In the middle of the night, on the official road at the entrance of Sanshui village, four members of the Miao family drive their donkey cart slowly.

On the donkey cart, there are all kinds of luggage, big bags and small bags. It's obviously not like going out to the market, but more like moving.

Miao Juan looks sad and looks at her parents from time to time. She opens her mouth several times, but she wants to say nothing.

Miao father seemed to see his daughter's mind, sighed: "Oh, my dear, my father knows that you like your highness, but you have to think, that's the prince. How can we ordinary people rise to the top? Are we not bullied enough these days? "

Miao Juan lowered her head.

In the past month or so, whether they are in the village or going to Luoyang market, they are often bullied. They kicked over their stalls and destroyed the crops in the fields.

Even a few days ago, a group of gangsters came directly to their door and asked them for protection fees. He also said that they have been given such a generous reward by the emperor. It is also good for the country and the people to give some to others.

At that time, Miao's father was very angry and refused on the spot, but he was beaten up by them and his family suffered a lot.

Go to find the chief of the pavilion, but the chief of the pavilion only knows how to borrow an excuse to ask for benefits. Want to go to Luoyang newspaper official, but on the way was stopped by a group of strangers, and gave a beat.

After several inquiries, the Miao people heard that after the prince returned to the palace that day, in order to thank them for their help, the emperor rewarded them with a large amount of property and 500 mu of paddy fields, which caused many people's envy.

At first, they were afraid of the majesty of the imperial court. They were worried that the eldest prince would often come to visit the benefactor of the family. But later, they heard that a group of princes were going to watch the funeral for the Empress Dowager and general Cheng Liang. They were forbidden to go out of the palace for half a year without an imperial decree.

At present, there are people around the Miao family and on the only way to travel. In the capital, they dare not seize the important places. However, there are many ways to deal with the common people and the local ruffians. As long as they continue to harass them, they will compromise before long.

For more than ten days in a row, the Miao family finally couldn't bear it any more. They secretly sold off their farmhouse at a low price. They took their belongings with them and wanted to escape here at night.

Lying on the donkey cart, Miao's mother sobbed: "god damn I wanted to save a prince, and I will have a good life from now on. Who knows that such things happen How can I live in the future It's dead, it's dead... "

Miao Juan took her younger brother and comforted her mother, but her father scolded impatiently in a low voice: "what are you crying for? Are you afraid the thieves won't find us? "

He has always been a little afraid. Now his family has been in upheaval, and the normally powerful Miao mother has no idea. On the contrary, her father has regained his position as the head of the family. With this rebuke, the Miao mother really stops sobbing.

Miao's father looked at his wife's pathetic appearance and sighed.

"Ah You don't have to be so sad. Although we have sold our property cheaply, we are still a lot of wealth. With our savings over the years, we can live a good life by changing places and buying property and houses. Juan'er is no longer young. Let's work hard for a few more years to prepare some dowries for her and find a good family. That's a worry. "

When Miao Juan heard that she wanted to get married, she instinctively said, "no, my daughter doesn't get married..."

As soon as her voice fell, she seemed to realize that she had lost her manners and immediately changed her words: "my daughter is I want to spend more time with my parents, but I don't want to get married so soon... "

Miao's father looked back at her and said, "don't you know what your daughter is thinking? Don't you know what your father is thinking? You have always been in love with the eldest prince. I can see that the eldest prince also likes you. If he is not the prince, he is just an ordinary people. As a father, he will happily send you to marry him. But he is the prince Didn't you listen to the pavilion chief? They say that we Miao people dream and think of Phoenix in crow's nest. They also say that we want to tarnish the royal blood This... "

When Miao's father said this, his face was both ashamed and angry, and the veins on the back of his hands were suddenly rising, but it soon subsided, and finally turned into a sigh.

Miao Juan bit her lips, but she didn't say anything more. She just looked at the huge city in front of her from a distance through the night.

After a long journey, the outlines of these villages, including Sanshui village, have disappeared completely into the night. In the woods on both sides of the road, all kinds of insects are heard from time to time, which makes the night sky more and more silent.

My younger brother Miao Li yawned and said lazily, "Dad Mother, I'm hungry... "

Miao's father looked behind him, and then he stopped the donkey cart: "well, I've been driving for a long time, but no one has come after me. I think it's safe. Let's have a rest."

When Miao's mother heard the words, she took a cloth bag from behind. After opening it, there were several flour cakes and several water bottles in it.

She handed her husband and daughter a cake and a pot of water, and then she took one of them to feed her son.

Miao Li chewed a few mouthfuls and murmured: "brother tietou is so powerful. If he was there, those people would be beaten away.""Don't talk about that thief again," said Miao's mother

In the middle of the story, she suddenly remembered that the iron head, who had been humiliated wantonly by herself, was not what it used to be. She quickly covered her mouth, but she still felt indignant.

"Hum If it wasn't for him, why is our family here? "

Miao's father said coldly, "OK, iron Did your highness ever feel sorry for us? We can't earn those rewards all our lives. How can those bandits blame him for their coveting? "

Miao's mother said goodbye to the imperial court and the royal family, but she didn't dare to say more.

Just when several people thought they were safe and ready to have a good rest, a burst of laughter suddenly came.

"Ha ha ha Miao, do you really think you can escape from my master Niu? "

When the Miao people heard this voice, they were shocked even if they didn't see anyone.

Miao's father immediately took a firewood chopper and stared in front of him alertly: "master Niu, do you really want to kill everything?"

Several figures slowly emerged from the darkness in front of them. There were more than a dozen of them. They were all big and full of flesh. At first sight, they were not good people. Especially the leader was riding a big horse with a terrible scar on his cheek. When Miao Juan and Miao Li saw this man, they were scared and went straight to their mother's arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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