"Ha ha, I have been waiting for two uncle for a long time!" Liu He is still ten steps away, and he is far away from his hands.

"Dare not dare, county magistrate has something to call people to pass on, why to move to the relatives, how to deal with grass-roots?"

Zhang Ding and Su Shuang were some flattered, and rushed Liu He to the museum.

Three people were relatively seated, and the people in the post house rushed to the tea.

"Liu came here for private affairs rather than for public affairs. It is not as Liu county magistrate, but as the elder brother of Yun and Gongyi. Therefore, it is necessary to be two younger generation to see them through the door personally. "

Zhang and Su people travel all over many counties and counties. They have achieved such a scale of business. This is a human being. When they hear Liu He, they immediately feel that this seems to be promising and they are in a hurry.

"Liu county magistrate is very kind. You are the emperor and nobles, and you are the head of a county. How can we be your elders for our small people? "

They dare not even say, but their impression of Liu He has been rapidly improved.

In today's society, it is not uncommon to treat such merchants with such a background as Liu He, and the status of the present.

When they went to sell horses, the officials or officers, who were almost willing to come to meet and discuss with them, sent several men to come and have a little arrogant attitude. Even tea water would not be served for them to drink.

After a few polite remarks and compliments from each other, Liu he began to take the matter forward.

"I heard the second and third brothers mention that they intend to marry their daughter to my two righteous brothers. They have no parents now. So-called elder brother is like a father, so I am called the elder brother to ask them about the two relatives."

With the basis of previous conversations, Zhang and Su have relaxed a lot.

Zhang Ding arched back: "yes. My nephew Cheng Jiaxian, who suffered from childhood, is not only unimpeded, but also has made such achievements with Liu county magistrate. It is also guangzongyaozu. My uncle and father feel proud. Both nephews and virtuous nephews are top talents. Brother Su and I have a daughter. This year, it is just 28 years old. It is also a beautiful appearance. Although the inferior family should not have been born with such a high-level heart, it is just such a good chance. If we miss it, I will regret for life. Therefore, this kind of face comes to meet each other. "

Zhang Ding, a few words, drew close to his relationship with Cheng Liang, or openly or secretly praised a brother Liu He three, and also promoted a daughter of himself and Su Shuang with him.

Su Shuang also hurriedly said: "yes, Cheng xiannephew is so powerful that he once killed several bandits and bandits. It is really beyond the reach of ordinary people to get this son-in-law. It is a great honor for my su family! Su Mou, who is willing to make up for a hundred good horses with three million yuan, will give the little girl Xu to chengxiannephew, and also look at the magistrate of Liu county to become a member of the county! "

"Zhangjia is the same. I would like to make up three million dollars and a hundred good horses as dowry, and give the little girl to guanxiannephew!" Zhang Ding followed.

After climbing the relationship, they began to raise the price code. And the price is a bit scary, far more than Liu he expected.

Two hundred ordinary horses, about 34 million yuan, and the two dare to take out dowry horses, it must be a good colt, the value of at least five million.

Add a family of 3 million, and it is sixmillion, this is not a decimal point. This is not necessarily the number of the year in the state to find four or five counties. It is obvious that these two people have been in blood this time.

Of course, this is blood in Liu He's eyes. After all, he does not look down on businessmen in his heart. But in the eyes of each other, these two marriages are really high.

Although they have a wealth, they have very low social status and are the bottom of the society. However, Guan Yu Cheng Liang is different. Although they have not yet held public office, Liu He is already a county magistrate. These two people have actually controlled one army. In addition, the ability shown by them is estimated that it will take a long time to get into the official career.

On the one hand, there are great future generals with unlimited achievements, and the merchants at the bottom of society. If the marriage can be achieved, their two have already taken up such a large price.

Liu He also knew that the two men had asked for such a high price, and what they asked was just the status of the right wife, at least a flat wife.

In Zhang and Su's mind, their daughter only became Guan and Cheng's wife, and their pay this time was really worthwhile. If it was only concubine, there was no right to speak at home, it would be a loss business.

Each other said this, if he does not agree again, he is expected to let the other side misunderstand himself to ask lion to open up.

"The two uncles were so sincere that the little nephew should be the relative for my two righteous brothers! It is a big thing to marry and pass through the door. I am a younger generation after all. So, my nephew has reported to his father. All matters concerning this marriage should be decided by the father and the two uncles. I don't know what uncle wants? "

Zhang Ding and Su Shuang are very happy to hear the words. The meaning of this is too clear. How can they not understand them?

It is also marriage, and the elders directly ask, if only concubines, why?They quickly sat up straight and bowed their hands to thank them.

"Oh, the magistrate of Liu county is really What a rare hero in the world

A happy event was settled, and both sides were very happy. Zhang and Su immediately sent their entourage home to buy a carriage and drove their daughter and some family members to langdiao county.

Liu Qian also came to meet the two in laws. He was the father of Liu He, which was also the father of Guan Yu and Cheng Liang. He came to discuss the matter on behalf of the two families, which was also justified.

Finally, we decided that the 23rd of this month is a lucky day, and we will do the wedding on that day.

Liu he went back to tell everyone about the happy event. Zhang Yong and Zhu Ye started to make fun of their two brothers. Guan Yu and Cheng Liang also took the opportunity to urge them to get married early. The brothers were so busy!

A few days later, the carriages of Zhang and Su arrived in langdiao county. Liu Qian and Xu took over the two families as elders, and also visited the next two brides. When they came back, they praised Guan Yu and Cheng Liang for their happiness and picked up two beautiful daughters-in-law for nothing.

The news of Guan Yu's marriage with Cheng Liang soon spread in langdiao county and the surrounding villages.

On the wedding day, not only some families in the city came to celebrate, but also many people came to congratulate themselves, which made Zhang Ding and Su Shuang more sure that they had found the right son-in-law.

After the wedding, two hundred horses were sent to the stables in the county. With the 200 horses given by the two previous families, they were 400 excellent horses, which made the ANP's armaments for the formation of cavalry immediately increased.

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