After thinking for a moment, Liu Zhengyi bit his lips: "Hey, since they have thrown themselves into the net, they are caught again today."

After that, he called Guan Ping and Cheng Yang, and with a team of cavalry, turned to run toward Dianwei.

Wei Yanqi, on horseback, was higher than Dian Wei in the initial battle, and soon found Liu Zheng and others. He and Dianwei once met Liu Zheng when they were prisoners in the army, so they recognized them immediately.

"Dian Wei, look, isn't that Liu He's son?"

Dian Wei looked at him and was immediately overjoyed: "ha ha, it's really him. Liu He is not a good thing. His son must also be a cunning and crafty person. Kill him first, and then go to find Liu He."

Wei Yan was also thinking: "if you can kill or capture Liu Zheng alive, it will be a great achievement."

The two men went hand in hand and rushed to Liu Zheng.

The two sides soon met, and immediately scuffled to one place.

"Well, good thief, how dare you escape without permission. I'll kill you today."

Dianwei sneered and said, "hum, I can't help myself."

He opened his legs and rushed up ahead of Wei Yan. He waved a big knife and collided with Liu Zheng's spear.

"System Tip: Dian Wei vs. Liu Zheng. Dianwei's basic force is 102 points. However, due to slight injuries and overwork over long distances, his force is reduced by 6 points. Without equipment bonus, he triggers stunt "step warfare" and increases his force by 5 points. Trigger the stunt "valiant" and increase the force by 4 points. Because we are not fighting side by side with the Lord Cao Cao or fighting for the protection of Cao Cao, the stunt "guard" has not been triggered yet. "

"Dianwei's current comprehensive force is 105 points."

"Liu Zheng broke away from the influence of Huang Zhong's" Laocheng "stunt and restored his comprehensive force to 98 points."

Under only one face-to-face, Liu Zheng's weapon was shocked by a huge force, and almost left again.

"It's a good Dian Wei. As it is said, he has the courage of ghosts and gods."

"Brother, I'll help you."

Guan Ping and Cheng Yang yelled at the same time, waving their weapons and attacking from both sides.

Dian Weisi is not afraid. He looks at Cao Cao in the distance, and he suddenly feels that his whole body has endless strength.

"Three thieves, I'll see you on the road today."

When Wei Yan saw that he was fighting alone with three men, he was in a hurry. He immediately clapped his horse and rushed to join in the fight: "general Dian, you and I will join hands to fight quickly."

"System prompt: Wei Yan joins the battle. Wei Yan's basic force was 96 points, without equipment bonus, triggering the special effect "success" -- when he was eager to perform or perform meritorious deeds, his combat effectiveness was greatly increased, and his force was increased by 4 points. Wei Yan's current comprehensive force is 100 points. "

Together, the two men immediately defeated Liu Zheng. If it was not for a group of Yu Lin Fei riding guards around, who would attack Dian Wei and Wei Yan from time to time, Liu Zheng and others would have been injured by the two men if they did not fight each other for more than ten times.

XiaHouYuan sharp eyed, the first to find this anomaly: "Lord, look, there is a situation."

Cao Cao looked at the past, and suddenly became suspicious: "these two people's bodies, it seems that I'm quite familiar with it. I don't know who killed me suddenly. How dare you ruin my plan? "

"These two men were about to defeat Liu Zheng. At that time, the enemy troops retreated rapidly. Liu he thought it was our army's plan. All the previous work was in vain. It was even more difficult for our army to conquer Hulao pass."

Cheng Yu's words made Cao Cao angry from his heart.

"Send someone to find out immediately who is so bold?"After a while, one of the scouts came back: "my Lord, the two generals, Dianwei and Weiyan, did not know how to escape from the enemy prison. Suddenly they killed and were fighting with the enemy."

"What? Dian Wei and Wei Yan Cao Cao was stunned.

Xu Chu directly cheered: "great, general Dianwei is the first strong general of our army, he came back at the right time."

"Nonsense, it's clear that it's not the right time to come back." Cao Hong refuted: "when the Lord's plan to show weakness is about to succeed, they happened to kill them at this time. Hum, I'm afraid there is something wrong in it."

"What uncle said was right, especially Wei Yan, who was always ambitious and deep-seated. Maybe he had already surrendered to Liu He and deliberately came to make trouble."

Cao Shu rolled his eyes, a burst of sarcasm, immediately attracted Jingzhou generals' dissatisfaction.

"What does the major general mean? Why should we only suspect Wei Yan? Did he come for the generals and soldiers of Jingzhou? "

"We Jingxiang generals have always been loyal to the Lord. We can learn from heaven and earth. It's really chilling that the young general is so suspicious."

"Yes, general Wei is not easy to escape. We should celebrate. How can we suspect the general at will?"

Zhang Yun, Wen pin and others refuted one after another.

"All shut up." Cao Cao roared, and the crowd fell silent.

Looking around him, he said with some anger: "Cai Mao, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, or Dian Wei are all generals of our army. They are colleagues and brothers with you. How can we speculate for no reason? Since they were able to get out of danger, it was a great joy. Even if they failed in their plans, they were also unintentionally lost. Why should they be wrong? "

With him, no matter how much discontent they still have in their hearts, they dare not say anything more.

However, everyone did not notice that when Cao Cao looked at Wei Yan and others again, his eyes crossed to kill the opportunity.

"My Lord." Guo Jia said: "now that the scheme of showing weakness and luring the enemy has failed, the only way to do this is to work hard and quickly defeat the vanguard enemy force, to defeat the enemy's spirit, and then immediately launch the whole army to attack the city. At the same time, sun and Liu armies are invited to act as a response. Liu Hebi did not expect that our army would launch a general attack so soon, so that there is a chance of victory. "

When Cao Cao heard the speech, he nodded slightly: "well, just follow this plan. I immediately wrote a letter in hand and sent someone to sun and Liu's army, inviting them to send troops at the same time. "

"Among the enemy troops, there are a large number of cavalry. I'm afraid it's only part of them. Zhao Yun's flying feather riding and Guan Yu's Zijin dragon riding have never been deployed. If our army attacks a city and the other side sends out cavalry to attack the city in real time, our army will be unable to defend."

"The Opera master said it well." Xia Houyuan looked discontented: "now all the horse farms in the north are under the control of Liu He. With the help of the secluded, peaceful and cool grasslands, he does not know how many horses he has reared and how many cavalry he has trained. The plain wilderness outside Hulao pass is the place where the enemy cavalry can not be prevented. The battle is beginning to take shape. "

After hearing this, Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly: "hum, this secret means is not only Liu He has. Xu Chu. "

"The end will be in."

"The new army that I ordered you to train with Dianwei is ready now?"

Xu Chu replied sonorously and forcefully: "Lord, don't worry, you can attack at any time. Now that general Dianwei returns, he can fight with all his strength."

"Good." Cao Cao's face more than a few points of self-confidence smile: "Liu He, Liu He, you and I all kinds of enmities, then in this war, together to solve it."

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