Luoyang, imperial palace.

The right Prime Minister Xun Yu is accompanying the emperor.

"Wen Ruo..."

After reading the memorials for a long time, Liu he had some sour eyes. He couldn't help but put down his royal pen and rubbed his eyes.

After hearing the emperor's summons, Xun Yu immediately got up and said, "the minister is here."

Liu he rubbed for a moment and felt a little relieved. He looked at Xun Yu and said, "do you think I'm too anxious about this war?"

Xun Yu was not in a hurry: "I think your majesty has far-reaching thinking and careful planning. After this war, even if you can't decide the south of the Yangtze River, you can also greatly frustrate the enemy's vitality and military morale. The world has been in chaos for many years, and the people are determined and eager for a bright King. It's not a short time. If you calm the world one day earlier, you can make the people live a stable life one day earlier. Why are you so anxious?"

Liu He shook his head, and there was a bit of sadness between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Alas, in this war, I took my second brother and Zijin dragon riding as bait. Although I was well prepared for Zhou Yu's fire attack, I must have suffered a lot of damage. Although the war was dangerous, it was inevitable that I would be killed and injured, but I was always uneasy to send them into the trap myself. There were also many people who died in the war in the army of the fourth brother and the fifth brother. This is my fault."

Xun Wei replied: "If general Yun Chang didn't come out in person and use Zhou Yu's wisdom, how could he be so easily caught? General Guan sulai is arrogant and arrogant. It's hard for others to expect that he will be willing to be a bait to accomplish other people's credit. Your Majesty's plan is to exchange small losses for great achievements. If the war continues for a long time, the enemy has Zhou Yu's plan and sun CE's courage, our army will be more and more seriously killed and injured, which will become a major event It has been true since ancient times that your majesty can be so kind. It is rare to give more pensions to the dead and record the merit of the injured. "

Liu He nodded and said, "well, let's leave it to the Ministry of war. In addition, many meritorious soldiers need to be rewarded in advance."

"The minister obeyed the order, and then went to discuss with Cui Shangshu."

Liu he seemed to have finished a worry, took a long breath, and his face was a little relaxed.

He looked out of the window at the sundial. It was the end of unitary time.

"Jiang Huan's navy has arrived in the east of the river."

Xun Yu smiled: "Your Majesty is far sighted. Four years ago, compared with Cao thieves at that time, Sun Jian in Jiangdong was just a minor disease and weak strength, which is not worth mentioning. However, your majesty took precautions and built a warship in Qingzhou in advance, so that they could have the plan to deceive the world today. Sun CE and Zhou Yu only focused on the prince of Anping and General Xu Gongming for Xuzhou soldiers and horses, but they did not expect that our army would have such a number of wars Ship Navy. Danyang county and Wu County have less than 30000 troops in total and are scattered everywhere. They are naturally irresistible. "

Liu he said slightly: "although Zhou Yu is a famous general in the world and has outstanding wisdom, how can he defeat my many love Qing, such as Wenruo, Gongda, Zhouping, Yuanzhi and so on?"

"Hehe, your majesty is wise and wise. How dare your ministers take credit for it? After the great victory of Yuzhou and Jiangdong, your majesty granted Mount Tai a Zen, which is enough to comfort the previous emperors of the Han Dynasty."

"It's too early to be happy at the moment. Jiang Aiqing is a native of Binzhou and is not familiar with water. Although the warships and sailors are ready, his commander-in-chief has only been in office for a few months. Whether he is competent for the post of commander-in-chief of the Navy will be tested by this battle."

Although Liu he said so, he looked very relaxed and obviously didn't worry too much about the negative result.

Xun Yu smiled and didn't answer.

North of Danyang County, Jiangcheng County.

To the north of the city, the vast Yangtze River rushes past. After the last 300 miles, it flows into the East China Sea.

Near the river, there is a not high hillside, named Qixia mountain, with beautiful scenery. Climbing the top of the mountain and overlooking the Yangtze River, thousands of lofty feelings have been born, which has always been loved by scholars and writers.

However, on today's Qixia mountain, there was no excitement in the past. The children of aristocratic families who had traveled here were panicked and fled in a hurry, as if they had seen some terrible monster.

On the river in the distance, tall and incomparable building ships and warships with high sails are galloping towards the ferry not far from Qixia mountain in the face of the north wind in early spring.

On a warship headed by Jiang Huan, dressed in military uniform, he pressed the sword with his left hand and held the ship with his right hand, staring solemnly at the river bank ahead.

Behind him, general Anton taishici, guerrilla captain Chen Dao and other generals, as well as counselors such as Chen Deng in Xuzhou and Xu Shu, the left chamberlain of the Ministry of military, stood on both sides.

Jiang Huan took a deep breath, Then he said: "Your Majesty has been planning for a long time to lure generals such as Guan, Zhang and Zhu, and even the prince of Anping, in order to catch the main force of sun CE and Zhou Yu. Now the plan has been successful, Zhou Yu's children have suffered a great defeat and suffered heavy losses, while Danyang county and Wu County ahead have weak defense and no famous generals. Your majesty has built warships and trained sailors in Qingzhou for more than four years, but there has been no one Commander, now Jiang has won the honor and favor of his majesty. He is also a heavy burden. He vowed to use this war to break the name of Jiangdong's invincible Navy and raise the prestige of our great Han nation! "

"Swear to break Soochow and raise the prestige of our country!"

The soldiers behind him shouted in unison.

Chen Deng stepped forward and said, "general, our army can win this battle without fighting. His subordinates also know Liu Xun, the governor of Danyang county. He is not good at military aircraft and military strategy. Danyang county has no more than 10000 troops, and he is unprepared in advance. With Liu Xun's heart, it's not difficult to see such a lineup of our army and ask him to surrender."

"Good." Tai Shici also agreed: "Your Majesty ordered people to build this building ship, two floors below and three floors above. Each ship can accommodate 5000 soldiers. Hundreds of boatmans paddle at the lower level. Such a large ship can also walk like flying, and there are all kinds of giant catapults on board. We dispatched five building ships, eight small warships and more than 30 ships at a time, with 50000 sailors. I'm afraid the whole Jiangdong Navy is just like this This scale, and only one Danyang county and Wu county can scare them off. "

Taishici was originally from Donglai, Qingzhou. He grew up on the beach when he was young. Although he practiced horse martial arts in his youth, he never forgot his water nature.

When he learned not long ago that Liu Bei, king of Anping Prefecture, had helped to be today's son as early as four years ago and secretly built ships and trained sailors in the Bohai Bay at the junction of Qingdao and Hebei, he was eager to try. He took the initiative and asked to come here to work as a navy.

Jiang Huan did not change his face and was not half complacent: "you can't underestimate the enemy. Although our warships are magnificent, our soldiers have never experienced a naval battle after all. Only a few of them are the sailors trained by the prince of Anping when he exterminated the pirates in Qingzhou. In addition, Jiang also led the Navy for the first time and should have 12 points of spirit. If we lose, we will have no face to our majesty."

Everyone knew that he had always been calm, and such remarks were indeed reasonable, so they all stopped looking down on him.

However, as the fleet got closer and closer to the shore, Xu Shu suddenly pointed in front of him.

"Look, there seems to be movement on the other side?"

They looked intently. Sure enough, they saw hundreds of people gathered on the shore. It seemed that they were still beating gongs and drums, and the sound of drum music came faintly.

Jiang Huan frowned, "what does this mean?"

Not long after, one person came out of the crowd opposite.

The man boarded a high platform originally used for viewing, shouted to the fleet: "general, I'm the next Danyang prefect Liu Xun, specially led the officials of Danyang county to surrender to the general, and I hope the general will put away his troops and let the people of my county go..."

"General, I'm Liu Xun, governor of Danyang..."

Liu Xun repeatedly shouted these words. Although there was still a distance between them and the river wind roared, Jiang Huan and others learned martial arts since childhood. After listening to them several times, they generally understood his intention.

"Danyang County surrendered?"

Jiang Huan was somewhat surprised, but it was also planned, so he was not too surprised.

Chen Deng laughed and said, "hahaha, Chen said long ago that Liu Xun had no courage. When Yuan Shu died, he immediately surrendered to Sun Jian. Now sun CE and Zhou Yu were defeated, we are close, and the collapse of the sun family in Jiangdong is near. But I thought I would have to spend some time. Now it seems that I saved this effort."

Xu Shu said, "general, beware of fraud. It's better to send a general first and take a team ashore. It's not too late to make a decision after finding out the truth."

Jiang Huan nodded and said, "well, Shi Lang Xu is right. Uncle Zhi, I'll work hard for you."

Chen Dao immediately stepped out of the line: "the end will take command!"

Among the crowd behind Liu Xun, there was one ugly man, Pang Tong and Pang Shiyuan, who left Xiangyang a few days ago.

He looked at the river, two small warships separated from the mighty fleet, and several Zoke, twirling their beards and smiling.

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