Of course, even a 126 Jin weapon is quite shocking. With Liu He's own strength, even if one can stand it, the other's weapons and horses may not be able to withstand it.

However, Guan Yu's broadsword and Zhang Yong's double-edged axe are mainly used for chopping and chopping, so they also need a certain amount of weight. Cheng Liang's Halberd needs not only chopping but also stabbing, so it is lighter.

Ye Xiang suggested: "brother Liu, please name our weapons."

"Good proposal, big brother, come on, give my younger brother this double hammer a loud, domineering reputation!"

Zhu Ye bangs his double hammers.

Liu He laughs: "ha ha, you are a pair of big hammers, heavy weight, knock up sound like thunder, for example, call it" Hunyuan thunderbolt hammer. "

Zhu Ye repeated the name in his mouth, and then roared: "good name! Ha ha, in the future, this pair of Hunyuan thunderbolt hammers will fight the enemy bravely with Master Zhu

Seeing that Zhu Ye has taken the lead, Guan Yu and others are worried, and they all come to ask Liu He to name their weapons.

Liu He also racked his brains. Finally, Cheng Liang's weapon was named "Tiangang soul chasing halberd", Zhang Yong's was named "chopping heaven and earth axe", and ye Xiang's was named "fire dragon gun". However, his weapon, which is said to be similar to the combination of double-edged axe, double halberd, double sword and long spear, is named "Yangming breaking reverse chop".

Of course, Guan Yu's knife is the easiest. There is no doubt that it is still "Qinglong Yanyue Dao".

The names were given to them, and they all beamed with joy.

Liu He looked at Pude: "I don't know what our armor looks like?"

He was still a little uneasy. The atlas of King Jia was sent over for more than a month. Could the three masters really develop it completely?

Pu de didn't see the special meaning of Liu He's look. He went around the weapon rack and saw several wooden frames against the wall. On the shelves, there were six sets of shining armor!

"The gold wire armor is drawn into silk with another special alloy. The lower body armor is a single layer of gold wire armor, and the upper body armor is made of two layers by more than 60 female workers. In the middle is a layer of what is called a spring in the atlas. Each spring is no more than the size of a thumb cover. This armour is light, bulletproof, and has good air permeability. It also has the ability to remove strength and stretch to a certain extent. It can not only protect the whole body of hands and feet, but also does not affect the movement in combat

After listening to bud's introduction, everyone was a little stunned. Such an army and such a armor are gods only in heaven!

The six men did not care much. They quickly took off waishan's battle robes, put on the six sets of full body armor one by one, put on helmets, and lifted their weapons in their hands.

"Oh! The six young heroes are so powerful and brave that they must be the pillars of our country

From the bottom of his heart, Depu's eyes were full of surprise.

"Mr. Liang Gong, please take a sword and try to chop us." Liu he said.

This is Pu De's word.

Pude immediately understood his intention and went out to the warehouse to get a precious sword made before. Although it was not a sharp sword, it was more than enough to chop ordinary leather armor and ordinary iron pieces.

"Liu county magistrate invited, I offended you!" Pu de arched his hand and Liu He nodded to him.

"Oh Pu de used all his strength to chop Liu He's chest with his sword. He could only hear a clear "Yi La". A little spark appeared at the friction between the blade and the gold wire armor.

After several stabs at Liu He's shoulder, thigh, back and other places, Pude stopped. Everyone quickly gathered around to see Liu He's armor. It was not said that it was damaged, and even a trace could not be seen.

"Oh, it's really God armour! The three masters are very skillful. They can be called miraculous skills! "

Liu he caressed his armor lovingly and loved it very much.

"With this armour, what are we afraid of when we fight against the enemy?" Guan Yu is also excited.

Pude and others were very happy to receive such praise and praise.

With these weapons, as long as Liu He and his men make a great reputation in the future, the three of them will surely become famous in history with these magic weapons, and will be known in the world with the ancient military craftsmen and sages!

Liu He put on his clothes and clothes again, and the treasure armor was covered up and couldn't see anything.

The six sets of armor completely dispelled Liu He's doubts.

"It seems that PUD's special attribute of" tempering "is more powerful than I thought

"The three masters are so skillful that Liu is very grateful! Later, I ordered people to send wine, meat, money and food to reward all the workers and craftsmen. I hope the three masters will pay more attention to the casting of soldiers and armour! "

Liu he changed the address of the three from "master" to "master", which shows that he attached great importance to them, and the three were also very happy."It's very kind of you, Mr. Liu. We have achieved our success today. We depend on your support. How dare you be greedy?"

With the three pudes, and a dozen assistants and disciples they brought along, the speed of these ordinary armour building is bound to be higher.

Still excited, they left wulianggu. Cheng Liang, Zhang Yong and Zhu Ye followed Liu He's orders and rushed to the valley where soldiers were trained. Liu He took Guan Yu and ye Xiang to find Zhao Chang.

In order to cultivate the wild and murderous spirit of animal training, we need to go out to hunt and kill animals frequently. So Zhao Chang asked not long ago to take the black king to stay in Huangshui village instead of in the county.

Seeing Liu He's arrival, the black king immediately ran over. He threw Liu He to the ground and put out his tongue to lick Liu He's cheek. The thorn on the black tiger's tongue made Liu he feel a little uncomfortable.

With the help of Zhao Chang, Liu he got up again.

"Hehe, magistrate Liu, you can't see that the black king is so gentle to you, but he is very cruel to other people who are not familiar with him. It's not a joke to launch a cruel attack. When I took him to hunt on the mountain more than ten days ago, he killed a wild boar of more than 500 Jin by himself, and he did it in one go without any delay."

Zhao Chang is very proud to speak. After all, it is not everyone who can tame such a legendary beast. Although more than 500 kg wild boar belongs to the "underage" wild boar, it is quite remarkable for the black king now.

Liu he was very happy to hear him say so. He squatted down and helped the black king brush his hair. The black king skillfully lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

"Hehe, it's the king of beasts. His temper is similar to that of cats in previous generations. But I can tell the enemy clearly

Liu he said in secret.

It has been more than half a year since he brought this black tiger back from Taihang Mountain. It has grown nearly twice as fast as before!

Liu he stroked the black king's black-and-white, oily and shiny tiger hair. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"Big brother, why don't we take the black king to go hunting today? We've been busy for several months, but we're a little rusty. We should go to activities."

Guan Yu put forward the proposal, ye Xiang also quickly applauded.

"Good idea. Black king hasn't been on the mountain for several days." Zhao Chang also agreed.

Liu he lowered his head and asked the black tiger, "black king, are you hungry? Brother, I'll take you up the mountain to find food, OK

The black king didn't know whether he really understood or how. He raised his head: "Oh!"

The roar, though not as sonorous as his mother's, was also majestic.

"Well, the black king has agreed. Let's start now and try our new magic power as well."

Guan Yu and ye Xiang are speechless for a while. Liu He's words are equivalent to Guan Yu's more brothers. Ye Xiang has more martial uncles and is still a tiger.

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