The two arrows of the two men, later and first, hit one of Xia Houyuan's sharp arrows and Huang Zhong's sharp arrows from the side, while Zhu Ye easily beat the first arrow shot by Xia Houyuan.

Seeing that Zhu Ye is finally forced to a desperate situation, he is suddenly dissolved by two people who are killed suddenly. Xia Houyuan and Huang Zhong are furious.

"Where's the thief who dares to block me?"

Xia Houyuan did not say a word, but raised his hand was an arrow.

Qu Hang is not in a hurry, but also a shot back.

"The system indicates that Xia Houyuan and Qu hang are facing each other, and Xia Houyuan's hatred for Qu Hang is relatively low. Therefore, the shooting skill of" crazy bow "is reduced from 5 points to 3 points, and the current comprehensive shooting skill of Xia Houyuan is 105 points."

Qu hang quickly dodged the arrow, and at the same time beat it forward with the broken cloud bow, then shot Xia Houyuan's feather arrow upward. Then he put out a big hand to catch the feather arrow and put on the bow string.

"The system indicates that Qu hang triggers the" return fire "special effect, and the shooting skill is increased by 2 points. Xia Houyuan's current shooting skill is 105 points, with a single digit of 5. Qu hang absorbs half of the value and discards the decimal point, and increases by 2 points. The comprehensive shooting skill of Qu hang becomes 105 points."

"It's a good way to catch my arrow out of thin air."

Xia Houyuan secretly said strange, but he did not stop and shot an arrow again.

The two men have come and go. One arrow goes back and forth among the army of scuffle, which is very fierce. Zhang jaw also fights with Huang Zhong.

"The system prompts: Huang Zhong triggers the" king of bow "stunt and absorbs half of the gain effect of jaw opening and shooting related special effects. The" non shooting "special effect of jaw opening is increased by 5 points, Huang Zhong absorbs 2 points, and the current comprehensive shooting skill is increased to 110 points."

"After two points were absorbed in the open jaw surgery, the comprehensive shooting was reduced to 105 points."

Zhang jaw and Qu hang were obviously in a weak position against Xia Houyuan and Huang Zhong. However, their shooting skills were also very exquisite. In addition, their horses under their hips were better and they were able to run and move flexibly in the battlefield. Therefore, it was difficult for the other party to shoot them.

Cao Cao frowned: "miaocai and Hansheng, although their shooting skills are more sophisticated, they are also difficult to capture and kill the enemy generals. If Zhu Ye is killed in the chaos, he will encounter any one of miaocai and Hansheng with his terrible martial arts. I'm afraid the two generals will die."

When Cao Ren heard the speech, he immediately said, "my Lord, I will ask for war at the end."

"The last general is willing to go to war."

"My little nephew is willing to go."

Cao Chun and Cao Shu came out one after another. Looking at Cao's generals, Li Dian, Le Jin, Yu ban, Wei Yan and Wen pin of Jingzhou were not willing to fall behind.

"No Cheng Yu said: "Zhu Ye is now superior in martial arts. He is no longer what he used to be. In our army, at least three of the five generals, XiahouDun, XiaHouYuan, Huangzhong, Dianwei and xuchu, will have some chance to win. At present, general Dianwei and Xu Chu have other military orders. General Xia Houyuan is entangled by Naqu hang, and general Xia Houdun is seriously injured by several generals, Even if he is brave enough, he will lose a lot if he wants to defeat Zhu Ye. "

Although he said this politely, it was clearly belittled. Even if it was true, Cao Ren and others immediately looked a little unhappy.

However, Cao Cao nodded and said, "what Zhongde said is not bad. You are all our favorite generals in the army. How can I know that it is a dead end and let you go to war?"

Cao Hong was in a hurry first: "but are many of our army's generals scared away by a mere Zhu ye?"

Cao Cao looked sad and said, "this..."

He looks up at Zhu ye, who has been hurtling in the army all the way to XiaHouYuan's direction. He is also worried. If he really let him catch up with Xia Houyuan, I'm afraid Xia Houyuan will not have the luck of Xia Houdun.

At this time, Guo Jia suddenly said: "my Lord, since we want to compare shooting skills, there is one person in our army. If he is sent to fight, he will surely surpass the other party. Even it is not impossible to shoot Zhu ye, Zhang jaw and Qu hang."

Cao Cao's expression was awe inspiring: "what fengxiao said is The man? "

Guo Jia nodded heavily: "yes. Only this man in our army can surpass the other. Although he has lost his martial arts skills, he still has insight, and his shooting skills are better than before. Since he served as a martial arts teacher in our army, he has benefited many generals. If you want him to fight Zhu Ye head-on, he is not a united enemy. However, if you want to shoot Zhu ye with a bow and arrow, I think it is still a few percent certain. Even if it fails, it will disturb Zhu Ye's deeds. In this way, the safety of general Xia Houyuan can be kept, and the morale of our army can be stabilized. "

As soon as Cao Cao heard this, he immediately said, "OK, go and ask him to come."

Zhu Ye showed his great power and made all the soldiers of the Han Army high spirited. He had high prestige in the army. Now he is so brave. What's more, in the past, tens of thousands of soldiers, especially the five hundred Thor riders under his command, all fought bravely, yelling and killing the enemy at the same time.

In addition, Zhang jaw and Qu hang entangled the two generals of the other side, making the originally stalemate situation of the two sides gradually incline towards the Han army. The thunder god riding and the flying feather riding, not only broke through the Cao army's blockade and blockade, but also used guerrilla tactics to fight back Cao's army. In a flash, there were thousands of Cao's troops lying dead in the wilderness above."The generals of the Han Dynasty are indeed extremely powerful and courageous. Today, foreign ministers and other officials have opened their eyes."

"It's good. It's eye opening. I'm so impressed."

Many envoys praised each other.

Guan Yu's face was full of satisfaction and satisfaction. He stroked Meiran: "my fifth brother has been closed for half a month, and has really made a lot of progress. No one in Cao's army is his enemy. "

At this time, Zhang Yong suddenly pointed to the distance: "Your Majesty, look, there is another enemy out."

When he saw Cao Cao, he went to the battlefield.

"Well? Do you think the figure of the man seems familiar to you

Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes opened slightly and kept a close eye on the enemy general.

The man is about 300 steps away from the tower. It is impossible for ordinary people to see his appearance. However, Liu He and others have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and they often use medicated food and medicated bath to recuperate. Their eyesight is extraordinary.

Several people looked at it carefully, and the more they saw it, the more familiar they felt.

All of a sudden, Zhang Yong smashed the wall with a blow: "it's him!"

Although he didn't say his name, Liu He and other people understood at the same time. They all looked at the enemy general with incredible eyes.

"Why How can it be? Isn't he dead? "

Liu He also said: "in those days, Yunhai County reported that the prison where the exiled slaves were held suddenly caught fire, which killed more than 100 slaves and more than 10 prison officials. Among them, he was one of them. How could he suddenly come back to life after a few years, and still appear in the Cao army?"

Several civil servants didn't have that kind of eyes, and they didn't know what they were talking about. But Xun's eyes turned and he seemed to think of something.

"Your Majesty said Is it... "

Liu He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "yes, it must be him, Lv Bu, LV Fengxian!"

"What? This How could it be? "

In addition to Guan Yu and other people, all the other generals were shocked. Only a lot of envoys from the western regions were puzzled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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