In the twinkling of an eye, it is winter, and the earth is bleak. Most of the northern states and counties have ushered in the first snow of this year. Even in Nanyang, Jingzhou, there was a light snow two days ago.

In Xiangyang City, the snow on the ground has already been cleaned up. Only from the occasional glimpses of white on the eaves can we find some traces of the snow.

The sunny day after snow is often the coldest season in winter, especially when it is accompanied by the northwest wind. There are only a few people on the streets of Xiangyang City.

A carriage stopped outside the palace gate. This was the palace built by Cao Cao for the so-called emperor Liu Xie in Xiangyang City. After Cao Cao's defeat, the Han Xiandi, who was more miserable than before, fell into sun CE's control.

Three men in fur cloaks came out of the carriage, one middle-aged and two young men, who were generally thin and elegant, with sharp eyes. It was Sima Fang who had two sons, Sima Lang and Sima Yi.

Since Sima's success in persuading many families in Jingzhou to accept sun's rule, their position under sun CE's command has risen rapidly. Today, sun's voice in the army is almost second only to Zhou Yu and Cheng PU.

The three men went straight into the palace gate. The guards didn't stop them, nor did they cross examine and search them. Sima's family had the honor of riding into the palace, but they were modest. Every time they entered the palace, they still followed their duty and rules, so there was no need for the guards to search.

Sun CE was much more overbearing than Cao Cao. Although Cao Cao didn't regard Liu Xie as a leader of the imperial government, on the surface at least, he still abided by the etiquette. On weekdays, there was a small court in three days and a big court in five days, and he still made an attitude of respecting the emperor.

Sun CE moved directly into the palace and put Liu Xie under house arrest in the back palace. His abbot, the imperial assembly, was almost the same as the emperor except for one imperial name.

When they came to the main hall, many "ministers" had been waiting here. Soon, a eunuch came out and cried out: "go to the court..."

When all the officials entered the hall, Zhang Zhao was the civil official, followed by Kuai Liang, the current head of the Kuai family of Jingzhou. Generals were headed by veteran general Cheng Pu, followed by Zhou Yu.

Sun CE did not directly sit on the Dragon chair. Instead, he placed a smaller chair next to the Dragon chair and sat on it overlooking the crowd.

"See Da Sima." The crowd saluted.

Sun CE gave a virtual hand: "you colleagues don't have to be polite. There is only one thing to be discussed in today's court meeting. "

He pointed up a finger: "it is the military aircraft strategy of our army after the spring of next year. But if you have some thoughts, you may as well speak frankly."

It is obvious that people have known about this issue for a long time. Soon, behind Kuai Liang, a man who is somewhat similar to him is about to step out. However, Kuai Liang pulls him, shakes his head at him secretly, and the man goes back.

Zhang Zhao was the first to step forward: "the old minister thought that our army has acquired the new land of Jingzhou, and most of the soldiers of Jingzhou have already surrendered to Liu He outside the Hulao pass. Our army strength has not obviously grown, and the people's will of Jingzhou has been initially determined, so it is not suitable for a war. If we don't recuperate, recruit troops, buy horses, and hoard grain and grass, it will not be too late to carry out the Northern Expedition until three years later, when the whole army reaches two or three hundred thousand. "

Zhang Zhao is now just in his 40s. He is young and powerful, and has a high reputation. He stands aloof among the literary ministers in Jiangdong. As soon as he spoke, many literary ministers echoed him.

Lu Su, who was at the back of the line, opened his mouth as if he wanted to say nothing. He looked at Zhou Yu and saw that there was some disdain and sarcasm in the corner of his mouth. He knew clearly in his heart that he wanted to come out and support Zhang Zhao.

At this time, a civil servant refuted: "Zibu's words are fallacious."

Chen Qun is the only one who follows his reputation. He looks at Zhang Zhao with an angry face. In his tone, he is not without the intention of denouncing him.

"Now that Cheng Liang died in the war, Luoyang's puppet court has damaged a great general, and Liu He's empress dowager, Xu's family, died a few days ago. After hearing that Liu he was inexplicable in grief and fainted several times, Luoyang has been out of court for more than ten days. In the battle of hulaoguan, although Liu he won the battle, he also suffered heavy losses. Liu Bei was able to win the battle only when he turned around. Otherwise, the number of winners and losers is still unknown. "

"Now Liu He is in the midst of grief and indignation, and the morale of the enemy will certainly be greatly reduced. Although our army was defeated in Hangu pass, the death of our Lord caused the indignation of all the officers and men in the army. Under such circumstances, it is not difficult to take Yuzhou, where the enemy's foundation is not stable, even if Luoyang cannot be captured. If we wait for the enemy to slow down, it will be extremely difficult. "

Zhang Zhao sneered: "Chang Wen and Liu he have the hatred of killing their father, the hatred of exterminating their families, and the ancestral temple. They are all in Yuzhou. It's not surprising that they can say that."

Chen Qun a listen, immediately double eyebrows upside down: "old man, you this is slander Chen Mou to seek personal gain with the public?"

"Presumptuous, how dare you be so rude?" Zhang Hong gave a roar.

"Chen Qun's words are reasonable. It is clear that you are weak and incompetent, and you are afraid of Liu He's power."

For a time, the northern literary officials such as Yan and Yu who had surrendered under Cao Cao and Jiangdong literary officials such as Zhang Zhao broke out a fierce quarrel.

Sun CE frowned and said, "what's the order of making a lot of noiseThe crowd immediately quieted down.

Sun CE looked at Zhou Yu and his face softened. "What does Gong Jin think?"

Zhou Yu then stepped out: "Lord Hui, what all of you have said is reasonable. However, the so-called wise men must have a mistake when they worry about everything. Although they are well versed in wisdom and have the talent of Wang Zuo, they all ignore one point. "

Sun CE heard the speech, came to the interest: "Gongjin in detail."

Zhou Yu said, "whether to recuperate or to launch the northern expedition as soon as possible, they are all based on the east of the Yangtze River, without considering the enemy's movements."

He turned around and looked at many generals: "two months ago, Zhang Ren's troops in Sichuan and Sichuan were ambushed by Zhang Liao, Zhuge Liang and Du Xian, and the whole army was destroyed. Zhang Song secretly colluded with Liu He and offered Hanzhong to Meng Da. Liu Yan was frightened and died. Ten days ago, Zhang Liao and other three men led a hundred and fifty thousand troops to the sword Pavilion. Liu Zhang was weak and incompetent. Under the persuasion of Zhang song, FA Zheng, Huang Quan, Li Yan and other officials, he opened the gate of Chengdu and surrendered to the sword Pavilion in person. Now the land of Yizhou is owned by Liu He. "

Zhou Yu then looked back at Sun CE and said, "my Lord is wise and wise. He must be able to think of how Liu He will stop after he seizes Yizhou."

Sun CE pondered for a moment, then said: "go down the river from Yizhou, cooperate with Yuzhou corps, attack on both sides, and try to capture Jingzhou. Then take Jingzhou and Xuzhou as springboard, capture Yangzhou, then take Jiaozhou, and dominate the world."

With this remark, everyone turned pale. Obviously, they did not consider Liu He's initiative.

If it is true that, as sun CE said, Liu He's current strength is concerned, if it is as fast as one or two years, or as slow as three or five years, the world of the great man will fall into his hands.

Zhou Yu's reaction to the crowd was obviously expected. He pondered a little and went on.

"Lord Ming Jian, that's right. As Zibu said just now, it is necessary to recuperate and accumulate food, grass and troops. However, if you think about it carefully, what are the States and counties occupied by our army, and how many tens of thousands of people? What is the population of the counties under Liu He's administration? "

Lu Su took the initiative to respond: "our army governs the two prefectures, but there are still some prefectures that can help. It has a population of over 1.76 million households, about 8 million people. Now, after taking Yizhou, Liu he controls ten of the thirteen states in the Han Dynasty, with a population of about 30 million, which is not comparable to our army. "

"Hehe, Zijing really knows it in detail." Zhou Yu said with a smile.

"According to this situation, both the enemy and us are recuperating together. After a few years, do you think that the gap in strength between us is becoming wider or narrower?"

Zhang Zhao and others, for a moment, were speechless and looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

With a smile on his face, sun CE seemed very satisfied with the change of the situation.

"Gongjin doesn't have to play tricks. In your opinion, how should our army be deployed?"

Zhou Yu immediately bowed himself and said, "in the view of his subordinates, the two should be combined."

"How to get a combination?"

"First, according to the above, it is imperative to take the initiative to send troops, not only to capture Yuzhou as Mr. Chen Qun said and lay the foundation for the future attack on Luoyang, but also to make Liu he tired of coping with our army's offensive, unable to gather the army and invade Jingzhou from the south of Yuzhou. At the same time, with the help of war, the reward and punishment are clear, so as to gradually unite our army's new morale of reducing soldiers."

"Second, our army has just entered Jingzhou, where there has been no war for many years, and the land is rich. Compared with Jiangdong, where there are many hills and mountains, Jingxiang is the best place to cultivate troops. For many years, Liu he encouraged farmers to cultivate wasteland. Half of the wasteland reclaimed by the common people was permanently owned by him, and the other half was temporarily cultivated by him. After the death of the cultivator, it was taken back by the imperial court. Moreover, for every three mu of wasteland reclaimed, the tax on one mu of the original cultivated land can be reduced. For one year's wasteland, the tax will double in the next year, and for two years' wasteland, the imperial court will recover it. Therefore, in a short period of more than ten years, everyone in the northern states and counties had their own land, worked hard, and every household had surplus grain, so the imperial court did not know how to hoard military grain. "

"My subordinates think that our army should learn from this strategy and make some adjustments, so as to attract refugees, as well as wild people in the mountains, to enter the counties, ascend the throne, give out farm tools, and cultivate more. At the same time, we recruit craftsmen, and constantly build building ships, ships, Zouke, and many water war tools and instruments, so that we can have a showdown with Liu He on the river in the future

Sun CE's eyes brightened when he heard this. Even Zhang Zhao and others could not help nodding their heads and showing approval.

"Gongjin is indeed the pillar of the country. If he has such a good plan, why should he be afraid of Liu he?"

Just when everyone thought that today's court meeting would end, Sima Yi suddenly stood up.

"My Lord, I have something to say."

"Second brother, you..." Sima Lang was in a hurry. He was at this juncture. His second younger brother went out to join in the fun. He was right. He was suspected of robbing Zhou Yu for credit. Wrong, but also do not know the heaven and earth, damage to the division of Mahalanobis in the Lord's heart prestige.

When he was about to go out to stop him, his father, Sima Fang, shook his head and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. Zhong Da is always smart and has many ideas."

Sun CE and Zhou Yu were a little surprised at the sudden appearance of Sima Yi, but they didn't take it seriously.Sun CE asked, "what's Zhong Da's opinion?"

Sima Yi said: "Zhou Gongjin's plan is wonderful and extraordinary. His subordinates are young and have little knowledge. They dare not have any objection. It's just Yi's stupid idea that our army should compete with Liu He. These two strategies alone are not enough to make up for such a huge disparity in strength. "

"Oh?" Sun CE became interested: "what else can Zhong Da do?"

Zhou Yu also looked at him expectantly.

Sima Yi's face did not change. He said, "in addition to the northern expedition, our army still needs to march to the south."

When a word is said, all four of them are shocked.

"Southern expedition?" Sun CE frowned slightly: "in Jiaozhou in the south, Shi Xie has already surrendered. Is it not treacherous to fight now?"

But Sima Yi said, "No. My Lord is a hero of the time, but Shi Xie is a villain. The so-called "grass on the wall, wind on both sides" is such a thief. The LORD sent people to ask him to surrender. Although he promised, he stationed heavy troops on the border. He also evaded the grain and grass, iron ore, cloth, coral and other tributes that the Lord asked for, without sincerity. Moreover, I heard from the merchants that Shi Xie wanted to continue to expand his territory to the south. He wantonly built city walls, watchtowers and outposts. He clearly had the heart to surrender. If such a rogue does not collect money now, he will not lose his tail until his wings are full. He is afraid that it will be the disaster of the imperial court and the Lord. "

Sun CE's face was beaming, but the literati who were present could not sit still.

"This must not be done." Lu Su couldn't help it.

"Our army is not as strong as Liu He. It is weak and the enemy is strong. We still need the help of favorable weather, time and location. If we divide our forces to the south again, will we not give up our own way?"

On one side, Zhou Yu also looks at his nose and nose, and looks indifferent. But Sima Yi is very clear that Lu Su's words must have been tacitly approved by Zhou Yu.

He is still calm to reply: "Zi Jing's words are true and reasonable, but it is also to take this into account and lose that."

"Our army is in the natural moat of the Yangtze River, and the northern army is not good at water warfare. Now, even if we get Yizhou and occupy the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, most of the soldiers in Yizhou are good at Mountain Warfare. Therefore, when it comes to the courage of water warfare, our soldiers in the east of the Yangtze River are the first. Even if Liu Heshun goes down the river, our army is absolutely sure to defeat him on the river. "

"As for the gaoshun regiment in the north, Zhou Gongjin himself led the army to stop it. Within a few years, it will be difficult for it to achieve anything. In these years, our army will need to quickly accumulate strength, otherwise it will still be defeated sooner or later."

Lu Su soon calmed down and lowered his head to meditate.

However, Diao Zhaoran refuted the fact that he was surrounded by barren land

Sima Yi accidentally glanced at him with a disdainful look, which made Zhang Zhao unhappy.

"What Mr. Zibu said is very wrong. The mountains are not barren, but full of treasures. Once they are collected and developed, I dare to assert that we can't support more than 100000 troops just by what we get out of them. "

Zhang Zhao hears the speech and is about to make a mockery, but Sima Yi goes on and doesn't give him a chance to interrupt.

"Since Liu He ascended the throne, he has developed business and tourism, making the products of the four seas circulate in the north and south. The price of sea salt from Xuzhou will triple when it comes to Jizhou. The price of silk from Sili area is five times that of Jingzhou. Among them, interests are by no means general. "

"Among these mountains, there are fur, animal bones, rhinoceros horn, various minerals, spices, and many treasures from the South China Sea. I know a few large caravans. Every year, the goods and materials obtained from Shanyue, Nanman and Jiaozhou are transported to the Central Plains for sale, and the profits are no less than billions. This is just nine cows and one hair. "

All the people present were surprised at this, and sun CE was overjoyed.

Sima Yi turned around and bowed down to sun Ce: "if the Lord can trust his subordinates, they only need 20000 people. In two years, they will be able to level the mountains and conquer Jiaozhou completely. At that time, with this barren and useless mountain in the eyes of others, they will be able to support a large army for the Lord and wait for him at any time."

"Well, Zhongda has a sharp eye, and his loyalty and bravery are commendable."

Sun CE clapped his hand and laughed: "come here, appoint Sima Yi to be the general of pingman Zhonglang, and reward 500 pieces of silk. After the Spring Festival, he will lead 20000 soldiers and go south to fight!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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