Seeing sun CE coming in a fierce manner, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan a few times, then turned around and ran towards the city gate under the protection of a group of soldiers.

"Ge thief, don't go..."

With a wave of Zhuge Liang's feather fan, hundreds of powerful soldiers ran behind the gate.

This gate is the weak point of Jiangdong's troops. There is no other reason. The gate is to prevent the enemy from attacking from the outside, but not the people inside.

In addition, several military orders of Zhou Yu and Sun Jian put the focus of the army on the city gate and the prison gate, making the city gate almost unprepared.

As soon as the soldiers arrived, they easily killed a group of Jiangdong soldiers behind the gate, and then opened the gate.

As soon as Zhuge Liang drew his horse, he rushed out under the escort of hundreds of soldiers.

"Hum, I'll run away, but I'll catch you this time." Sun CE is in hot pursuit.

Sun Jian saw this, but he was a little annoyed. He chopped over a Han soldier, looked at Sun CE's back and said, "just boasting about him, the tail went up to heaven. Can Zhuge Liang chase him casually?"

Zhou Yu advised: "Bofu is not a man without wisdom. Just by virtue of the fact that his Lord and I have not returned to the grain depot for a long time, and no one has come back to play back the news, he dares to conclude that there is fraud in it and come to the rescue, which shows his talent. It's just that I'm young and full of spirit. I'm a little complacent for a moment. My lord doesn't have to be angry. "

Veteran Cheng Pu also said: "don't worry, Lord. Zhuge Liang is not a God. He is only a few hundred riders. What can he do? What can he do for me when our army comes up? "

Sun Jian nodded: "well, the old general is right. But this wind can't last long. How can this son bear the great responsibility with such a mind? Let the old general and Huang Gai, Han Dang, Ding Feng, Jiang Qin and other generals continue to fight here. Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai, together with me, led 20000 troops to go out of the city to hunt down Zhuge petty thief. First, we can see what other means the petty thief has. Second, we can take the opportunity to teach Bofu a lesson and let him have a long memory. "

"But at the Lord's command." All the generals cheered in unison.

Then, Sun Jian ordered his troops, took Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai, and ran out of Hangu pass.

At this time, the clouds in the sky have been gradually dyed black, and the sky is also darkened. The east wind, which was already a little chilly, has increased its strength.

Before, there was a big wall in the pass, but they didn't think it was obvious. Now when they got out of Hangu pass and went to the wilderness outside, Sun Jian and others only felt that the strong wind had suddenly strengthened several times. They couldn't open their eyes. Even the tassels and helmets on their heads were almost blown away.

"It's a strong wind. It seems that a heavy rain is just around the corner. We should hold fast to it. Otherwise, it will rain heavily and the sergeant will be cold, but it's not good."

Sun Jian let out a cry, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

In this era, it's very easy for people to get sick. Six out of ten people will be infected with wind cold after a rain. In such an environment as the military camp, the speed of transmission of wind cold is quite shocking.

Since Yanmen, Liu He has been led by Hua Tuo to study and teach medicine. Over the past ten years, the number and medical level of military doctors in the Imperial Army are far better than before. In addition, the soldiers are strong, and they are well supplied with clothing and food. Naturally, they don't care about the little cold.

But Sun Jian's Jiangdong soldiers and horses have no such treatment.

Although it is inevitable that many of the doctors trained by the imperial court will come to places like Jing and Yang, which are not controlled by the imperial court, their number is not large enough to change the military situation in the southern states. Once the military is infected with cold, it will die. A number of soldiers are second, and a large number of soldiers have diarrhea to the point of weakness, which is a nightmare for the army. That's why Will let Sun Jian be afraid of the coming heavy rain.

Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai are both soldiers. Naturally, they also understand this. They didn't say much. They both followed Sun Jian to fight hard.

After chasing, unconsciously, the army followed sun CE's and the cavalry's tracks and came to a canyon.

When Sun Jian couldn't wait to rush in, Zhou Yu said, "Lord, this place is narrow. The enemy ambush is here. We need to be careful."

Sun Jian nodded: "don't worry, I look at the cliffs on both sides. There are few vegetation. It's not only difficult to set fire, but also inconvenient to arrange ambushes. There are ambushes. I don't think there are many people coming. Once our army arrives, what's the fear?"

As soon as Zhou Yu thought about it, it seemed that this was the case, so he stopped talking about it.

The next moment, there was a sharp sound of metal transfer in the canyon.

"If you take sun CE's head, you will be rewarded a thousand gold, and the official will be promoted to three levels."

Sun Jian immediately recognized the owner of the voice: "ZHUGE Liang, there is indeed an ambush. It seems that this guy had expected that my son would come to kill him. Come on, kill him! "

Twenty thousand troops, without a moment's hesitation, rushed into the canyon.


The gale, which was already painful to people's cheeks, went into the canyon and more than doubled. As soon as Sun Jian and others came in, they were almost unable to move forward."Hoo Hoo..." The "sun" flag behind him is even more difficult to move.

Listening to the continuous fighting from the deep of the canyon, Sun Jian made a decisive decision: "lose the flag and baggage, the whole army is light and simple, and speed up the March."

After that, he took off his tassel and helmet and threw them away. He took the lead in rushing forward with the ancient Ding Dao.

The canyon was so deep that Sun Jian followed Zhuge Liang's voice from time to time and walked three or four Li all the way to finally see the figure.

Excited, he didn't have time to see which side of the armor these figures were wearing, so he quickly ran away.

"ZHUGE thief, take a knife."

"Be careful..." Zhou Tai and Zhou Yu quickly followed up.

However, they just rushed out a few steps, but were stunned on the spot.

"Where is the strategy?" Sun Jian asked angrily to Zhuge Liang, who was standing on a huge stone not far ahead.

Zhuge Liang calmly smile: "did Liang ever say that general Sun Shao is here?"

Zhou Tai stepped forward and said, "we can see clearly the footprints left by a large group of cavalry and horses. All the way here, what's the matter with you? If general Shao fails, Zhou Tai will certainly tear you to pieces. "

"Ha ha." Zhuge Liang just smiles, but does not answer, but looks at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's eyes, and he a pair, then instantly understand, then face some panic.

"Oh, no, they must be in the mountains and fields. In addition, they set up suspicions, led Bofu away, and used cavalry as footprints to induce us to wait here. From the beginning, the enemy's target was not Bofu, but Lord you. "

After that, without waiting for Sun Jian to respond, he yelled at Zhou Tai: "general Zhou, hurry up Take the Lord away quickly... "

Zhuge Liang's feather fan was raised above his head. With a big lift, he heard a faint cry of killing coming from both sides of the canyon.

Sun Jian's face was just a little white: "I've been trapped. The retreat has been cut off. What can I do?"

"Now I'm determined to follow him. I have no plan to die."

He pointed Gu Ding Dao forward: "kill, but if you can kill Kong Ming, then everything will be solved."

But Zhou Yu stood in front of him: "my lord left quickly. Zhuge Liang's plan has been laid out since our army had not arrived at Hangu pass. He knows his Lord, the young general and even his subordinates' temperament like the palm of his hand. His deep heart and high calculation are really astonishing. Now he has to lead his army to break through quickly, or he may have life, or he will die 。”

"You want me to run? Sun Jian is a saint of soldiers. How can he escape in battle? How can he do this? "

Sun Jian pushed Zhou Yu aside and said in a cold voice, "Zhou Tai, listen to the order, and orders you to lead 3000 soldiers and horses as soon as possible to lead Zhou Yu out of the encirclement. If you fail, you will come to see him."

"Lord, you..."

What else did Zhou Yu want to say, but he was already held by Zhou Tai.

Zhou Tai knelt to the ground and kowtowed to Sun Jian: "take care, Lord. After you send him to break through, you will come back to save him."

Later, he directly pulled Zhou Yu on his own horse. No matter how Zhou Yu resisted, he rushed back.

"Ah It's a pity that all the troops are outside Hulao pass. There are only a few soldiers and horses in this ambush, but they can't stop Zhou Tai. "

Zhuge Liang murmured to himself, then nodded to the messenger beside him.

After receiving the order, the messenger quickly took out a red flag and waved it three times in a row.

And Sun Jian is still rushing over, whining, with all his heart to kill Zhuge Liang.

Zhou Yu looked back on the galloping horse. When he saw the red flag swaying, an ominous omen rose in his heart.

He cut the cliff like a knife on both sides, but he did not rush out of the cliff.

"Fire again!"

Zhou Yu's pupils dilated a little and patted Zhou Tai hard: "go back, my Lord is in danger..."

However, Zhou Tai did not move. He beat his horse to speed it up.

"The Lord has a life. If you want me to take you out of the encirclement, don't you dare not disobey me."

"You Pedantic, it's pedantic In an instant, when the weather is in danger, Ge Yu will make a fire again

Zhou Yu obviously felt that Zhou Tai's huge body was shaking, but he still didn't mean to stop.

"It's going to rain. My Lord will be OK."

Once he was doused by firewood, it was difficult for him to put out the fire

He seems very anxious, this sentence is almost called out, but even so, Zhou Tai still did not stop.Zhou Yu was so angry that he took out his sword and put it on Zhou Tai's neck. However, Zhou Tai did not look at it.

"The last general only knows how to obey the Lord's orders. If Gongjin wants to kill me, the last general has no choice. But the Lord's orders must be obeyed. "

"You..." Zhou Yu was very angry, but he soon fell down again.

"I see My Lord, he... "

He looked back at Sun Jian's figure. In his eyes, he could not help but burst into tears.

"General, if you want to attract the enemy, you'll have to die My lord In this life, Zhou Yu will be loyal to the sun family of Jiangdong. He will never be a little slack. If he disobeys this oath, heaven and man will kill together! "

After he swore to heaven, he said to Zhou Tai: "hurry up, rush out, or the fire will be together, and you and I may be buried in the sea of fire at any time."

As soon as his voice fell, the pungent smelling rolling trees and piles of hay fell from the top of the cliff.

Sun Jian was only 40 steps away from Zhuge Liang when he was nearly hit on the head by a pile of rolling wood, forcing him to stop.

"ZHUGE thief, it's not her husband who wins by such a trick!" Sun Jian pointed at Zhuge Liang with an ancient Ding Dao and said fiercely.

At the moment, Zhuge Liang didn't have the satisfaction of winning, but showed some regret.

"Ah, general sun loves his son very much, and he is also kind and righteous to his subordinates. It's necessary for Liang to slaughter the general today. After the general's death, Liang will tell his majesty that he will bury the general."

"Bah, who wants you to be hypocritical? Liu He, a younger child, is nothing? Liu's family can't sit there, but how can sun's family not? You wait. One day, my son will go back to Luoyang to avenge me. Ha ha ha You wait... "

In the midst of Sun Jian's laughter, countless rockets fell from the top of the cliff. Just after these rockets touched the dry firewood covered with fire oil, they only heard a "bang", almost like the sound of explosion. After that, the fire burst into the sky.

Zhuge Liang was standing on the stone, which was almost one person high. He was in the East, and Sun Jian and others were in the West. When the strong east wind blew, the fire swept to the west, but it could not burn Zhuge Liang's hair.


Zhuge Liang frowned and looked up at the sky.

"Tianlei makes drums to see the general off."

"Ding System prompt: Sun Jian died in the battle, triggering the special skill "tiger", making sun CE's basic force increase by 1 point permanently, and sun CE's current basic force change to 99 points. "

Liu He, who is writing a letter, has a stagnant pen.

"Sun Jian Is he dead at last? "

Seeing this, Xun you asked, "Your Majesty?"

Liu He shook his head: "I don't know if everything is going well outside Hangu pass..."

Xun you said, "don't worry, your majesty. This plan is presided over by your majesty. It has the wisdom of Weichen, Zhouping and the young hero of Zhuge family. It's closely linked and has no flaws. Even if you can break one of the links, there are many backers. They are all killing moves. Don't say that a Zhou Yu is the reincarnation of Taigong, and there's no reason to retreat."

"Well I believe that too... " For some reason, Liu he suddenly sighed. He stopped talking and continued to write. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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