Liang Hao, with a mysterious smile, looked at the anxious look of the crowd and spoke slowly.

"On the fifth day of next month, the great virtuous teacher of Taiping Road will raise the banner of righteousness and establish the world again!"

"Ah! What

Liang Hao's words really scared the heads of the dozens of families. They all looked pale and even shivered.

"Well, a bunch of rubbish! It's just a ladder for the Liang family to step up. " Liang Hao despised in his heart.

A few timid family owners made a gesture to leave, but Liang Hao signaled his servants to stop him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before Mr. Liang said this, the door was open and free to go in and out. But now, you can't help it. So far, we are all grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can run away. "

Many of the owners were shocked for a long time before they came back to their senses and regretted it one by one.

"Oh, brother Bo Hui, this This is a conspiracy to kill the head! I dare not wait

"Yes! It's not a joke to try to commit a big crime! "

"Today's words, we should not have heard, how about?"

Looking at these people's cowardly appearance, Liang Hao's face became cold.

"Hum! It is for the sake of many years that I have shared with you that I have told you such a great opportunity, but you are not grateful? "

However, the owners of these families were holding a bitter gourd face one by one: "don't make fun of the Liang family leader. How can you get promoted and become rich, and how can you talk about opportunities?"

Liang Hao looked at them with some disdain and explained in no hurry.

"I'm not afraid you know that the great virtuous master has been planning for this for many years. Nowadays, there are many immortal masters in the imperial court, the Imperial Palace, the local prefectures and even the Luoyang forbidden army. However, the unruly emperor is still unaware of it. When the Xianshi army comes together, it should be combined inside and outside. Luoyang will be able to break through in the near future. Once the forbidden army is mastered, millions of followers will rely on the Taiping Road It's easy to make a world of it

"What This How could this be... " Everyone was obviously shocked by Liang Hao's words.

Although the Han Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles, it is still peaceful on the whole. Especially for these local powerful people, life is not bad. Even if we want to oppose Liu He, the magistrate, no one has ever thought that it is accompanied by the change of dynasties. How can we not be shocked when such a shocking secret news suddenly comes?

But soon, someone reacted and asked Liang Hao, "how do you know about this?"

Everyone immediately woke up. How could Liang Hao, a district and county magistrate, know so clearly about this event?

At the mention of this, Liang Hao's face could not help but appear a little pleased: "Liang is not talented, got the great virtuous teacher's favor, has already sent the God to convey the immortal's order to me, ordered me to cooperate with the heavenly army and the heavenly general, and attack wolf Diao County in one fell swoop!"

"Not only that, but the envoy also promised that once Liu he was cut off, the county of langdiao would still be the world of our big families. If you think about it, the present wealth and status of langdiao county will not be the same as before. Once we take control of this county again, we will certainly have much more wealth and status than we used to. When we enter the capital of Jinyang, it may not be wishful thinking!"

A picture of this big cake immediately attracted everyone present.

After listening to his explanation and combining his previous words and deeds, they soon understood and were greatly surprised.

"I didn't expect that Liang Xiancheng would collude Oh, no, it's a high branch like a great sage. No wonder it's so fearless. "

Behind such words, it is not clear what kind of thoughts people have in mind, whether they are envious, envious, or hostile.

However, no matter what they think, Liang Hao's heart is extremely happy at this time.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Liang Hao a voice, the next this gradually quiet down, want to hear what he has to say.

"The great virtuous teacher has a destiny, and the great event is coming, and the day of change is not far away. This langdiao county is now one of the richest counties in Bingzhou, and is close to Jinyang city. It can be said that it is a strategic place for the heavenly soldiers to seize Taiyuan county and control Bingzhou. "

We still agree with Liang Hao's words.

Although we are more or less dissatisfied with Liu He, the new magistrate, we still admire his achievements in governing langdiao county.

Today's langdiao county has a population of two or three times that of the surrounding counties. It is rich in grain and grass, and the source of troops is more abundant. Moreover, the physique of ordinary people is obviously stronger.

Once the people who have the intention to attack here, they will soon be able to pull up a young and strong army of more than 10000 people, and for a period of time, there is no need to worry about the logistics supply of ordnance, grain and grass, which is one of the top in many counties in Bingzhou.

But here's the problem.

Because of these conditions, Liu He's 3000 Anmin army is well-trained and well-equipped. Several commanders, including Liu he himself, are well-known for their excellent martial arts skills. The morale of the whole army is extremely high, and they have experienced many battles. Even the Bingzhou army under the governor general is estimated to be no more than that.Such a powerful army is just a few families. They are afraid that it is not enough to pose any substantial threat to the ANP. It is hard to take credit for such a powerful army. If we do it well, we will have to take all the lives of the whole family.

Of course, these ideas can not be concealed from Liang Hao. After all, at the beginning, he also had this worry at the beginning, but only after listening to the plot of the "God emissary" and the promise of reward afterwards, he resolutely agreed to it.

"What are you worried about? I will naturally know. Don't say that you, even me, can't do that. Since the great virtuous master dares to give such orders, of course, he has a way to deal with it. How can a county magistrate be an opponent of the immortal masters? "

People listen to Liang Hao said so, more or less put down a few silk worry.

"But I don't know what good strategies the great sage and good teacher have? As long as we can really bring down this child Liu He, we will go through fire and water, and we will never say goodbye! "

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liang, don't be so cynical. Come on

"I'll be obedient. Mr. Liang, speak quickly!"

Listening to everyone's attitude, Liang Hao was proud of himself.

What he wants is this effect. He has attracted many families for his own use and become the force of his own Liang family. In this way, he will be more likely to get attention under the great virtuous teacher in the future. Once the event is successful, he will be in the ascendant!

"Cough..." Liang Hao coughed a few times, and all of them were quiet.

"You can rest assured. The great virtuous division sent the emissary to bring some bottles of fairy medicine. We agreed with me that on the fifth day of next month, on the day when the great Xianliang division held a big event, a team of heavenly soldiers would come to attack our langdiao county. At that time, in the name of rewarding the generals, we would add this elixir into the food and wine. In this way, the heavenly soldiers could win the langdiao county without any effort! At that time, we will all be the meritorious officials of the founding of our country, and we will be the princes and shadow sons of the founding of the country, and we will not be in a word! "

People's eyes are bright when they hear the speech!

Who doesn't want to seek fame and wealth, now that Liu He is in power, we can't see any hope at all. We didn't expect such a good opportunity!

However, even so, the matter is too involved after all, and there are still many people who do not seem to be completely relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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