Cheng Liang was embarrassed to scratch his head, and Liu he heard the name of "Zhang Shiping", but it was like picking up gold!

"Zhang Shiping, the big horse merchant mentioned in the romance, and Su Shuang, another fellow townsman, once supported the three brothers of Liu Bei to start the army. The famous green dragon Yanyue sword, Zhang eight point steel spear, and male and female double share swords were made with the wrought iron they funded. These two can be called the top millionaires of the Three Kingdoms. Three younger brother said two horse merchants, the other should be su Shuang! It seems that Zhang Shiping should be called Zhang Ding, and his name is Shi Ping. "

Liu Hutton was so excited that it was really a sleepy pillow!

He grabbed Cheng Liang and almost yelled: "it's so wonderful! Do you have any way to get in touch with them? "

Cheng Liang was frightened by his capture. Liu He also found that he seemed a little excited and lost his state. He quickly recovered and sat upright.

"I'm excited for a moment, but I'm just excited. Ha ha."

Cheng Liang didn't think much about it. He looked down for a moment and then said, "I can't get in touch with him. In fact, my family has never contacted them since I remember him. They think we are poor, we think they are shameful in doing business, so we have no contact with each other. But I know where their house is. "

Liu he immediately clapped his thigh and stood up: "good! The second brother, the third brother, tomorrow morning, you two will take a box of coins as a deposit and go to Zhongshan to look for these two horse merchants. You must buy good horses! "

Guan Yu and Cheng Liang only thought Liu he was eager to buy horses, so they didn't say much.

"Don't worry, big brother."

Liu he thought of Cheng Liang's character. He was afraid that he would say something wrong and cause trouble. He quickly ordered, "two good brothers, go to Zhongshan. Remember to have a good relationship with them. In the future, we will have to ask for help from others, but don't act rashly. "

In this era, the social status of businessmen is extremely low. Even ordinary people may not look up to a businessman who is engaged in big business. What's more, his brothers' status is not what they used to be. If Cheng Liang said something wrong and offended these businessmen, he was afraid that the other party would not do his own small business for a moment, which would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, big brother. Even if I don't want to face it, I will definitely handle this matter!"

Liu he was relieved when they said so.

After several people were separated, Liu he went to see Zhang Yu. Seeing that she had fallen asleep and did not dare to disturb her, Liu he returned to his room.

Lying in bed, Liu he was filled with emotion.

I'm about to get involved in the turbulent world of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. I don't know what will happen in the future. I didn't expect that I was only 19 years old. According to the current standards, I was still a minor. I even became a county magistrate. It's really sad.

Liu He is feeling here, the sound of the system suddenly appears, which wakes him up completely from his half drunk state.

"The system prompts: the host completes the hidden task of occupying a county before the age of 20. Up to now, langdiao county has been controlled by the host from the county to the countryside, and has been appointed as the county magistrate by the imperial court. The system starts to calculate rewards for the host... "

Liu he suddenly sat up, full of expectation. What awesome is

, "I don't know what I can do for you. I feel that I have done well in this task. I am ahead of time. The achievement of governing the county is obvious to people. Hey, hope the boss of the system will give us some strength."

In Liu He's various conjectures, the voice of the system rings again: "the system measures the completion of the host's task, and it is recognized as excellent. The reward is as follows: the host's political attribute is increased by 1 point, and the lucky turntable opportunity is once, and the points are 500 points."

"Great! This award is awesome. Only these 500 points can let me do a lot of things! It's worth my effort. "

Liu he cheered and almost jumped.

Liu Hexin happily "looked" at the awards he had received and wondered how to use them.

"Well Let's use the lucky wheel first

Liu he selected ten convertible items from the warehouse and put them into the big turntable to turn.

"Congratulations to the host. A copy of the atlas of foal culture has been stored in the system warehouse."

This reward finally made Liu he recover a little bit.

Although the album was not expensive among the ten items he had selected, it came in time. When he was ready to buy horses, it was timely rain. Therefore, Liu he could accept it completely.

"Now that I have the points, I'd like to exchange the" forging Manual of King Jia "and" domestication Manual of beast king "first. I've been longing for these two books for a long time."

The consciousness moves, 400 points to spend so, immediately left only 178 points.

The next day, Liu He gave Zhao chang the atlas of the cultivation of the divine colt and the domestication Manual of the king of beasts, while the forging Atlas of King Jia was sent to wulianggu.

Zhao Chang was extremely excited when he saw the domestication Manual of the king of beasts. After only turning a few pages, his eyes were shining, and he was not willing to put it down any more. It was as if someone would fight with him.However, he did not know that he was only interested in the cultivation of beasts. This kind of domestication of horses was totally out of the question. He was not interested in the book of horse raising.

However, Liu he could not manage so much, insisting that he study according to the atlas.

Liu He also has his own considerations. The black king will be his own mount in the future. However, Guan Yu and his cavalry are all riding horses. The fierce tiger of the black king is not only a deterrent to the enemy's horses, but also to his own family.

So Liu he planned to keep the horses next door with the black king, so that the horses would gradually get used to the black king's power. When they went to the battlefield, they would not be in chaos.

In addition, in a short period of time, Liu he had no place to look for a man who was good at raising horses, so the task could only be handed over to Zhao Chang for the time being. In any case, it was all animal training.

All the major events have been settled, and Liu He has finally got some leisure.

After a long rainy and snowy day, the weather finally cleared up. Liu He took Zhang Yu out for a walk.

Liu he helped Zhang Yu to the bamboo grove in the backyard and sat down on a stone bench.

"Husband..." Zhang Yu called softly. Liu He looked at her and rubbed her hands.

"Yu'er, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "nothing. I just thought, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. "

Liu he stroked the back of Zhang Yu's hand and said in a soft voice, "ha ha, what's wrong with men and women? As long as my wife gave birth to children, they are the blood of my Liu family. I like them all

Zhang Yu pursed her lips and said, "when did my husband become so smooth?"

Liu he scraped Zhang Yu's nose and said with a smile, "how can I be so glib. Don't you know what kind of a husband is, ma'am? "

"But you've been a solo since your grandfather, and I can't break it."

Zhang Yu stroked her big stomach, apparently hoping that there was a boy in her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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