Zhang Yong clenched Liu He's hand and solemnly said, "I understand!"

Only this sentence, contains incomparable determination.

Cui Jun was also very pleased to see him on the side. He was very lucky to be able to work with this person.

"Well, my Lord, let's get back to business."

"Yes, the master said. With this arrangement, it will not be a problem for the grace and prestige to be given. Then the next step is en. "

Zhang Yong frowned: "big brother, this little brother can't think of it in any case. What's the best way to settle these 7000 or 8000 people quickly?"

Liu He mysterious smile: "if only focus on our wolf tune County, of course, it is impossible."

Zhang Yong and Cui Jun immediately understood.

"My Lord and elder brother mean to put them in the surrounding counties?"

Liu He nodded.

Zhang Yong slapped his thigh: "yes, it's not our family's business to live in peace and contentment. The surrounding counties should also contribute. Then we will take those thousands of people north to Yuxian to help them settle down in Yu County."

Cui Jun suddenly said with a smile: "ha ha, the four generals think well. But as far as Jun knows, the Geng county magistrate of Yu county is also a wine and meat county magistrate, regardless of the life and death of the people. What if he refuses to accept it?"

Zhang Yong a Leng, it seems that did not think of this, but after all, the intelligence of 83 people, quickly reflected.

"If he is so ignorant, that's fine. The armaments of these counties are all in disuse. With the strength of the Taiping army, these counties are bound to seek help from the prefectures. At that time, we will divide our troops into two parts: one disguised as the Taiping Army attacking the city, and the other disguised as the reinforcements sent by the sheriff, and cheat to open the gate of the city. Then we will cooperate inside and outside to seize their city and pull down those incompetent people. In this way, we can not only settle the seven or eight thousand Taiping army, but also pacify the people of Yu County, develop production and kill two birds with one stone! "

"Ha ha, it seems that the four generals are still scheming and breaking up after some instruction from the Lord. Very good, very good!"

Liu He also looked at Zhang Yong with a look of relief, which made Zhang Yong feel embarrassed.

The poor Yu county magistrate, completely unaware that he is now singing and dancing, has been calculated by the people in the next county.

The tranquility before the storm was not only in Hebei and Hebei, but also in the Han Dynasty. However, few people were aware of the huge crisis hidden in it

Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, is the capital of the Han Dynasty. Even to this point, its prosperity is unparalleled in the world.

Now it is evening. People are coming and going on the street. The restaurants are starting to turn on the lights. The peddlers are busy selling their last goods and go home for dinner. The sunset reflects a scene like a prosperous age.

At this time, a carriage was driving along the street, and soon stopped at the door of a stately mansion.

A tall and resolute old man came out of the carriage, looked at the plaque of "Cui Fu" at the door, and walked straight inside with a smile on his face.

As soon as I entered the gate, I heard a word of "forgiveness" coming.

"Oh, my dear son, I'm here, but I can't meet you far away. Please forgive me."

I saw a thin old man with three wisps of long beards. He walked over quickly, his face full of happy smile.

"Hehe, brother Wei Kao, I read some articles written by Uncle lingzuting today. There are some things that are not clear. I just went to visit at night. I hope you don't have to worry about it."

The old man who came in arched his hand.

The thin old man was not polite. He came and took the tall old man's hand and went to the house.

"You're here at the right time. I've been reading some of Mr. Ji Chang's masterpieces these days. I can't understand some of them. You and I can discuss them."

After that, he turned to one of his attendants and said, "tell the eldest son that Duke Lu is here. He has been saying that he wants to ask Duke Lu for knowledge. Let him come quickly."

"Here it is

The retinue bowed away.

Hearing this, the tall old man beamed with joy: "there are two lin'ers in my brother's family. They are both first-class in terms of literary talent and martial arts. They are much more skillful than the dogs in my younger brother's family."

They came to a hall and sat opposite each other.

The thin old man listened to this, but did not have the slightest sense of joy, but his face showed resentment.

The man known as Duke Lu was puzzled.

"Why does the elder brother look unhappy?"

The thin old man sighed and said, "ah, I'm not afraid of being teased by my younger brother. The eldest son is just as good. Although he is a bit blunt, he is diligent and eager to learn, and has the heart to make progress. That young son Jun was also intelligent and eager to learn. He was very talented in learning classics and swordsmanship, and he was deeply loved by the foolish brother. "

Duke Lu nodded slightly. The young son of his family was very intelligent. Among the peers of many aristocratic families, he was also called first-class.The thin old man went on: "how come this son is naughty and doesn't want to be enterprising. He lives with the grass in the river and lake all day long. It's really a bad family style!"

Hearing this, Duke Lu laughed.

"Ha ha, my elder brother, as a captain of Hanting, is in charge of the criminal law, but he can't control his own children?"

It turned out that this thin old man was not someone else. It was Cui Jun's father, Cui lie, who was the court captain.

The tall old man, whose surname was Lu Mingzhi, was one of the great masters of Confucian classics and the teacher of Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan, the two great princes, who were inseparable when people talked about the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Cui lie's face was covered by his smile.

"Oh, don't make fun of me. Although Anping County, my hometown of Cui's, was designated as Anping State Administration Office more than 20 years ago, in the final analysis, we are all fellow townsmen of Zhuo county. We have been friends for decades. We hope you can teach me."

Lu Zhi, with a clean look, said, "brother, don't worry too much. The younger generation is young and vigorous, and is naughty for a time. I think this son is both literate and martial arts, ambitious, and will achieve unlimited achievements in the future. "

Hearing this, Cui lie not only didn't feel relieved, but waved his hands again and again.

"I don't know something about Zi Gan. If it's just such a mess, it's all right. But he Ah... "

Lu Zhi felt that things were not easy now. Obviously, Cui Jun did something he didn't know, and it was obviously not a good thing.

"What? Did he do something against the festival

Cui lie sighed again. It seemed that he wanted to stop talking. However, it may be that this matter has been held in his mind for a long time. He is really not spitting out.

"Ah, I don't dare to be a virtuous brother. The bad boy sent me a letter with me a few days ago, saying that it was an important matter related to the country and asked me to report it to the court."

Lu Zhi's face was relaxed when he heard the words: "this is a good thing. My good nephew has the country in mind. If you don't call him to Luoyang as soon as possible, would you and I recommend to your majesty to ask for a job for him? If my sons are so loyal and filial, I'm afraid they will burn incense every day. "

"If so, that would be fine. However, you don't know what the letter says! He said Say Ah It's hard to say such a wicked thing! "

Lu Zhi was also a little anxious: "in the end, what's the matter in the letter, brother, as to this?"

Cui lie then said, "the rebellious son said that Taiping Road in Jizhou will soon oppose the Han Dynasty. He asked me to report to the imperial court and arrest him as soon as possible."

"What!" Lu Zhideng's face turned pale!

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