After hearing about Guan Ping's panting, Guan Yu said something about it in a hurry. At that time, Guan Yu stood upright.

"Rebellious son! If there's anything wrong with Zhenger, I'll take your skin off first, and then I'll take my own head to apologize to elder brother. "

After that, he flew away with a pair of red smoke on his legs. Zhou Yuan and others immediately led the Zijin dragon to ride and keep up with him.

The army had just moved on for more than ten miles, and saw a group of only a hundred people, and a look of confusion, running towards this side.

"Stop, who are you waiting for?" Guan Yu stopped them by drinking.

These soldiers obviously knew Guan Yu, and when they saw him, they all rushed to him. All the strong men were crying.

"General Guan Go and save Save your highness... "

On hearing this, Guan Yu's hair and hair almost stood upright: "how about your highness?"

"Your Highness, he He led us to break through the encirclement, but they were surrounded by Dianwei and Xu Chu. We were unable to rescue them. We had to fight to death to seek help. General Guan... "

"I will die at last I'll die in the end... "

Guan Yu's whole body was murderous and awe inspiring, and he angrily exclaimed, "all shut up, seven foot man. What's the use of it? Go back with me, kill Dian and Xu and save your highness. You hundreds of riders, put aside the master to escape, either you can succeed in the first battle, or you can all cut off your head to apologize. "

Not long after that, a scout came in a hurry: "report to general Guan. Thirty miles ahead, on the side of a forest, you can find the signs of Cao's army."

"Have you ever detected the whereabouts of your highness?" Guan Yu kept asking.

"This..." The Scout hesitated, which made Guan Yu furious. He whipped his horse whip directly. There was a bloodstain on the Scout's face.

"Come on, if you miss something important, Guan will kill you."

The scouts did not dare to neglect him and said in a hurry: "Your Highness, he It seems that after being besieged by Dianwei and Xu Chu, he fell into the Han River and did not know his whereabouts. His life and death are uncertain... "

"What?" Guan Yu took a breath of cool air. His eyebrows and eyes trembled slightly. Anger, sadness, regret, and many other emotions surged up.

The corners of his mouth twitched a little, as if trying to control his emotions, but after only a breath of time, he finally couldn't help it.

"Ah Ah Ah ah Zhenger, it's the second uncle who is sorry for you Second uncle regrets, ah... "

"General..." Qian Ning, with a sad and indignant look on his face, said: "at present, the life and death of your highness is unknown. Perhaps he has not been killed. We should quickly find his highness and kill the bandits at the same time, so that we can get revenge."

Guan Yu stopped the pain, scarlet eyes, staring at the Scout: "where is the thief?"

The scouts said: "their army has just crossed the Han River, half hidden and half obvious toward the Hulao pass."

"Good come." Guan Yu's long beard trembled and glared at the front.

"Guan Ping!"

"The end will be there!" Guan Ping immediately stood up. He knew that his father had always had a habit. If he called him Ping'er, the tone could be discussed. If he directly called out his full name, it showed that his father was very emotional at the moment.

Guan Yu glared at him: "give you five hundred men and horses, look for the whereabouts of your highness along the river, no mistake."

"I will obey you." After Guan Ping took the order, without a moment's hesitation, he took people to throw them away.

Later, Guan Yu ordered the whole army: "I will tell you that the whole army will speed up its advance. Within half an hour, we must catch up with the enemy. Whoever is behind will take off his armor and go to the army to feed his horse for half a year."

The ethos and disposition of an army are mostly determined by its commander-in-chief.

Guan Yu has always been proud of others and thinks highly of himself. The Zijin dragon cavalry he has been commanding for many years is not an army that will easily admit defeat.

It is not difficult for cavalry to travel 30 Li in half an hour. Although Zijin dragon is a heavy Armored Cavalry, it is easy to do it.

However, this 30 Li was the distance that the scouts initially explored, and he ran 30 Li to inform him. At the moment, Dian Wei and others should be at least 40 li away. When Zijin dragon rode after him, they were still moving on. Therefore, the distance that needed to be caught up in half an hour should be more than 50 Li.

This is not an easy task for light cavalry, let alone heavy cavalry?

But the more so, behind this team of purple gold dragon riding, but the more ambitious.

Fortunately, Zijin Longqi had already been equipped with three horses for one man. All of these horses, without exception, were bred by Zhao Kui, Mo DA and others on the northern grassland. Even though they were wearing heavy armour of no less than 50 Jin, they could still run like flies in a short time. When a horse lost its physical strength, Guan Yu ordered to change horses and continue to gallop.

Even Guan Yu himself, now in addition to the red smoke, but also with a "Liaoyuan a little star" for him to ride in rotation.

After their rapid development, almost overdrawn the strength of the horses, Guan Yu was able to see the dark shadow in front of him half an hour later."Well, I finally catch up with you. The green dragon Yanyue sword of a certain family has been abandoned for several years in the land of xizhui, and has never met any enemy. Today Hum, you two so-called strong generals of Cao camp are here to sacrifice the sword. "

When Guan Yu was in a hurry, he patted his horse with the back of his knife. A little star in the prairie started to chirp and spread his hooves, which accelerated the speed to the extreme.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu were so deaf that they heard the news behind them without waiting for the scouts to report.

"Another cavalry?" Dianwei looked back.

Xu Chu took a look at the brocade again and said, "my Lord said that our armor is the enemy of the long spear and machete of the Han cavalry. The more cavalry the enemy comes, the more favorable it will be for our army."

Dian Wei touched the back of his head. Although it was still difficult for him to understand the words quickly in terms of his intelligence, in his mind, as long as it was said by the Lord, he only had to comply with it. It didn't matter whether he could understand it or not.

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Prepare to meet the enemy. "

"Hey, it's OK. I just abandoned the eldest son of Liu He. I don't know which general of the enemy will come back here. It's really itchy for a certain family."

Xu Chu rubbed his hands and grinned.

As they were talking, a murderous voice was first introduced into their ears.

"Bandit, Guan Yunchang is here to leave the dog's head."

Next, a fierce general in dark green armor, holding a green dragon Yanyue sword, rode on a high horse, straight to the two.

Both were stunned and then overjoyed.

"Ha ha, it's Guan Yu. Well, as long as you kill this guy, how can Liu He's army not be confused?"

Dian Wei was most excited. He crossed the two iron halberds and ground them for two times. Then he took the initiative to meet him.

"Dianwei, wait for me."

The two men opened their powerful legs and attacked Guan Yu at the same time.

Guan Yu's eyebrows rose, and Danfeng's eyes opened abruptly, and the opportunity of killing appeared in all directions. The green dragon Yanyue sword, which was dragged behind him, rose abruptly and cut him hard against Dian Wei, who was in front of him.

"System prompt: Guan Yu vs. Dian Wei and Xu Chu."

"Guan Yu understands Baiqi's martial spirit in the Wuhun pagoda..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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