"Wuwu Wuwuwu... "

Above the city of Luoyang, the sound of the trumpet spreads all over the place.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

The people in the city stop to wait and see one after another, full of doubts.

Although there has been a bloody battle outside Hulao pass for nearly a month, it has little impact on Luoyang City. The only impact is that many business travelers can only go by land and water, land from Mengjin port, and go back and forth to Luoyang. The daily opening time of the city gate has been greatly shortened, and the interrogation at the city gate has become more and more severe.

Therefore, although there are millions of soldiers fighting outside the pass, the life of more than two million people in the city is still the same.

It was not until the sound of the horn suddenly sounded that they suddenly realized that it was war time.

Empress Zhang Yu, Empress Dowager Xu and others, who are embroidering in the harem, feel nervous at the sound of the trumpet.

"This is the bugle of the enemy outside the city. What's the matter?"

Xu was a little flustered.

Even she was so, such as Diao Chan, and many maids in court, she was even more panicked.

Zhang Yu's face soon returned to normal. Holding Xu's hands, she said in a soft voice, "mother, don't worry. Not long ago, Xu Chu and Dian Wei went over mountains and prepared to attack Hulao pass, but they were repulsed by his majesty and suffered heavy casualties. Now they may have been injured in the mountains for several days and want to put all their eggs in one basket to disturb Luoyang city with thousands of disabled soldiers."

On hearing this, Xu settled down a little: "well, my daughter-in-law is right."

Although Xu has no knowledge any more, he knows that the city of Luoyang, which has been renovated by Liu He for many times and has nearly doubled in size compared with more than ten years ago, can not be conquered by just a few thousand people, so he is confident.

Zhang Yu gives Diao Chan a look in her eyes. Diao Chan understands and immediately cheers up. Her son Liu Tai and daughter Liu Shu sit beside the Empress Dowager and try to make her happy.

"Daughter in law, where are you going?" Seeing that Zhang Yu stood up, Xu asked with concern.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "your majesty and some uncles are not here. Since there are rebels outside the city, you should go to investigate them, so as not to panic people in the city and the palace."

But Xu said, "you are pregnant with a dragon. It's inconvenient for you. Let others go."

"Don't worry, my mother. Although my concubines are not as proficient in martial arts as the generals in the army, they have been practicing swordsmanship day by day in order to keep fit. What's more, this month is not big, so it's no harm."

Seeing her saying this, Xu stopped persuading her: "in that case, go back as soon as possible. If something goes wrong, send someone to hulaoguan to report to he'er. This military and national event is not something we and other women can intervene in. "

Zhang Yu slightly bowed: "mother rest assured."

After that, she was escorted by a group of imperial guards and several palace maids and eunuchs, and went out.

Just after walking out of the Empress Dowager's palace, a man in armor came in a hurry. When he saw Zhang Yu, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

Zhang Yu immediately recognized him: "are you general Yemen simahan? What's going on out there? "

General Han replied, "I'll tell you. Sun CE led 100000 troops. He suddenly came from Hangu pass. Now it's less than five miles away from the gate of the city. General ye, who is guarding the city, orders general Mo to lead his troops to guard the palace. "

Hearing that sun CE had brought a hundred thousand troops, the maids and eunuchs turned pale and even began to tremble.

The reason is very simple. The garrison in Luoyang is less than 20000 now, and the 10000 Lin guards in the Imperial Palace are less than 30000 in total, which is a huge disparity.

In a flash, Zhang Yu's face changed several times, but she soon calmed down.

"Don't worry about it. How can you get into the gate of Luoyang? Go and tell the guard about it, and he will decide. "

Wei Wei, one of the nine Qing ministers, is responsible for the safety of Luoyang City. The current Wei Wei is Lu Zhi's nephew and Yang Biao's son-in-law, named Lu Yong, zizihe.

After Liu He exterminated Han Sui at that time, he once appointed him as the prefect of Dunhuang. He was transferred back to Luoyang one year ago to take over the post of Wei Wei, because he exterminated the banditry, stabilized the refugees, cleaned up the law and discipline, and attacked the powerful.

After General Han left, Zhang Yu tossed her sleeves: "go back to Changqiu palace and change clothes."

Luoyang City, originally the most magnificent and solid city in the Han Dynasty, is even more impregnable after more than ten years of painstaking management, repeated expansion and renovation by Liu He.

The four city gates not only enlarge the urn city and heighten the city wall, but also protrude a section of horse face wall every 15 feet. Once the enemy attacks the city, the enemy on the ladder will suffer three attacks at the same time.

In addition, the wall of the city is densely covered with thunderbolt, and the gate of the city gate is thick and incomparable, all of which show that the capital of the Han Dynasty is easy to defend and hard to attack.

With all these, Luoyang City has been built into a dangerous place comparable to Tongguan.

However, sun CE, who had been dazzled by hatred and three points of desire, completely ignored all this.He pointed his long gun and exclaimed, "kill them. Those who climb the tower first will be rewarded heavily!"

On the west gate of Luoyang City, general ye, who is guarding the city, is a member of Jingzhao. He was originally a soldier under Gao Shun's command. He has made great contributions all the way. Until now, he is over 30 years old, and finally becomes the garrison general of the capital of Kyoto. In Luoyang City, when it comes to military power, it is only under the guard.

It is precisely because of this that general Ye cherishes this opportunity. Today, he is glorious to the family of his downtrodden gentry. However, this battle is extremely dangerous. If he is not careful, his life will not be saved, and his family may be involved, which makes him raise his spirit.

"Prepare for the thunderbolt!"

At the command of general ye, hundreds of Jingshen crossbows completed the filling of the crossbow in an instant.

"Kill..." Sun CE, with a white cloth tied to his forehead, took the lead and rushed out.

Seeing that the front of the enemy troops, including sun CE himself, had already rushed within 200 steps of the gate, general ye made a quick decision.

"Let it go

Thousands of powerful crossbows and arrows, which could break through gold and gravel, made a loud noise in mid air like the roar of the wind, and Qi Shushu shot at Jiangdong soldiers and horses.

"Break up!"

As soon as he saw that the other side was ready to shoot an arrow, sun CE gave a decisive military order.

The 40000 troops and horses in the front spread out rapidly, and the distance between each two soldiers was more than one foot.


Thousands of crossbows and arrows, most of them submerged into the soil, leaving only one tail feather and a small section exposed.

Hundreds of unfortunate Jiangdong soldiers were taken out directly by the crossbow and arrow. They were out of breath before they could shout out.

General ye, as a veteran of all wars, is far from being as powerful as Gao Shun and others, but he is by no means general.

He even used this amazing crossbow to prevent the enemy from breathing. Therefore, he deliberately divided hundreds of crossbows into two groups and put a wave every other one.

The first wave had just landed, and the second wave had already followed. At this time, the first group of crossbows, which had just been released, quickly put back the new ones in the hands of the soldiers who were specially responsible for filling the crossbows.

"Dang Dang..." Sun CE seemed to be in a state of madness. He waved his overlord's gun and tried his best to block the crossbow. At the same time, he did not slow down.

After three or four crossbows and arrows were swung away by him, Rao Shi sun CE's strength and martial arts also felt a little numb in his right hand.

But at the moment, he didn't care about these, and soon rushed under the wall.

"What about the ladder? Hurry up

He yelled angrily, and several soldiers who had just followed quickly put up the ladder on the wall.

General Ye's brow was locked, his face was dignified, and he didn't neglect for a moment.

"The crossbow and arrow must not be relaxed, and the enemy must not have the opportunity to swarm in. Our army has few soldiers, so it is difficult to fight head-on. We must kill the enemy in batches in order to win."

After he gave orders to a general who was specially responsible for commanding the Jingshen crossbow, he quickly summoned other soldiers.

"Bowman, catapult, rolling stone, ready to attack!"

A fierce battle is going on here. Outside the South Gate of Luoyang City, in the barren mountain of more than 20 Li, a bush and a vine suddenly shake. Then they are cut open and several figures come out.

"Bah, bah..." Xu Chu's mouth was stained with some broken leaves and spit them out.

"Fortunately, my Lord is wise. He found some old hunters, took us to explore the terrain, and found this cave. There are a lot of dry food, clear water and acne medicine hidden in it. Otherwise, we will have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth this time."

Dianwei also came out. Although he had a bandage on his shoulder, his face was very ruddy, and he obviously recovered well.

"Well, we've been injured for seven or eight years. It's time to attack again."

While talking, a soldier of Pingshan flying army came back and forth from the dense forest.

"Two generals, their subordinates went up to the top of the nearby mountain and searched for a long time. They found something happened in the west of Luoyang."

When Dianwei and xuchu heard the speech, they looked very happy.

"Here's the chance!" Two people look at each other, from each other's eyes found the color of joy.

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