Among the mountains in the southeast of Hanzhong.

In the mountains and forests where there should have been only wild animals and birds, there is a figure marching now.

The military general headed by Wei Yan is impressively.

After walking for a long time, Wei Yan was sweating. He stopped and the deputy general came forward to brush a large stone. After Wei Yan sat down, he quickly handed over the water bag.

"Gulu... Gulu..."

Wei Yan drank several mouthfuls in a row. The clear mountain spring made him recover a bit of spirit in an instant.

Then he looked around and asked, "I've been marching in this mountain for seven days. I don't know where I've been here?"

The deputy general replied, "the last general has investigated. There is a village more than ten miles to the southwest of the front. There are about thirty or forty families in the village. This village belongs to Ba County and Hanchang County, which is more than 20 miles away from the county seat."

"Oh? It's Hanchang?" Wei Yan was pleasantly surprised. "In this way, in seven or eight days, we can arrive at Langzhong City. Um... It won't delay the Lord's plan."

Wei Yancai took a few mouthfuls of water and said to himself.

"I have to wait in the end of the mountain, but I don't have to wait in accordance with the master's plan."

Although he said this respectfully, he could not help complaining.

On that day, Wei Yan volunteered and said that he inquired from the local woodcutter that there was a path in the mountains. Although it was rugged and difficult to walk, and it was very secret, it could lead directly to Langzhong. He asked sun to dispatch five thousand elite soldiers, light and simple, and rushed down the mountain road to Langzhong City.

Langzhong used to have more than 10000 garrisons. Wu Yi transferred 6000 elite soldiers a few days ago, so the city was empty. Wei Yan thought to himself that there were 4000 old, weak and disabled soldiers left, who could not stop his offensive. Even those Yizhou soldiers who were newly attached to the Luoyang court said they would not directly open the city and surrender.

In this way, after taking a rest in Langzhong, he can go straight to Chengdu. After Meng Huo's barbarians arrive, he will give priority to himself and Meng Huo will give assistance. It is up to him to win the first merit of Yizhou. At that time, he will make great progress in the army, and even Zhou Yu dare not underestimate himself.

This deputy general is also a confidant who has followed Wei Yan for many years since Jingzhou. Wei Yan told him his plan without hiding it from him.

The deputy general was also very happy at the beginning, but he looked up at the surrounding mountains, and his face was bitter.

"It's just... Ah, this mountain path is so difficult to walk, with bushes and beasts everywhere, and it often rains and muddy. If you want to get to Langzhong, I'm afraid it will be a lot more at night than originally scheduled. The soldiers don't bring much dry food. These days, it's so hard to travel. Dozens of brothers died of wind and cold, or were attacked and killed by beasts at night. If it goes on like this, the morale of the army will change."

Wei Yan didn't care. He took out his sword and tried to cut down a bush in front of him. A moment later, the long sword leaned on the ground and said, "after giving orders and seizing Langzhong City, the soldiers and soldiers can take the treasures in the city."

The deputy general said happily and anxiously, "will it lead to the dissatisfaction of the Lord without asking for instructions?"

Wei Yan said with a smile, "Lord, you are ambitious. How can you care about these possessions? What's more, looting and boosting morale have been the same since ancient times. What's the point?"

The deputy general was delighted at the speech and immediately stepped down to give orders. Soon, the soldiers behind him heard cheers.

In Nanzheng City, Liu Zhengmei was a little anxious. He looked at Zhuge Liang sitting on the left, closing his eyes and nourishing himself. His lips were slightly opened, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Elder brother has questions, but you can ask clearly. Why bother to be depressed in your heart."

Liu Zheng listened to Zhuge Liang's sudden words and looked up, but he still didn't open his eyes. However, seeing his words like this, he no longer hesitated.

"I think the third younger brother is only a little skin injury. He can get well after resting for two or three days. Why should he be transferred back to Chengdu to recover from the injury? The fourth younger brother, Cheng Yang, was called back to Luoyang by his father not long ago to discuss the marriage with my eldest sister princess Ning Yu. The generals of Yizhou have recently returned to China and have their own plans. It is difficult for the imperial court to do their best. Now there are only three younger brothers around me who can make great use of them. How can he resist when sun CE and Zhou Yu's army arrive?"

Zhuge Liang smiled, looked at Liu Zheng from the corner of his eye, and then shook his head slightly.

"I thought that when my brother sent his third brother away, he couldn't help asking. I didn't want to endure it until now. It's really valuable, ha ha..."

Liu Zheng looked relaxed at him, his anxiety eased by three points, and his tone slowed down.

"It's better for you to tell brother Yu what your plan is, otherwise he will be unable to sleep at night for a few days."

"Hahaha... Well, brother, since you ask, why don't you make an unspoken reason?"

He leaned forward slightly to Liu Zheng's position, and Liu Zheng also catered to the past.

"Brother, what do you think is a man who knows soldiers?"

Liu Zheng said without hesitation: "Sun Wu has a cloud, knows himself and the enemy, and is invincible in a hundred battles. If both the enemy and us have their own advantages and disadvantages, their respective strengths and weaknesses, and each other's timing, geographical advantages and people's convenience, if they can see through the fire, they can be described as people who know the soldiers."

"Good." Zhuge Liang nodded slightly: "my elder brother has been trained by his majesty since he was young. From my elder brother's point of view, now that sun CE's army is under the city, how strong is it compared with our army?"

After Liu Zheng thought a little, say: "The enemy's forces are similar to ours, and our army is to defend Nanzheng city. Although it is not called a high city and deep moat, it is also easy to defend but difficult to attack because of the terrain. Besides, the enemy suffered a disastrous defeat not long ago, and sun CE himself is only spared. Now the morale is not high, but our army is in high morale. All the officers and men of the army hope to capture sun CE alive as soon as possible, conquer Jiangdong, dominate the world, and seal their wives and children. The only thing that is inferior is that my brother is not as good as sun CE and Zhou Yu, The soldiers in the army can't compare with each other. But with your second brother's help, I think it's worth it. In this way, we have the right time and place, we have the right people, and both sides have their own advantages, so it is difficult to distinguish between the higher and the lower. "

Zhuge Liang smiled even more: "hehe, brother, with an eye to the overall situation, thoughtful and more able to face his own shortcomings, it can be seen that his majesty entrusted the burden of Yizhou to his brother, which is a wise choice."

Liu Zheng waved his hand again and again: "don't make fun of me, second brother. Talk about business."

"Good, good."

Zhuge Liang straightened his countenance a little: "brother is very familiar with sun CE and Zhou Yu's ability and temperament. However, there is another person among the enemy who is very important, but brother ignored it. It is not difficult for our army to win this battle and hold Hanzhong, but if we want to reduce our casualties as much as possible, we should completely defeat the enemy's morale. The key lies in this person."


Liu Zheng was suddenly curious, and his body was closer to Zhuge Liang.

"Who is so important?"

Zhuge Liang smiled mysteriously: "Wei Yan, Wei Wenchang."

Liu Zhengyi was stunned: "although this person is very important in sun CE's army, his status and military skills are all under Huang Gai and Cheng PU. Why should he be so valued by the second younger brother?"

Zhuge Liang didn't answer directly. Instead, he went to the sand table topographic map and continued talking while walking around the sand table.

"Wei Yan was a general of Jingzhou, who had surrendered to sun CE together with veteran Huang Zhong. After Cao Cao died, Huang Zhong, an old general, mourned for his former master for three months and had sun CE visit him twice before he worked for him, but Wei Yan was not."

Liu Zheng also said: "I've also heard about this. Wei Yan took the initiative to kill Cao Cao's relatives and raised his head to see sun CE. He bluntly said that when Cao Cao was in Jingzhou, there were many tyrannies, dissatisfaction among the gentry and resentment among the people, and the reward and punishment in the army were unknown. He blindly put his Cao family and Xia Hou's generals in high position. Xia Hou Dun had little military merit, but he was the first general of the public. Even Cao ang relied on himself to be the eldest son of Cao Cao Cao and was superior to many demoted generals in Jingzhou, which had already made them extremely dissatisfied."

"Good." Zhuge Liang continued: "even if he is in our army, excluding his majesty, he is also in the top 15. Moreover, he has great ambition and is both wise and brave, which is by no means comparable to Cheng Pu and others."

Liu Zheng nodded and said, "my father once said that there were hundreds of generals and generals in Jingzhou, most of whom were wine bags and rice bags. Only Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were skilled in water warfare, and Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and wisdom and courage could be of great use. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity for water warfare in the north, so CAI and Zhang died in front of the tiger prison before they became famous. But what's the matter with the third brother's injury?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang pointed to some mountains in the sand table with a feather fan.

"Brother, look, there is a path taken by a local woodcutter in these mountains. Although it is steep and difficult to walk, there are even cliffs and fierce animals, it can go straight from Hanzhong to Langzhong."

Liu Zheng was shocked and turned pale. He hurried around the sand table and looked carefully for a long time.

"Why didn't the second younger brother say that there is such a dangerous way? Now Langzhong City is empty and there are only thousands of old, weak and disabled soldiers. If the enemy soldiers arrive, can they go straight to Chengdu?"

"Hahaha... Don't worry, brother. I expected that with Wei Yan's temperament, he would try to find out about these paths and try to make the first contribution. Although sun CE was conceited that he could capture Hanzhong, he would inevitably pay a lot of price and it would be difficult to stick to it for a long time in the future, so I would agree with him to take this dangerous move."

Liu Zheng seemed to understand something at this time.

"The second younger brother means that the third younger brother pretends to be seriously injured and wants to go back to Chengdu to recover from the injury. In fact, he leads the soldiers to secretly bypass Langzhong to prevent Wei Yan?"

"Yes, that's right."

Zhuge Liang said with a smile, "in this way, there are three benefits."

"First of all, you and my brothers are all young, and sun CE meant to despise them. The Shen brothers, arrogant and greedy for work and profits, will boast to sun ce that one arrow will seriously injure their third brother. In this way, they will not doubt and despise the third brother's return to Chengdu. In this way, our army has more chances of winning."

"Second, capture Wei Yan alive and thwart the enemy's plan. Then the third brother can be a special soldier. When his brother and sun CE are fighting fiercely, he will be able to surprise and defeat the enemy."

"The third is the most important point. Cao Cao was killed by the local gentry in Jingzhou on that day because he used the northern generals and the sons of Cao and Xia hou to suppress the gentry in Jingzhou. Now Jingzhou is attached to sun CE, who naturally hopes to be reused and make meritorious contributions. On the one hand, he will defend the foundation of Jingzhou and avoid being divided by his Majesty's land sharing order. On the other hand, although they rarely have the heart of dominating the world, the gentry in Jingzhou encroach on the benefits The meaning of fertile land in Tianfu prefecture has not been for a few days. "

"Therefore, after the great defeat, sun CE dared to launch troops and horses to attack Hanzhong, which was caused by Pang Shiyuan's persuading all ethnic groups in Jingzhou to help. Sun CE promised that if he captured Yizhou, he would divide the land of Yizhou into all ethnic groups in Jingzhou, and share the world with them if the northern expedition was successful in the future."

Liu Zheng now fully understands: "In this way, Wei Yan's unique soldier represents the determination of all Jingzhou ethnic groups to seize Yizhou. If this road is defeated, even if Hanzhong is captured by sun CE, it is also the credit of Jiangdong scholars. At that time, Jiangdong giants will repeat the mistakes of Cao Cao and overthrow Jingzhou giants. If sun CE fails to capture Hanzhong, Jiangdong giants will also blame Jingzhou soldiers and horses and blame Wei Yan, that is, Jingzhou giants."

"Exactly. In this way, whether sun CE's siege of the city is successful or not, the internal Jing and Yang factions are bound to civil strife. At that time, his brother raised troops to the East, general Guan and Xuande Gong raised troops to cross the river from Henan and Xu. In this way, the three armies advance together, and the sun family will be destroyed."

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