"Elder martial brother Ma, it's a long way to go to Luoyang for activities in the imperial court. It's more about the life and death of our Taiping Road. It's a sign of your trust."

A man with a light yellow scarf on his head said with a little compliment. A man with a hooked nose stroked his beard and looked proud.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother, I'm flattered. It's our duty to share our worries for our master. It's tiring to be tired for elder brother, but it's also duty bound! Unlike younger martial brother Tang, you don't have to do anything with your master every day. It's so much easier! "

This person's words with a thorn in the statement, let the plain towel man a little angry, but soon returned to smile.

"By the way, master often said that there are many heroes in the land of Hebei and Hebei. Now that we are in Jinyang City, we might as well stay for a few more days and visit around. Our Taiping Road is still in a blank state in the boundary of Bingzhou. It's better to take this opportunity to develop some believers, so as to lay a good foundation for the master's great event. What do you think, younger martial brother Tang? "

Looking at himself, elder martial brother Ma stares at himself with a smile, which makes younger martial brother Tang feel flustered.

"What the elder martial brother said is very true. I'll go to visit early tomorrow morning."

Elder martial brother Ma looked at his younger brother and nodded with satisfaction.

The next day, as soon as it was a little dim, younger martial brother Tang was woken up.

"Younger martial brother, it's important for you. We can't be lazy." That elder martial brother Ma means to say.

Elder martial brother Tang, of course, has no choice but to pretend to be respectful to himself. Of course, senior brother Tang has no choice but to pretend to respect himself.

"What the elder martial brother taught me is that I'm going to visit the surrounding areas carefully."

After the younger martial brother turned around and left, the elder martial brother Ma's face was immediately pulled down.

"Hum, you mean to compete with me? I don't want to look at my own weight

And that younger martial brother walked out of the ruined temple, his face was also gloomy.

"Damn it! Ma Yuanyi, one day, I will make you look good in Tang Zhou! "

Tang and Zhou furiously left and came to a restaurant in the city. This place is the most convenient place to inquire about information. There are all kinds of people. Maybe you can get some useful information.

Although the Tang and Zhou dynasties were very dissatisfied with Ma Yuanyi, they also knew that they had no ability to fight against him. Therefore, on the face of it, they always showed such deference. What they should do still had to be done honestly.

He ordered some snacks and drinks casually, and sat there enjoying it leisurely, while pricking up his ears to listen to all kinds of sounds around him.

However, after eating for nearly an hour, he didn't get any useful information, so that the bartender looked at him with some malice and thought that he didn't have money to pay the bill, so he didn't leave.

"Bad luck! Everything is against Laozi

Tang Zhou secretly scolded, then ready to pay the bill after leaving.

At this time, a loud voice came over: "shopkeeper, take your best meat and wine here. We should have a good meal and drink!"

Tang Zhou heard that several officers from Jinyang city came to his senses and sat down again. However, in order to avoid suspicion, he took out the money to pay the previous bill, and then ordered some food again. The bartender's face immediately became flattering.

The three military masters swaggered in, picked a seat and sat down. "Bang" put the weapon on the table, poured a cup of tea and drank it first.

"Hey, damn it, this new marquis is is not a thing! There is no training so hard

After three cups of tea, one of the tallest sergeants complained.

"I don't think so. Because of his bravery, he won't treat our soldiers as people if he was valued by the governor and the captain! It's really killing us to train! "

The two men's complaints let another Sergeant nearby look around.

"Oh, you two, be careful. This is not your family. Don't talk nonsense!"

Who knows he reminds so, those two people are even more unhappy.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to talk? Isn't it just a Marquis of the army? Even if I scold him, if he knows, how can he take me? "

"That is, he didn't treat us as human beings. He has only been in office for three days. Let's have a look at all the brothers who have been tossed about by him. Their backs are sore and their bodies are exhausted. How can they fight? I don't know what the governor likes about him! "

"The two brothers said the same thing. The training has been more severe these days. He is happy and comfortable. We are miserable!"

Tang Zhou also heard about the three men's words, but they were interested in the new Marquis named Gao.

These days, most of the officers and soldiers are incompetent. Even if they don't occupy a place to eat, they are all lazy and incompetent. It's strange to see such a strict general in charge of the army.However, the next words of the three aroused more interest in Tang and Zhou dynasties.

"Don't mention it. This surname Gao said that in the small county next door, langdiao County, there is a village brave team, which is better than us, so we should redouble our hard training. That's bullshit. It's just a few country people. What can you do? I think he is just trying to find fault with us, so as to show his own prestige

"That is, I also agree with brother Li's view. I think he just plays with the three fires of a new official and wants to rely on this to build his official prestige."

But another Sergeant frowned and offered a different view.

"Two brothers, little brother, I have heard about the team. As both of you know, my little brother's hometown is from Yangqu county. Some time ago, my daughter-in-law brought her son to visit me and mentioned it to me. "

This let the two people have a look over, obviously also want to listen to that indirectly "hurt" them so miserable in the end what the team looks like.

The sergeant took a sip of tea and moistened his throat.

"Speaking of it, the village brave team has been famous for many years in langdiao County, but it has been suppressing bandits all the time. There is no big news, so it has not been noticed by our government. But as soon as my daughter-in-law mentioned this army, she laughed like a flower on the mountain. She said that they protected the people, reclaimed wasteland, expelled almost all the mountain bandits and bandits in the area of hundreds of miles, and made tens of thousands of people peaceful. "

This made the two sergeants a little upset.

"I don't like to hear that, brother. It's just a little bit of banditry. It's not worth mentioning at all. It's estimated that the village brave team won by chance. Then, once or twice, if the villagers are ignorant, they will be regarded as saviors. I don't think it's worth boasting about it! "

As the saying goes, "love my house and love my dog", they dislike the new Marquis of their own, so they don't have any good feelings for the rural brave army. At this time, they can't accept other people's good words.

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