It is obvious that these Pingshan flying troops are not only physically strong but also armored.

Ten thousand soldiers are not only vigorous and flexible, but also better than cavalry in close combat. Although the purple gold dragon has great lethality, it can always be easily evaded by them. In addition, the cooperation between the 10000 men and their use of many different battle lines has reached a high level.

"Good fellow, I didn't expect that the two savages, Dianwei and Xu Chu, could bring out such an army."

Qian Ning is very quiet.

Zhou Yuan turned his lips and looked alert and cautious: "I don't think this matter has anything to do with them. It must be the secret means carefully prepared by the thief Cao over the years to deal with us and General Zhao's flying feather."

"Well, I think Whoa... " When Qin Chu was waiting for a reply, a Pingshan flying army suddenly attacked him and asked him to stop talking and was tired of coping.

These Cao soldiers, even without Dianwei and Xu Chu, were able to fight freely and cooperate orderly under the command of those middle and middle-level generals.

Not long after, a team of Pingshan flying army, they separated toward Qian Ning and others, and soon separated them one by one.

"Oh, no, they want to break us all. We must fight hard. We can't be separated."

Zhou Yuan saw through the plot of the other party at a glance, and the spear directly pierced the throat of an enemy soldier in front of him.

Fortunately, although they are not easy to kill the enemy, with the help of the purple and gold dragon riding this heavy armor, it is not easy for Cao's weapons to hurt them.

In this way, the two sides came to a standoff, and no one could do anything about it. After half an hour of fighting, only a few hundred people were killed in the war.

However, this kind of battle is not like that of the ordinary army. At this time, the soldiers of both sides are wearing heavy armor and the armor of Pingshan flying army. Although they only protect the vital parts such as chest and abdomen, and do not have too much protection for the arms and shoulders, the weight of the armor is greatly reduced. In other words, it is not easy to fight in such armor Not to mention Yu Zijin.

After fighting for more than half an hour, the soldiers and horses on both sides were panting like cattle, sweating profusely, and their arms waving hands began to feel numb and weak.

Even though Guan Yu is as powerful as Guan Yu, in the face of the joint attack of the two fierce generals, and had to keep fighting posture all the time, up to now, I feel a bit tired and weak.

Even so, Dian Wei and Xu Chu were in a worse state. Their lips were already a little pale.

"Good, good." Guan Yulian said three "good", but the tone and eyes, but not half praise and appreciation of the meaning.

"It's hard for you two to fight with Guan so much. But the more so, the more Guan can't let you go today. "

"You don't want to leave here alive," he said

"By you?" Guan Yu is very disdainful, and the green dragon sword cuts across again.

This "drag knife" technique can't be used all the time. Therefore, Guan Yu's force fluctuates from high to low, so that the two men can fight until now. Otherwise, Guan Yu will keep his full force. I'm afraid that after more than 100 combinations, they will give their heads.

Guan Yu was so angry that the numbness on his arms seemed to fade away in an instant. He once again summoned up all his strength and poured it on the green dragon sword. He was ready to cut out the two culprits in front of him.

But it was at this time that a scream came from behind.

"Ah ah..."

Guan Yu instinctively looked back, but after being besieged by more than a dozen Pingshan flying troops, Qian Ning was finally unable to support himself. He was hit by two enemy troops at the same time. Although he did not penetrate the armor, he was forced down from his horse's back.

"Bang..." Qian Ning, even with armor, fell heavily on the ground, which made him look like a star, and his five internal organs seemed to be twisted in one place.

"Zijing Hateful Guan Yu can't care about anything else. He drives back Dian and Xu, and runs back.

Those Pingshan flying troops, seeing Qian Ning fall to the ground, are about to rush in and kill him completely, only to see Guan Yu fall from the sky.


These two words became the three Cao soldiers who were in front of them. They heard the last words, followed closely, and the three heads almost had no sequence, and flew up at the same time.

"General." Zhou Yuan and others also ran over and helped Qian Ning up.

"Cough General Guan, the last general Qian Ning has a bloody mouth, but he still wants to be brave. Before he speaks, Guan Yu knows what he thinks in his heart.

"Well, is Guan such a shameless villain who ignores his brother? At present, the war is not good. If we fight like this, even if we can win, we will die and suffer a lot. In addition to Zhenger's business, alas Guan really does not know how to face, see you big brother. "

At this time, Zhou Yuan's eyes turned and came up to Guan Yu: "general, in fact, we have a way to break Cao's armor."Hearing this, Guan Yu's spirit was inspired: "what's Xuanwei's good policy?"

A team of purple and gold dragon riders surrounded them and protected them completely. Even if Dian Wei and Xu Chu led the team to kill them, it was hard to shake them for a moment.

Zhou Yuan pointed to the direction of Hulao pass: "general, do you remember that when you were still in Yanmen, your majesty once asked several craftsmen to make a special weapon for cavalry in the army? It takes four or five years for each weapon. Up to now, only ten thousand of them have been forged. Five thousand of them have been left in Liangzhou, and another five are in the Hulao pass. If we hold this weapon in our hands, the thieves will only be in the middle of our fingers. "

Guan Yu's eyes lit up: "how can I forget this thing?"

He looked back, gave Dianwei and Xu Chu a vicious look, and then resolutely ordered: "give me an order, and immediately retire from the tiger prison. Don't they also want to go to Hulao to create chaos, so that they can cooperate with Cao's bandits inside and outside? Hum, Guan will help them

Although Zijin dragon cavalry is heavily armored cavalry, once it runs, it is not the two powerful legs and feet of Dian Wei and others can catch up with.

Only a moment later, Guan Yu quickly got rid of the battle with his purple and Golden Dragon riding, and galloped toward the Hulao pass.

"Brother Dian, they escaped. Let's chase them." Xu Chu was a little anxious.

Dianwei was even scarlet in his eyes: "what's more? They went to the tiger prison, just as we like. Zijin Longqi is not our opponent. Even if Guan Yu goes back, Liu He will be on guard. Hum, he can't stop us from making a big fight after the pass. "

Both of them seemed confident and did not have time to rest. They led the Pingshan flying army and rushed to catch up with them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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