Although Zhou Yu and others have been running all over the place, they are not as fast as the fire. What's more, waves of rockets are still shooting everywhere to ignite the rest of the warehouses.

After Sun Jian and his party managed to escape from the warehouse, there were only less than 100 people left. Even Sun Jian and others were all disheartened and embarrassed.

"Lord, there is water!" Han Dang exclaimed, Sun Jian also immediately saw a row of water tanks, placed along the wall, inside the water is almost full to overflow.

On this wall, there is a small door just one person high.

Sun Jian quickly called out, "pour on the water, smash the door open and rush out."

Han Dang and others rushed to the water tank with the only remaining soldiers.

Sun Jian directly took off his armor and pressed it into the water. Then he quickly took it out and continued to wrap it. At the same time, he asked Zhou Yu, "does Gongjin pinch his fingers? How else do you know that the back door is here? "

Even in the face of such a situation, Zhou Yu was still calm and confident: "my lord praised me falsely. My nephew is just a mortal. How can he have such ability? But just now I saw that although there are many paths between warehouses around, only the footprints on that path are obviously updated, and there are many water stains left in it. In addition, the enemy soldiers are all wet, so I concluded that the enemy must have water here. "

"There must be a lot of water tanks scattered in the warehouse, but we didn't see one after we came in. So my nephew decided that they gathered all the water tanks in one place. The ambush here must have come in through the back door. General Benma was wet all over and set fire to ambush our army. From this, we can infer that the back door is also here."

"Well, well, Gongjin is really an unparalleled scholar. Sun can..."

"Whoosh..." A sharp arrow interrupted their conversation, followed by bursts of noisy footsteps.

"The traitor is here. Keep up with him. You can't make him escape."

A general of the Han Army, with a team of soldiers quickly ran over, and in other directions, there are also the figure of the Han army.

"Lord, let's go. The general will stop them." Huang Gai protects Sun Jian behind him, holding a crescent halberd in both hands and looking at the Han Army rushing over.

When Han Dang, Ding Feng, Zu Mao and others were about to lead the army to fight, Zhou Yu suddenly clapped his hands: "yes

Sun Jian's face brightened: "Gongjin has an idea?"

Zhou Yu said quickly, "please order all the soldiers to exit from the small gate, and then seal the gate from the outside."

Although Sun Jian did not know why, he still followed the advice.

He called to the generals, then with Zhou Yu and Lu Su, he first opened the back door and ran out, while Han Dang and Huang Gai stood behind the door and temporarily resisted the attack of the Han army.

"Shoot the arrow." Wave after wave of crossbows and arrows from the Han army killed the few remaining Jiangdong soldiers.

But after all, there were few soldiers in Jiangdong. Even if this small door could only accommodate one person at a time, they all ran out quickly under Sun Jian's command. Even if the Han soldiers wanted to obstruct, none of them went to Han Dang. After being killed one after another, they used their bodies to resist the Han Army's bow and crossbow.

"Can vex, thief son an dares so?"

A general of the Han Army saw that his soldiers were shot like hedgehogs by his bows and arrows. He was very angry.

"Rush out and capture Sun Jian alive. The rest of the thieves will be killed with random knives!"

As he whimpered, he rushed forward and kicked the wooden door which looked vulnerable.

Originally, in his expectation, such a small door could not withstand the foot of his anger, and it would fall to the ground.

However, things are like this. The more you think he should be, the more he tends to develop in the opposite direction.

The wooden door just made a "Dong" sound, and after a tremor, there was no response.

"Well?" In his rage, the general was about to raise his foot and kick it again, but suddenly another general behind him exclaimed, "no

Then, he felt that someone pushed him away from behind and made him stagger. After a few steps, he fell to the ground.

"Which one..."

Before he let out his curse, he saw dozens of rockets coming in from outside the fence, two of them just landed at the place where they would lead.

"Good guy, those comrades who died in the war are wearing a fire fold. They must have torn off the corners of their clothes and wrapped up the arrows to fight back against us. Everyone step back quickly. Through the wall, the rebel's bow and arrow must have shot up the wall first. It must be difficult to shoot from a long distance."

A general with hundreds of Han troops marched back. Sure enough, when the second wave of rockets came, the nearest one just flew over the wall and then fell down, and the distance was only thirty or forty steps.

The general who had kicked the door before was so angry that he said: "Wow, I'm so angry. It's clear that our army attacked them by fire, but now they attacked us by fire. Don't we lose our old face? No matter what, today a certain family will fight to death, and will rush out to die with them. "As soon as he picked up the big knife in his hand, he rushed over and the general who just pushed him quickly held on: "old cow, don't be reckless, be careful of the enemy ambush."

"Ambush his ancestors!" The old cow threw him away: "if we can't stop them and catch Sun Jian, we'll all have to engage in military and legal affairs. We'd better give up if we die."

After that, he strode out and jumped directly into the water tank. He easily stabilized himself on the edge of the narrow water tank, raised his hands over his head, grasped the wall and turned over easily.

"The thief suffered Wow, old thief, stop running... "

The old ox gave a shout of anger and jumped down quickly. His cry surprised the rest of the Han soldiers inside.

"Did Sun Jian run away? Damn it, chase it. "

The general directly kicked open the small door and rushed out. Sure enough, he saw a figure disappearing from a corner more than a hundred steps away on the right side, while the old ox was catching up quickly.

"Well, we can tell the difference between the two. Let them escape, and we all know what will happen to us. "

When the general mentioned this, all the Han soldiers could not help shivering. If the enemy general and many generals were allowed to escape together, there would be nothing else. On his own side, the general would be decapitated, and the rest of the officers and men would be whipped 40 to 80. The whip in the army was not suffered by people at all. Let alone 40 whip, even 10 whip, it was enough to make life worse than death.

Under the control of this fear, these hundreds of soldiers, in just a few breaths, were divided into three teams and ran in three different directions. All of these three roads, without exception, could lead to the city pass quickly.

The old cow chased after several people all the way. He saw the figures turning into the street corner with his own eyes. He thought about the tragic situation of several of his subordinates before, and his heart was filled with hatred.

Lao Niu would not be so angry if he was killed when the two armies were fighting each other. However, seeing that the victory was imminent, these men were killed in the enemy's despicable plot, which made the general, who was so jealous of evil as to be unreasonable, even more resentful.

He soon came to the corner, holding the weapon's right hand, and could not help holding on for a few minutes.

Just as he turned around, he yelled: "thief, return me..."

The voice suddenly stopped, and the old cow's original indomitable figure suddenly stopped.

The reason is very simple. In front of him, only about 20 steps away, Han Dang bent his bow, took an arrow and stood still. It was clear that he had been waiting here.

"You..." This is the last word left by Lao Niu in his life. A sharp arrow pierced his throat and his body fell to the ground.

Another general, with a group of soldiers, rushed around several streets and alleys. Then he saw Huang Gai and a dozen Jiangdong soldiers on one street. They were overjoyed.

"Here is the thief army. Let's go."

The Han Army has nearly 200 people, and all the armor and weapons are above Jiangdong. Facing the enemy, who is only a little over ten people, the village leader naturally feels that he is sure to win.

Huang Gai looked back at the fierce Han soldiers, but with a smile of disdain, he took more than a dozen soldiers and went into an alley.

Soon, the situation that general Niu faced before appeared on the general again.

At another street corner, Sun Jian personally cut off the head of a Han general. Then he brandished an ancient Ding Dao and took more than 20 people to cut down nearly half of the 100 Han soldiers who lost command and were frustrated. He covered his left arm, which was stabbed by a Han soldier, and walked back happily, unaware of the bleeding wound.

"Ha ha, have a good time. The soldiers of the imperial court are really extraordinary. They have been ambushed and lost their commander. How can they have such fighting power? If they have another 30 or 40 people, we are afraid they will be here today. "

Zhou Tai, with a scar on his face, bandaged Sun Jian's wound with his calloused hands, and then knelt down in front of Sun Jian.

"The last general is incompetent and fails to protect the Lord. Please punish him."

But Sun Jian laughed and helped him up: "what did you say? I'll lead the troops to ambush and fight. It's a military order. How can I blame you? If you hadn't just cut me off, my injury would be several times more serious than it is now. By the way, how about the wound on your back? "

Zhou Tai Baoquan said: "thank you for your concern, the end of the vulgar people, rough skin and thick flesh, a little skin trauma, not to mention."

Sun Jian looked at Zhou Yu and said, "Gongjin's brilliant plan is successful. It was thought that our army had some remnant soldiers left, but it was really a bad strategy to divide them again. Now it seems that they are really wonderful. "

Zhou Yu arched his hand and said, "my Lord, I'm flattered. Most of the generals in the imperial court are trained from small soldiers and can command hundreds of people. They are often experienced veterans. Their martial arts and knowledge may be far inferior to those of other generals, but their combat experience and knowledge are not inferior. Therefore, they will rely on their own knowledge of the terrain and despise our army, so they will divide their forces to try to find our army quickly, and then go to the fourth place Face to face attack. It's easy for our army to fight in the streets and despise the enemy. "Sun Jian heard the speech, very happy: "I have Gongjin, better than his 100000 soldiers."

"Don't be careless, Lord." Lu Su suddenly said: "although our army has won a small victory at the moment, if there is no accident, the more than 100 soldiers fleeing the fire will be almost dead and wounded when they ambush the enemy. In the opinion of the subordinates, they should rush back to Chengguan as soon as possible and join the young general and the army, so that they can be safe. "

Sun Jian also showed a dignified color: "Zi Jing is right. This matter should not be delayed. He should quickly reorganize the army and kill again. On the one hand, he can break the enemy, and on the other hand, he can save Han Dang, Huang Gai and other generals."

Just as they were about to leave, a group of Han soldiers suddenly appeared at the end of the street.

Two figures, riding horses, slowly came to the front of the two armies. When Zhou Yu saw one of them, his eyes suddenly widened.

"It's you?"

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan: "ha ha, this must be Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin, right? Having heard the name of the Duke for a long time, today, in that crisis, he was able to quickly find life, make a quick decision, have a high insight, have a correct vision, and have a quick thinking. It shows that Zhou Lang's reputation is worthy of praise

Zhou Yu was a little surprised: "you are the brother of the eldest prince, Zhuge Kongming of Zhuge family in Langya?"

"Yes, it's a great honor to be in Gongjin's ear."

Zhuge Liang responded with a hug.

Zhou Yu's face turned black: "it's a deep calculation. At the beginning, outside Hefei City, it almost killed Bofu, isn't it?"

"It's just that I don't care about the small skill of carving insects. If brother Gongjin is interested, I'll prepare some thin wine tonight. How about talking about the past and the present?"

Zhou Yu's face sank at first, and then he said haughtily, "are you so confident that you can capture us all alive?"

Zhuge Liang laughed twice: "where is the absolute thing in the world? What's more, for Gongjin and other high-ranking scholars, Liang is still young and has little knowledge. Fortunately, he is able to fight with high-ranking scholars, which is a great comfort in his life. The success or failure depends on God's will. "

With that, with a wave of his feather fan, the leader around him, with the soldiers behind him, rushed over quickly.

"Let's go..."

Sun Jian pulls Zhou Yu and Lu Su together, and is about to run back. However, at the other end of the street, a group of Han soldiers appear, one by one armed with big knives, attacking each other.

"This way." Han Dang protects the Lord and is ready to run from a fork in the street. But the same scene appears again.

A total of three exits, there are hundreds of Han soldiers, toward them to kill, such a situation, can be called no solution, this time Sun Jian so heroic, but also showed the color of despair.

"Heaven is going to kill me, Sun Jian..."

But Zhou Yu took Sun Jian and Lu Su by the hand and said firmly: "don't panic, my Lord. You must come here. This place is small and narrow. We can wait for reinforcements as long as we stick to it for a while."

Han Dang was puzzled: "the young general doesn't know our situation at all. How can he come to rescue us?"

Zhou Yu is very sure: "rest assured, he will come." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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