After all, you Lang has been the commander of the flying eagle guard for 134 years under Liu He's command. Although his martial arts skills are not as good as those of sun CE, his ability to deal with emergencies is by no means comparable to that of a rising star who has been in contact with the battlefield for only 34 years.

Seeing that he had lost the upper hand, you Lang made a quick decision and pressed a button on the handle with his thumb.


It's a slender soul chasing sword. It shoots out quickly.

Sun CE had never heard of the name of the flying eagle guard. He didn't know that the fierce general was the commander of the flying eagle guard. He had no way to know about the soul chasing sword, and he couldn't prevent it.

When he was in a hurry, sun CE turned over and tried to dodge. But the long knife was so swift that he didn't wait for him to dodge, but it was already in front of him.

"Yila..." The armor on Sun CE's right shoulder was cut directly.

"Hiss What a sharp knife. "

When he recovered and was ready to fight back, he was stunned.

"What about people?"

Where is the shadow of the enemy general? In the two vertical and horizontal streets, in addition to row upon row of houses, only the soldiers on both sides were fighting fiercely. The enemy general seemed to evaporate from the human world in an instant, and no trace could be found.

"Wow, damn it, how dare you tease me."

Sun CE was so angry that he had to vent his anger on the Han soldiers nearby.

Zhou Yu and Lu Su, with a small number of soldiers, rushed to Hangu pass.

From a long distance, Zhou Yu had already seen the figures shaking and the sound of fighting. The fierce fighting was no lighter than the street fight behind him.

"Hiss..." Lu Su was very surprised: "this Kong Ming is so fast."

Zhou Yu didn't seem to be surprised at all: "this man is thoughtful and agile. He is very resolute and resourceful. He's only seventeen or eighteen years old now. If he's allowed to work in this battlefield for a few more years, it will be a great trouble for me in Soochow."

Lu Su nodded in agreement: "Gongjin said well. Just looking at the situation in front of us, the number of enemy troops must not be small. How can we save Hangu pass

Zhou Yu's eyebrows showed a faint hanging needle pattern. His eyes turned slightly, and the whip in his hand suddenly slapped in the palm of his other hand.

"So far, that's the only way."

"What's Gong Jin's plan?"

"At the moment, the Lord and Bofu are fighting for a long time, and our army has no less than 70000 garrison in Hangu pass. Even if someone goes to report the war, they will surely believe that Hangu pass is strong enough to hold on for a while, and will not be easily recaptured by the Imperial army. Therefore, there is only one way to get them to come back immediately. "

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu with a kind of resolute and crazy look. He could not help but have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Gongjin, are you This is absolutely not the case

However, Zhou Yu grasped his shaking hands and fixed his eyes on him. He said firmly, "what can we do now? Bofu and I are brothers and sisters. My lord treats me as well as his nephew. Only when I am in danger and in danger of being killed by the enemy at any time, will they immediately give up the immediate results and come to help. Only in this way can they keep Hangu pass. "

"This But as you said, there are still tens of thousands of soldiers in our army. Even if the Lord returns from the street battle, it's not too late. Why should Gong Jin take such a risk? It's not right. It's not right... "

"Zi Jing!" Zhou Yu seemed to be annoyed: "you are also a wise man. How can you be so confused?"

Lu Su was a little confused: "why do you say that?"

Zhou Yu was angry: "who is Zhuge Liang? Would he be unprepared if he commanded the army to raid from behind the pass? Don't forget, Wu Qin and other soldiers are still in custody in the pass. "

This time, Lu Su was also a little alarmed, his eyes wide open: "this If you want them to rush out, you should combine the inside with the outside... "

"Why don't you go and follow the plan?"

Zhou Yu yelled angrily, but he could no longer care about Lu su. He whipped his horse and rushed to the gate of the city.

Lu Su did not dare to delay for a moment any more, and rushed back in a hurry.

Just about a quarter of an hour's journey, but I don't know if it's because of running too fast, which makes him gasp a little.

It's not easy to see Sun Jian, sun CE and his son who are fighting side by side. Lu Su rushes over.

"Lord General It's not good... "

Sun Jian heard the speech and went back and forth in his voice: "Zijing? Why are you here? When the war is in full swing, you and Gong Jin should retreat for a while Eh? What about Gong Jin? "

Sun CE also looked around for a long time: "where has Gong Jin gone? You just said that big things are not good. Why

Lu Su was a little out of breath: "Qi I'd like to tell you that Gong Jin saw that Kong Kong Ming suddenly disappeared. I expected that he would lead the army to seize I went to seize Hangu pass and cut off our army's back road. I was in a hurry, so I didn't have time to tell you, so I rushed immediately Before going to the pass, however, the enemy had already made preparations. Gong Jin was afraid that... ""What?" Sun CE jumped up directly: "Gongjin is too reckless. He can't stop the enemy, but he will give his life in vain. Why don't he report it earlier?"

He yelled at Lu Su, but without waiting for Lu Su to explain anything, he rode away directly. All the Han soldiers who came to stop him were picked out by sun CE in a rage.

On the Chengguan pass of Hangu pass, inside and outside the gate, the Jiangdong troops who lost their main commander were like scattered sand.

The officers and men of the Han army not only had strict military discipline, but also stipulated that even if there was no commander in chief, the remaining officers at all levels would continue to command the battle, and those who violated the rules would be killed. At the same time, the rapid development of medical skills, the powerful logistics supply and the powerful equipment and weapons also directly created more and more veteran soldiers.

These veterans are far more efficient than the recruits in terms of their skills, adaptability, cooperation in the army, the use of favorable weather, time and place, and the implementation of the commander's military orders. Among the troops in Jiangdong, the recruits account for more than 30%, while the veterans with more than two years of military combat experience account for less than one third.

Under such a huge gap, Zhuge Liang was given the courage and confidence to attack Hangu pass, which was garrisoned by 70000 people, with just 20000 people.

Zhuge Liang's feather fan is facing the gate of the city. After the gate of the city, he points to a gloomy looking building. Two thousand Han soldiers rush towards the building without hesitation.

Zhou Yu, who is galloping in, saw this scene from a distance.

"Kong Ming is going to break the prison."

In this prison, Wu Qin, the general of Hangu pass, and nearly 10000 Han soldiers were held. Because Sun Jian was in a hurry to fight before, and because Sun Jian was bewitched and lured, he went to the so-called granary in a hurry. Therefore, these prisoners had only time to be disarmed, but they didn't remove their armor, so a dozen of them had to be locked in one cell.

Now, if Zhuge Liang released them, they hardly need much preparation. In a moment, they can regain their combat effectiveness. At that time, with Wu Qin as commander-in-chief, Zhuge Liang's wisdom and assistance, and Wu Qin and others' familiarity with Hangu pass generation, it is uncertain whether Jiangdong soldiers can hold on for half an hour 。

In this way, how can Zhou Yu not be in a hurry?

Without saying a word, he almost didn't even issue a military order, so he took the lead to plunge into the battlefield.

The hundreds of conscripts who followed them were stupid. It's just like looking for death to rush in. If you don't go in, when Zhou Lang is killed in the war, with his relationship with general Shao, these people will never come to a good end.

After thinking about it, they still felt that compared with the anger of the young general, these swords of the Han army were much more kind, so they finally summoned up the courage to kill them together.

Zhou Yu's martial arts are not bad. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he is skilled in bowing and riding. Although he is a wise man, he often takes actions to attack in wartime, especially when he goes out with sun CE.

Therefore, although his martial arts can't be compared with the generals in the army, even the fierce soldiers in the Han army who have been through a lot of battles can rarely block Sanhe in his hands.

Aware of the changes in the battlefield, Zhuge Liang turned to look over, and then laughed.

"Take yourself as bait and lead those two arrogant fathers and sons to come as soon as possible? Ha ha, this week Gongjin's name is true. "

But even if he guessed Zhou Yu's intention, Zhuge Liang didn't show any signs of panic. After seeing this, he was absorbed in his battle command and didn't seem to have the intention of sending someone to encircle Zhou Yu and capture him.

"Well?" After fighting for a long time, Zhou Yu didn't see Zhuge Liang do anything about himself, but he became alert.

"With Kong Ming's intelligence, how can I not guess what I mean? He should have sent someone to arrest me and stop the way of their help, so as to gain time for himself to conquer Hangu pass. "

After Hangu pass, in addition to the Ming Tang, which is tens of feet square, there are rows of houses and streets, which are the same as those in the county and city. As long as you throw a lot of heavy objects at the exit of those streets leading to the Ming Tang, and then send several teams of soldiers to guard, only a few thousand people will be enough to block Sun Jian's army for at least two hours.

But Zhuge Liang didn't do it, and Zhou Yu was surprised.

"What's his idea..."

When he hesitated, he did not forget to continue to order that Jiangdong soldiers and horses guarding the pass should go to support the prison. As long as he kept the prison, without the help of Wu Qin and others, it was absolutely impossible to capture Hangu pass with the help of Zhuge Liang's 20000 soldiers and horses alone. When the Lord's army came back, the overall situation was decided.

Naturally, it is impossible for Jiangdong soldiers and horses fighting on the city pass to get rid of the battle. So, in the Ming hall, there are soldiers fighting behind the city gate, which naturally becomes the first choice.

A group of Jiangdong soldiers, under the leadership of the army commander and Shi commander, fought and retreated to the prison. With their participation, the prison, which was already in danger and whose gate was about to be broken, gradually recovered its decline.

But in this way, the prison was held, and the gate of the city became one-sided. The only remaining Jiangdong soldiers could not stop the fierce Han army.But for a while, Zhou Yu had no better way to deal with it. Besides, it didn't matter in his eyes that the gate was lost. After all, the gate was just to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies. It didn't matter whether he could prevent the people inside.

Sun CE's action is the fastest. Sun Jian's army is still on the way. Sun CE has already taken two thousand cavalry and killed them first.

"Gong Jin Where is Gong Jin? "

Zhou Yu was overjoyed and quickly responded in a loud voice: "Bofu, Zhou Yu is here."

Seeing that Zhou Yu was all right, sun CE was relieved. Then he lifted the overlord's gun and said: "ZHUGE Liang, what a cunning villain! I will kill you today."

With a long gun, he rushed into the Han army.

Zhuge Liang's eyes brightened when he saw the scene, but he was elated.

"Finally, we're waiting..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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