"Good!" When Cao Cao patted his thigh, he was very excited.

"Pass the orders, and the whole army will attack. Before dawn, take down Hulao pass!"

Gao Shun on the tower, looking at Cheng Liang's corpse with a look of sadness and indignation, was carried on his horse's back by Lu Bu and used it as a booty. He went to ask Cao Cao for help, but his lips trembled, his hands grasped the wall, and his palms were on the rough brick surface, almost bleeding. However, he could not speak for a long time.

Behind him, countless men of iron clank were crying and wailing.

Outside the pass, the bugle of Cao's general attack was melodious and loud, which made these officers and men of the Han army look at the past with red eyes.

"Zhiniang thief, I have to cut off the head of Cao thief today to avenge general Cheng!"

Gao Shun called out: "soldiers, kill the enemy!"

"Dang..." Liu He shakes a little and sticks Yang Ming to the ground so that he can stabilize himself.

"Third brother My third brother... "

Zhang jaw, who was in charge of the guard, quickly came forward and held him: "Your Majesty is tired? Why don't you take a rest first. "

Liu He's body trembled slightly and his expression was full of sadness, which made Zhang jaw feel a little surprised, but he didn't dare to ask more.

"Go and send Cui Jun to see me."

Shaoqing, Cui Jun comes quickly.

"See your majesty."

"Stratagem starts." Liu He's voice was a little cold, and Cui Jun even heard the boundless murderous spirit from it.

"Your Majesty didn't just say that Cao's army hasn't made a full-scale attack yet. Now..."

Liu He's sharp eyes swept over, which made Cui Jun's heart tremble. He followed his majesty for nearly 15 years, and it was the first time that he faced his majesty with such eyes.

"I said it, start it immediately. If I don't kill the thief Cao this time, I swear I won't be a man!"

Cui Jun was secretly surprised. He didn't know what had happened, but his majesty, who was always calm, was so angry.

However, he didn't ask much, so he immediately stepped back and began to prepare.

As the sky gradually dawned, the East showed a pale fish belly. It was less than an hour before the sun completely jumped over the distant mountain.

After a night's fighting, the garrison in Hulao pass was already exhausted. However, because of the death of Cheng Liang and the annihilation of shenhuqi, all the garrison soldiers were filled with righteous indignation and turned into bloodthirsty beasts, which made it difficult for Cao Jun's offensive to play a big role in a short time.

"Lord..." Cheng Yu was a little anxious: "the enemy's fighting spirit is high, and he is determined to avenge Cheng Liang. It is difficult for our army to take advantage of him in a short time."

"Yes, Mendel..." XiahouDun stepped back from the front, took off his outermost armor and threw it to the ground.

"The enemy's counterattack force is too strong. The armor of a certain family has been broken. It's really hard to deal with."

While talking, two soldiers took a new armor and waited on him to put it on.

Cao Cao's face, however, was very calm, and he could not see any sign of anxiety.

"Ha ha, don't worry. The chance to win will come soon."

As soon as these words came out, many people present showed doubts.

"What did Mendel get?"

Cao Cao is noncommittal: "and look is."

Just at this time, a scout came in a hurry: "newspaper..."

Cao Cao's eyes lit up: "what happened to Liu he?"

"Lord Pao, Liu he suddenly returned to the army and killed him here. Liu Bei, Jiang Huan and Zhang Fei led the army and pursued them in the rear. "

"Ha ha ha At last, it's time to wait. " Cao Cao laughed heartily.

Now, Xia Houdun and others understood why Cao Cao was so confident.

"Meng de had expected Liu He's son would come back to the army to kill him?"

Without waiting for Cao Cao to answer, Guo Jia said: "Cheng Liang and Liu He are sworn brothers. They have been together since they were young. Their friendship is extraordinary and they have made outstanding contributions. When he died in front of Hu Lao Guan, Liu He must be in a state of chaos. What's more, there are Guan Yu, Zhang Yong and Zhu ye in the army. Even if Liu he can bear it, these three will definitely come back and take revenge. "

"Not bad." Cao Cao was very excited: "but even I didn't expect that Liu he would kill the whole army back. I thought he would send some troops to attack our army under the command of Guan Yu. I didn't want him to come back in person. Ha ha, God helps me. Today, Liu He will surely die."

XiahouDun congratulated: "in this way, my subordinates congratulated my lord ahead of time, established the Central Plains, and achieved great achievements."

Xi Zhong nodded slightly: "Liu He is so reckless. Once he is killed and stuck with our army, Liu Bei's army in the rear will come forward. Even if he has the courage of God and man, he will only be defeated. However, our army still needs to prepare in advance so as not to be escaped by them. "

"It's natural." Cao Cao waved his hand: "order Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan to act according to the previous plan. I expect that Zhao Yun will be the first to kill the enemy, and we must stop him. As long as we get through the first time, Liu He will be in a hurry, and the whole army will fight into the battlefield together. That is the time for our army to win.""Here it is

Gao Shun on the tower suddenly saw signs of troops marching on the eastern horizon. The flying dust and the faint sound of horses' hooves all indicated that the army was not only large in number, but also well-equipped and well-trained.

"Why did your majesty suddenly come back? Is it for general Cheng? "

When Gao Shun thought of this, he turned pale: "no, your majesty is coming back now. Don't you want to be attacked by Cao and Liu?"

He called for the messenger in a hurry: "quick Send someone to inform your majesty that he must be calm and not be reckless... "

It's rare for the herald to see Gao Shun say so many words at one time. Naturally, he was a little stunned. However, Gao Shun urged him repeatedly. Only then did the herald realize the seriousness of the matter and quickly called for three scouts.

"Pulingling..." A carrier pigeon suddenly landed.

"Well?" When Gao Shun saw it, he quickly stepped forward and took down the letter from the carrier pigeon's leg.

There are only eight words on it: "ten years' plan, today's fight against thieves."

Gao Shun's eyes glared at the boss: "I see..."

The herald asked, "general, will the scouts be sent out?"

Gao Shun's face became more relaxed, and he waved his hand: "no need."

Cao Cao also got the news almost at the same time. Sure enough, Zhao Yun, as the leader of the army, had already been killed.

"Today is the day when the dust is settled."

In the mountains to the west of Hangu pass, there was a mourning atmosphere for the troops of Jiangdong and the whole army.

Sun CE, Zhou Yu and Lu Su stood on a huge stone, with some tangled and hesitant faces.

"Gongjin, is there really no other way?"

Zhou Yu said: "now that the Lord died in the war, his heart is very disadvantageous to the army. What's more, the attack on Luoyang failed. This time I came to join the alliance, it was tantamount to returning in vain. It was futile to stay here. "

Sun CE was not reconciled: "but Cao Cao and Liu He are going to have a decisive battle. If they are both defeated, isn't it the right time for our army to make a profit?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "No. My younger brother can assert that Cao Cao will be defeated in this war. As for the court, even if there is damage, my elder brother can see the strength of Luoyang city with his own eyes. Even if Liu he returns to the city with some disabled soldiers, it will be absolutely difficult for our army to capture them. In addition, there is one more point, the most important one.... "

At this point, Zhou Yu smiles a little. Sun CE knows that his younger brother always has some wonderful strategies in his heart, which makes him show such an expression. Now he is curious.

"What's the most important thing, younger brother, say it quickly."

Zhou Yu said: "when the Lord died in the war, the gentry of Jiangdong, especially those who were loyal to the imperial court and those who were attached to Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, would certainly take the opportunity to fight back."

Sun CE was a little displeased: "what a good thing is this?"

"Don't worry, brother. I haven't finished yet."

Zhou Yu continued to explain: "now the foundation of Jiangdong lies in the hands of my elder brother. At the beginning, my elder brother took charge of the position. Today, Jiangdong has offended the imperial court again. If we want to continue to have a foothold in Jiangdong, we must go through some bloody washing before we can frighten the curfew."

Sun CE immediately understood: "Gongjin's intention is to deliberately indulge them to make trouble and rebel against our Sun family, so that our army can be justified and take them all, so as to completely control the land of Jiangdong?"

Zhou Yu said with a smile, "my brother is extremely intelligent. You can see it at a little bit. Besides, it's not so much. If Cao Cao is defeated, the land of Jingzhou... "

Sun CE's eyes twinkled with extraordinary light

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