Zhou Yu's face was very dignified. He held back his panic and grabbed the soldier's collar.

"Tell me, what happened?"

The soldier hurriedly said, "go back to general, my grain and grass are... By..."

"How was it?" Zhou Yu felt bad.


"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"It's impossible! I'm in control of the movements of many enemy generals. Our army's grain and grass go up the waterway from the east of the river to Rushui, to Xincai County, and the cities on the West and south sides of Xincai are all under our garrison. The enemy on the East and North sides are also ambushed by us, and there are no large-scale elite light cavalry such as Zhao Yunna in these two armies. How can we be so fast and unaware , go deep into the rear of our army and cut off our grain road? "

Zhou Yu's face was full of disbelief, and his words almost roared.

Lu Su on one side was obviously a little calm. His eyebrows were locked and his tone was dignified. He asked the pawn, "have you ever found out who the enemy commander is? Is it Yanzhou governor holding the move? Or Xuzhou Governor Xu Huang? Liu Bei, Prince of Anping?"

The pawn shook his head and said, "none. My subordinates only know the enemy's flag. It's a word 'horse'."

"Horse?" Zhou Yu and others were in doubt.

Suddenly, Zhou Yu seemed to think of something frightening and stared at the boss.

"Is it..."

At this time, Lu Su also thought of it and shouted a name with Zhou Yu.

"Ma Chao!"

At this time, Zhou Yu couldn't help taking a breath: "two months ago, he was still fighting with barbarians in Koguryo. How could he rush back to Yuzhou so quickly?"

"Yes, the 20000 javelin cavalry led by him are indeed capable of sneaking attacks on our food routes. However, two months ago, he attacked the capital of Koguryo, the domestic city. The new Lord of Koguryo personally commanded the army and people to defend the city. As the capital of Koguryo, the city is rich in food and grass, with towering walls and moat of six or seven feet wide, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Ma Chao and Tian Yu have the courage of the gods , how can it be easily broken? It's incredible. "

The eyebrows on both sides of Lu Su almost screwed to one place, and he couldn't think of anything.

Zhou Yu is the top commander of Jiangdong after all. At such a moment, he is still not completely flustered.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm his mind, and said, "it's useless to think about these now. For today's plan, we can only catch Guan Yu alive as a hostage, otherwise the future will be cut off, and we will all die here."

"It is said that I will order the whole army to pursue Guan Yu. In addition, I will immediately inform my ambush in the north of the city that they don't have to wait. After receiving the military order, I will immediately wave the army south and attack with my commander in front and back. Be sure to catch Guan Yu alive! Then take Guan Yu and meet with the Lord to recapture the grain road."

At the time of crisis, Zhou Yu showed his extraordinary ability as a commander and soon calmed the morale of the army.

Jiangdong army quickly abandoned the city. Under the command of Zhou Yu, thirty or forty thousand troops and horses assembled in the north of the city in just a quarter of an hour.

Chen lie's thousands of vanguard reinforcements soon joined Guan Yu and sped to the north without the obstruction of Jiang Dongjun.

Zhou Yu, the leader of the army, pursued him closely. He knew that taking Guan Yu hostage alive was the only way to crack the war situation in Yuzhou at present. Therefore, no matter how much he paid, he must do it himself, otherwise Jiangdong's good situation would collapse in an instant.

In this early morning, on the wilderness in the north of Runan City, the dust is flying, and the soldiers and horses of both sides are chasing each other until death.

Although Zijin dragon cavalry is a cavalry, it can get rid of the Jiangdong army, which is mainly infantry. However, it has been working hard for days. In addition, the fighting this night, under the fire attack, the damage is not small, the morale is also a little low, and there are a lot of dead and injured horses. In addition, Guan Yu ordered not to abandon any fellow robes, so many soldiers have asked them to ride on the same horse, Therefore, the marching speed was greatly reduced, which was bitten by Zhou Yu and difficult to escape.

Just when Zhou Yu was very eager, Lu Su suddenly said in surprise, "Gong Jin, look, is it our army ambush ahead?"

Zhou Yu fixed her eyes and looked forward. Sure enough, she saw a soldier and horse on the left and right sides in front of Zijin dragon riding, and quickly killed Guan Yu.

Zhou Yu was overjoyed: "well, Guan Yu can't escape today."

However, almost at the same time, the purple gold dragon riding, which was running wildly, suddenly stopped.


An earth shaking cry surprised Jiangdong soldiers and horses. The cavalry in front of him was full of energy and murderous at the moment. Where did he look like he was distracted by the fire and had no fighting spirit?

In the surprise of Zhou Yu and others, Zijin dragon cavalry quickly lined up. Those who were not seriously injured faced Zhou Yu and Jiangdong ambushes respectively in the front and back rows. Those who were seriously injured, as well as the soldiers led by Chen lie, took out their bows and crossbows one after another, lined up behind them and were ready to shoot at any time.

Zhou Yu was shocked, shouted "bad", and hurriedly ordered the whole army to stop.

However, the soldiers and horses he personally led stopped moving immediately because they were forbidden by the order. However, the more than 10000 Jiangdong ambush in front of Guan Yu's army had rushed to less than 200 meters in front of Guan Yu's army before receiving the order.

"No, I'm in the trap!" Zhou Yu shouted that it was not good, but he was separated from the ambush by a purple gold dragon, and he could only watch them fall into a trap.

"Let go!"

Guan Yu personally ordered numerous crossbows and arrows to shoot out from the gap between the cavalry in the front row.

The Jiangdong soldier who rushed to the front was shot through by the powerful crossbow before he reacted.

The general in charge of commanding the ambush realized that the so-called "defeated general" in front of him was actually just a bait. In panic, he had no time to think about it and immediately ordered the withdrawal.

However, watching them rush to kill for a while and quickly withdraw back, Zhou Yu angrily scolded: "stupid! Now that they have rushed to kill, they can only work hard. Only by breaking through the front-line cavalry camp can they have vitality. Now they retreat in panic, the morale of the army is reduced, and Guan Yu leads the soldiers to chase up. Isn't it a sheep into a tiger?"

Sure enough, as soon as the ambush retreated, Guan Yu personally waved the green dragon Yanyue knife and led thousands of purple gold dragons down the mountain, roaring out like a tiger, and went straight to the scattered Jiangdong army.

"Alas, the tide is over..."

Zhou Yu patted her thigh hard, then gave a "Cang Lang", took out her sword, shook her arms and shouted.

"Soldiers, there is no way to retreat in today's war. Retreat means death, and war means life. Kill with me..."

Lu Su, a civil servant, did not hesitate at this time. He took out his sword and rushed over with Zhou Yu.

The officers and men looked at their colleagues in front of them and were killed in scattered places because they retreated halfway. They were so encouraged by Zhou Yu and Lu su. They gave up all their illusions, clenched their teeth and killed the enemy who was obviously much stronger than their own side.

However, even at this moment, Zhou Yu did not realize that the key means that really threatened Jiangdong had not yet appeared

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