"I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that Cao's skill of commanding the army is even more than before."

Xu Shu was a little surprised.

Liu he can't be clearer about the changes of Cao Cao's data. Not long ago, Cao Cao's commander-in-chief reached his original peak, which is now 101 points. Coupled with this "treacherous hero" stunt, it's really enough for him to surpass other figures in the Three Kingdoms period in terms of commander-in-chief ability.

However, in front of Liu He's army, who now has the soul tower, it is still not enough to see.

Liu He looked back: "should Liu Bei catch up?"

Xun you said, "my Lord, Liu Bei's army is less than five miles away from the rear of our army, which is the headquarters of General Zhang Yong. If we can't break the eight gate golden lock array in front of us, our army will meet Liu Bei's army again within half an hour. "

At the front of the Qingxu army, Liu Bei, Jiang Huan, and Zhang Fei, as well as Tian Feng and Shen Pei, went hand in hand, leaving behind Chen Dao, Tai Shici, and other generals to lead the troops.

Liu Bei and others all have a relaxed and cheerful face. Only Zhang Fei has a dignified face and looks very tangled.

After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind. Suddenly, he drove his horse forward and crossed Liu Bei and others. Then he pulled the reins and crossed the eight snake spears in his hand.

Liu Bei and others quickly stopped fighting.

"Third brother, what are you doing?"

Zhang Fei glared at each other: "brother, you should answer me honestly today, no matter what."

Liu Bei was puzzled: "what can't be said after the war? Now that the war is in a hurry, the third brother must not miss the business. "

"Yes, third brother, get out of the way quickly." Jiang Huan also advised.

"No way!" Zhang Fei roared out directly, which surprised both Liu Bei and Jiang Huan. After all, Zhang Fei had never had such a look and tone towards the two brothers since the three had made their friendship.

Liu Bei said: "since the third brother has something important to ask, let's ask. When you and my brother made a vow that they would not live together, but die together. Since the third brother had doubts, the foolish brother should solve them. "

When he said "not for the same life, but for the same death", Zhang Fei was obviously moved, but soon recovered.

"Don't try to deceive me. Lao Zhang only asked my elder brother one question today. Are you really going to help the Han Dynasty and save the people, or are you just going to be the emperor?"

This remark shocked everyone, but Liu Bei, after a brief surprise, soon showed a smile.

"Why did you say that? How can you be so rebellious and unruly? This time you come to hulaoguan, you are here to support the imperial court and cut off the treacherous and sycophantic people. "

"Nonsense Zhang Fei cried out with pain.

"Third brother, you..." Jiang Huan wanted to say something, but he was yelled back by Zhang Fei: "don't interrupt!"

He was angry, disappointed, and a little ready to cry, staring at Liu Bei.

"Younger brother, what should a man do in his life?"

Without hesitation, Liu Bei said, "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of our generation."

"Well, it's hard to remember."

Zhang Fei said: "although I'm not talented, I'm not stupid. Elder brother, what he did in the past is to cut off the treacherous officials in the court, but it's reasonable. But in today's World War I, it's hard to make sense of that. "

"Your Majesty, as the son of heaven, personally leads the army to attack. We are the lower ministers, and we are the enemy of the son of heaven. We are already rebellious. But the elder brother said that his majesty listened to slander, and the younger brother did not dare to doubt it. Now he is going to kill his elder brother. Even though he is in the name of infidelity, his younger brother still wants to save the lives of his two elder brothers. Then he will fight with his majesty. "

"But your majesty, since you are going to fight the thief Cao, why do we have to hunt him down? Thief Cao is a thief Minister of the Han Dynasty. Everyone will be punished if they get it. Elder brother is the royal family of the Han Dynasty. It was a last resort to collude with this thief before. Now your majesty is in danger. If our army catches up with the Cao thief, how can your majesty survive? "

Tian Feng interjected: "three generals, the original story is really secret. Now I can't tell you in detail, but the three generals should believe that the Lord is not a rebellious minister."

"You want to cheat me?" Zhang Fei angrily pointed to Tian Feng: "old Zhang thought you were a loyal and upright man. He always admired you. He didn't want to secretly encourage my elder brother to rebel against the imperial court and say, how many benefits did the thief Cao give you to do this shameless business?"

Tian Feng couldn't laugh or cry: "this How can I collude with the Cao thief? The three generals have wronged me. "

"Yes, three generals, don't worry about this..."

"Shut up, too! You two from Jizhou are not good people. My eldest brother has always been loyal. He must be soft hearted. You have been cheated by him to do such unfaithful and unjust things. "

He looked at Liu Bei again and said, "today, elder brother must step back from the precipice. Even if he doesn't help the imperial court to pay off the thieves, he should withdraw from the army and go to ask his majesty for a crime after the war. I can't sit back and watch my elder brother become that infamous thief. "Jiang Huan said: "third brother, do you want to break the law? Elder brother is our elder brother and our Lord. How can you be called loyalty and righteousness when you act like this? "

Zhang Fei's face darkened, but immediately became firm again.

"Lao Zhang should do things by himself. As long as his elder brother agrees to withdraw from the army, after the war, Lao Zhang, instead of his elder brother, goes to ask his majesty to commit suicide in front of the emperor and ask him to forgive his elder brother and his second brother."

After hearing this, Liu Bei, Jiang Huan, Tian Feng and Shen Pei looked at each other and then laughed together.

Zhang Fei was confused by their laughter: "what are you laughing at? Don't laugh

Liu Bei stopped laughing and looked at Zhang Fei with a happy face: "I have a good brother in Liu Bei. What do you want? Thousands of years later, the name of the third brother will be worthy of the name of Shi Bo. "

But Zhang Fei didn't care: "you don't have to think about him. Do you want to say that this soldier will not retreat?"

Liu Bei said, "since the third brother has to ask for a clear answer, I will tell you clearly that I have to fight in this war, and I will never retreat."

"You..." Zhang Fei's face was angry and he began to tremble when he grasped Zhang BA's snake spear.

"Why, can't the third brother kill you?"

Liu Bei's words, let Zhang Fei thoroughly into the tangle and confusion, really want to let him kill Liu Bei, he is absolutely not the courage.

When Zhang Fei was suffering, Tian Feng said, "Lord, don't tease the three generals any more."

After that, he said to Zhang Fei, "three generals, over the years, you have asked me and elder brother Zhengnan more than once. In those years, the two of us refused to accept our Lord. Why did they suddenly agree and vow to follow him until now?"

Zhang Fei was stunned, obviously did not expect that he would mention this matter: "yes, you and the judge have always been tight lipped and refused to disclose half a point. How, is it true that Lao Zhang guessed that you were secretly instructed by thief Cao to harm my elder brother? "

When it comes to the second half of the sentence, Zhang Fei suddenly becomes murderous. It seems that as long as he doesn't agree, he will immediately kill Tian Feng and Shen Pei.

But Tian Feng laughed and objected to Liu Bei. He said, "Lord, it's time to take out that thing."

Liu Bei also nodded: "well, it's time. I've been hiding from my third brother all these years. I'm worried day and night and I'm scared. I've really wronged him."

Jiang Huan also said: "at the beginning, when I was waiting in Shangdang County, my majesty, as a general, suddenly found my elder brother. They had a long talk in the secret room. Then my elder brother took you and my brother and left Shangdang. You are very confused. It's time to let you know today."

Zhang Fei was very puzzled: "at that time, we had to flee because we couldn't resist the attack of Yuan Shao's army and defend the Shangdang?"

Liu Bei shook his head, but didn't speak. He just took something out of his arms and handed it to Zhang Fei.

"The third younger brother has seen this thing, and everything will come to light."

Zhang Fei stares at Liu Bei's hand curiously. He doesn't know what it is holding inside.

A moment later, there was a cry: "ah You... "

Before Hulao pass, Cao Jun had the advantage. Thousands of soldiers had boarded Chengguan pass and started to fight hand in hand.

"Lord..." Xi Zhong came to Cao Cao: "general Cao Ren can't hold on any longer. The eight gate golden lock array is about to be broken. "

Cao Cao looked at Cao Ren's direction, and sure enough, the eight gate array was broken under the joint attack of Zhao Yun and Guan Yu. Cao Ren also relied on the protection of his own soldiers, and fought and retreated, so that he would not be killed by Zhao Yun.

"What's the matter? Has Liu Bei's army not caught up with Liu he? " Cao Cao was not satisfied.

Just then, a scouting came running far away.

"Lord Liu Bei Liu Bei, he... "

Cao Cao was overjoyed: "Liu Bei has caught up with Liu he?"

The scout was very frightened and said, "no It's not Liu Bei leads the army and bypasses Shuai Tai, where Liu He is, but But But he went straight to kill our army... "


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