Liu He walked around the two horses and looked again and again.

Although these two horses were still young, their physique was majestic, and their muscles were almost perfect. As for their manner, they could not be compared with ordinary horses. In front of other horses, they really stood out from the crowd and were extraordinary!

The two horses, noticing the arrival of Liu He and his three men, raised their heads and hissed. The sound was clear and loud, especially for the pale yellow horse, which sounded through the sky and startled several ordinary horses nearby.

"God's colt, sure enough it is!"

The three men, itching at the sight, stepped forward and tried to touch the horses.

However, as the saying goes, "wild is hard to tame", although the two horses were captured by Zhang and Su, they were not ordinary horses after all. How could they be so easily subdued? Even if they were tied up in the stable, they still moved around and did not let the three people touch each other, which made them look irritable.

"Elder brother, it seems that these two horses are not easy to tame. However, with the riding skill and martial arts skill of the elder brother, it's not a problem. Please choose one first, so that Gongyi and I can have a look at our horizons."

Guan Yu Huguan Quan said, Liu He also heard some heart, but soon thought of a thing.

Now it's February. It's only a month before the outbreak of the Yellow scarves. The weapons and armor of these people are ready, but they lack good mounts.

Liu He already has the black king. Although it is still some time before he can ride, he is not in urgent need.

In contrast, Guan Yu, on the contrary, needs better horses than he does. Guan Yu's spring and autumn Sabre techniques must be equipped with good horses to exert greater power.

Liu he grabbed Guan Yu and Cheng Liang's hands and said with a smile, "you don't have to be humble. The foolish brother already has the black king. These two horses should be ridden by two good brothers."

"Big brother..." What else did they want to say, Liu He pretended to be angry and glared.

"Well, since the elder brother said so, the younger brother would rather obey the order than respect!"

They clasped their fists and laughed, and then they looked at the two BMWs. Their eyes were full of joy and even fanaticism.

The war horse is comparable to the second life of a general, and its importance is even more than the armor. There is no famous general who does not love a good horse, not to mention Guan Yu and Cheng Liang, the first-class generals in the world!

"Two uncles, please!"

Zhang and Su's servants made a gesture of invitation. Liu he stood in the distance and looked at them expectantly.

"Third brother, come on!"

At Guan Yu's command, they step into the stable, and one leads a horse.

Guan Yu grabs the red horse, while Cheng Liang grabs the light yellow one.

How can these two horses give up? After all, they are still young. If they were adults, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang might have no choice, but now they are not rivals of the two great generals.

Soon, the two men turned over on the horse's back, and the two horses did not want to be outdone. They rushed out of the stable and jumped in the backyard, trying to throw them off their backs.

But Guan Yu and Cheng liangben are strong, and they have practiced equestrian skills for many years. Can they easily fall down?

Two men and two horses, in the backyard of the county government, a full "struggle" for more than two quarters of an hour, still no one showed fatigue.

"Tut Tut, it's really amazing! Ordinary war horses, if they have been tossed down like this, would have lost their strength now. But these two young horses are still so vigorous and vigorous, which can be seen clearly! "

On one side, an old man in Zhangjia stroked his beard and said with appreciation.

"Hehe, brother Shibian, how can you only see the bravery of these two horses? As far as I can see, the two uncles are even more powerful. Although fan Kai's reincarnation may not be able to match it! " Another old man said.

On hearing this, the old man of Zhangjia nodded frequently: "it's not bad. The master's eye light has always been very accurate. These two uncles are indeed dragons and phoenixes among the people, and the magistrate of Liu county is the most outstanding hero in the world."

Liu He listened to their praise and politely said a few words, and then continued to focus on his two righteous brothers.

No matter how they jump and run, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang are still holding the horse's belly with their legs, grasping the mane on the horse's neck and gripping their teeth.

Finally, after struggling for a while, the movements of the two horses began to slow down. Obviously, their physical strength was not enough. Liu he saw that this was the critical moment to tame the two horses!

Guan Yu and Cheng Liang also see this point, put the last bit of strength out of the body, legs severely clip!

"Drive!" After a violent drink, the two horses were caught by this clip, which made them feel a little bit painful. In addition, they spent 70% or 70% of their physical strength. Finally, they were unable to make trouble again.

Two people clapped the horse body, a clip horse belly, two horses low neigh, and rushed out toward the door.

After a short run on the street, they went back to the backyard. They pulled their hands and heard a loud scream. The two horses stood up. When they fell down again, they got off their horses and stroked the bodies of the two horses with love on their faces. At this time, the two horses were much more secure."Congratulations, congratulations on the success of the two uncles in taming these horses! It will take about half a year for these two horses to reach adulthood, and their foot strength will be stronger then! "

The attendants and servants of the two families all came up to express their congratulations.

"The two good brothers have this divine colt to help, which is like a tiger with wings. Who is our brother's enemy in the world? Ha ha!"

Liu He is also very happy, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang got such a divine colt, and he got no difference.

Two people are also very excited, while returning to everyone, while fondling their beloved horse.

"Magistrate of Liu county." The old man of Zhangjia, who had just spoken, arched his hand and said, "this is the old man's disciple. He has learned horse skills from me since childhood. Now it can be said that he is better than blue now. According to the master's order, we will leave him in langdiao county to look after the horses for Liu county magistrate."

After that, a man about twenty-six or seven years old came out of his back and said to Liu He, "the villain's surname is mo, his name is da, and his name is Wende. I've met the magistrate of Liu County! In the future, he will take care of all the horses for Liu county magistrate

Liu He looked at this Moda, and saw that he had divine eyes and calluses on his hands. He looked really capable.

"System boss, check the Moda's attributes."

"System query, please wait Ding! Moda attribute: Commander 37, force 52, intelligence 74, politics 36, special attribute: none, stunt: none. "

Liu He nodded secretly. The attribute of Moda is still good. However, since the other party said that he was proficient in horse breeding, he would not send him to do another way. It would be a waste of talent.

"Well, this job is of great responsibility. I'm going to set up a post of Ma Cheng in the army. If you perform well, I can consider granting this position to you!"

This Mo Da hears speech greatly happy, quickly kneel kowtow: "villains must work hard, live up to the high expectations of the county magistrate!"

When he heard that he had a chance to get an official, others in the Zhang and Su families immediately showed some envy. Even the "master" who recommended him just now had some eyebrows.

However, his heart was useless. He knew that he was old, and he could not afford to keep horses with the army. If his apprentice could become Ma Cheng, he would remember his good master in the future, which was already the best choice.

At this time, Guan Yu turned to look at Liu He and said, "please give the names of these two horses!"

Generals love horses, and horses also have spirituality, so many generals like to give their horses a nice name, call them every day, and form a better understanding in the long run.

Liu he bowed his head and pondered for a while and looked at the two horses.

"This jujube red horse just ran like a burst of red smoke. The white hair on its four hoofs turned into a white shadow. Call him the red smoke vanishing shadow. As for this pale yellow one, its hissing sounds through the clouds, and its appearance is comparable to that of a divine beast. How about calling it a unicorn roar? "

Guan Yu and Cheng Liang repeatedly recited the two names several times, and then both clapped and applauded.

"Good, good name! Elder brother is much more educated than Cheng, ha ha! "

Liu he turned to Mo DA and told him, "later you will follow my second Brother Yun Chang and my disciple Ye Xiang to Huangshui village. When the time comes, you will put the red smoke Jue Ying and the unicorn roar in the stable next to the black king, and then you will take a look at the three horses with Zhao Xingming, who is in charge of training the black king. Oh, by the way, brother Wende will come with me. "

This Mo Da is not very clear about the situation of the black king, but Guan Yu and Cheng Liang understand it. So after listening to Liu He's advice, they are very confused.

"Elder brother, the black king is the king of beasts. I'm afraid that none of the five brothers dare to show his sharpness in front of him. Don't you put these two horses beside me..." Guan Yu said anxiously.

After listening to him, Moda and several other people also changed a little.

What else can be called the king of beasts? To accompany the beast, even Moda himself began to shiver.

Liu he said with a smile: "ha ha, you don't know the spirit of the black king. How can you hurt your family at will? What's more, if we don't fight together, why don't we fight together? Our cavalry was scared down by the black king, so we are not defeated without fighting? "

Guan Yu and Cheng Liang also feel that it is very reasonable to listen to them, so they don't say anything any more, and Moda is not easy to disobey.

As for the others, they secretly praised Liu He, and even these strange animals could be subdued to mount. It seems that the owner of his family has made the right bet this time!

Several people decided to go back and describe Guan Yu, Cheng Liang and Liu county magistrate's bravery to the owner.

Liu He and his brothers were very happy to get the two horses, and their martial arts and military training also seemed to be working harder, especially Guan Yu and Cheng Liang. Their excitement did not dissipate for several days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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