The next morning, Liu he summoned Guan Yu and others.

"Brothers, do you know who is familiar with the tiger? It's better to be bold. "

In addition to experience and knowledge, courage is indispensable to domesticate this fierce beast.

Liu he checked last night and found that the little black tiger was male. Generally, in cats, the male's physique and ferocity are far higher than that of the female.

That female tiger weighs 15600 kg. If the little black tiger grows up, it will be at least 17800 kg, which is equivalent to more than 400 kg of Liu He's previous life. That one is almost catching up with a buffalo. It is absolutely majestic.

Guan Yu, Cheng Liang and ye Xiang have no way to deal with Liu He's problem. After all, they are foreigners, and their understanding of the local population is not as good as that of Zhang Yong and Zhu Ye.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly brightened: "ah, I think of a person. My father once said that in the village next door, a hunter killed a tiger more than 20 years ago. The hunter goes up the mountain to look for tigers every year. According to his own account, he has found traces of tigers many times. However, he is not good at martial arts. He usually escapes first and then prepares traps according to the habits of the tiger. "

Liu Hutton became interested and immediately asked: "yes, in this case, he must know something about tigers. Otherwise, it is impossible to set a trap to successfully capture tigers. Where is this person now? Why have you never heard of it? "

Zhang Yong looked gloomy: "if you often walk by the river, you can't keep your shoes wet. The man met a tiger on the mountain 15 years ago and died at the mouth of the tiger. However, he left a posthumous son who grew up listening to his mother's story about the hero father. Over time, he also learned something about the situation of tigers from these stories. It is said that a few years ago, he once set traps according to the tiger's habits, but his power was too weak, leaving only a little tiger's fur. "

Liu he was a little disappointed when he heard the speech, but thinking about it was better than nothing. Since he could leave the tiger's fur, it showed that the knowledge and experience he had learned was indeed right.

"Good! That's him! Fourth brother, take some food to visit him immediately, and try to bring him to our village. I have great use! "

Looking at Liu He's excited expression, Zhang Yong and others are a little strange.

"Brother, do you want that boy to take care of the black tiger?" Guan Yu asked.

Liu He nodded with a smile: "not bad. What's more, I'll train the black tiger to be the unparalleled mount in the world

Listening to Liu he said this, everyone was a little surprised, but then turned into ecstasy.

"Ha ha, good, big brother is really good! If the big brother's black tiger is domesticated successfully, then our brothers will go to catch some fierce tigers and play with them! "

Several people teased a few words, Zhang Yong said goodbye, went to the warehouse to get some food, rode straight to the young man's home.

In the care of the people did not find, Liu he can only take the black king with him.

Also do not know why, this black king only in Liu He's arms will be a little bit more secure, to tease it in others, are all grinning, no good face to see.

Because of this, many villagers felt that the black king had been conquered by Liu He, and they immediately admired him even more. Many people regarded Liu He as their idol.

While practicing, Zhang Yong came back with a teenager, and Liu he rushed to meet him.

"Boy, Zhao Chang has met Mr. Liu!"

The young man saluted respectfully, which made Liu He's first impression very good.

"System, check the attribute of Zhao Chang."

"Inquiry, please wait..."

"Ding, Zhao Chang's current attributes: commander-in-chief 16, military force 32, intelligence 31, politics 13, special attributes: none, special effects: None"

"the attributes are regular, nothing strange, but anyway, I don't need him to do other things. It's enough to raise the black king."

Liu He looks at Zhao Chang with a smile.

"Sure enough, he is calm and generous. He is a talent! My fourth brother must have told you what to do with you? Are you confident? "

Zhao Chang looked at the black tiger lying at Liu He's feet. His eyes were bright.

"My mother told me when I was a child that my father had always wanted to catch tigers, learn from tigers, and even raise tigers. Since I was young, I have searched all kinds of books and notebooks left by my father. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to see a real tiger. My mother died two years ago, and now I am alone. My only wish in this life is to realize my father's legacy Yes. As long as Mr. Liu gives me a chance, I will take good care of it! "

Liu he was very satisfied with Zhao Chang's attitude. He was young, but he had ambition, insight and foundation. He was a good candidate.

"Black king, come on. He will take care of you later. Come and say hello!"

Liu he squatted down and stroked the black king, but the black king just raised his eyelids and looked at Zhao Chang. Then he closed his eyes and continued to sleep. He did not pay any attention to it, which made Zhao Chang embarrassed."Ha ha, it's just like this. Except for occasionally giving me a little face, it's cruel to all other people. If it's not small now and can't threaten others, I think someone will be hurt by it. You have to be patient and be careful in the future."

Liu he told Zhao Chang to nod his head again and again. Although he was embarrassed just now, he was still excited at the thought that he could take care of such a legendary beast in the future.

"By the way, you can move to my house for convenience. I'll send someone to go home with you and clean up in a moment

Liu he learned from Zhang Yong that Zhao Chang's mother died the year before last, and now he has to plant a few acres of thin farmland to make a living, which can be regarded as carefree.

"Ah! Really? I can live with you, Mr. Liu? " Zhao Chang was excited when he heard the speech.

"Well Yeah Is there a problem? " Liu he was a little surprised at his attitude.

"Oh, nothing, nothing! I'd love to! To live with some heroes from all over the country, I am really It's really How excited

Liu he was speechless for a while, and now he finally realized that he had fans.

"Well, I have one more thing to give you in a while. It is estimated that it will be of great help for you to take care of and train the black king. But now it is not in my hands. You have to wait for a while."

Zhao Chang is now too excited to speak. He can't take care of these small regrets.

On that day, Zhao Chang moved into Liu He's home with only a little salute and took care of the black king.

But soon, Liu he found that the black king seems not so easy to deal with.

That night, the Xu family looked at Liu he angrily. The reason was that the black king jumped into the barn where the animals were kept in captivity. He killed a one month old lamb cleanly and ate it clean. There was only a skeleton left. The bloody scene almost made Xu almost faint.

These sheep are almost half of the property of the Liu family now. They are kept by Xu family with a lot of painstaking efforts. On weekdays, when there are happy events, or only one sheep is killed at the time of new year's festival, how can Xu's family not complain?

Liu He and Zhao Chang are very happy, because it proves that the wild nature of the black king is still there. Although he is not big, he has begun to attack.

But of course, this kind of joy can't be displayed in front of Xu. Liu he talks and coaxes others, and Xu's spirit is relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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