Guan Yu and others immediately surrounded Liu He in the middle, but Liu he pushed them aside and walked out.

"Master Liang, what do you mean?"

"Liang, you want to rebel! If you want to deal with my elder brother, I'll ask you whether my hammer agrees with me! "

As soon as Liang Hao sees Zhu ye lift the huge double hammer, he is scared to retreat again and again.

"You Don't mess with me

A family owner nearby helped him: "brother Liang, why should we be afraid? We have arranged so many people to deal with them. Even if they are the reincarnation of Chu overlord, they will not escape to heaven today!"

As soon as Liang Hao heard this, he immediately recovered.

"Hum, don't scare me! Today, our big families have sent more than 1000 guards and doormen to the government. Today, you are going to arrest them and hand over the seal of the county magistrate, or do you want us to do it? "

Liu He hears the speech, cross eyebrow fury to!

"Liang Hao, how dare you! As the county magistrate of this county, how dare you commit the following crimes

Liu Wu Hao, who is tall and tall, has been puffed by Liu's body height.

But he was not an ordinary person, and soon calmed down.

"Well, since I've torn my face, there's nothing to hide! You are just a yellow mouth child, how can you occupy this wolf tune County town! Our families have governed this place for more than a hundred years. Once you took office, you restricted our power and distributed the newly reclaimed land to the Dalits, instead of sharing it with us. It's ridiculous! "

As soon as he said this, the people around him were not happy.

"Nonsense! Liu county magistrate loves the people like a son. Under his administration, langdiao county is thriving, hundreds of times stronger than you parasites! "

"Good! You guys only know how to be a bully. If you are allowed to take charge of the power, we, the small people, will suffer again! "

"Support Liu county magistrate!"

"Support Liu county magistrate!"

"Presumptuous!" Liang Hao and others were annoyed by the cry of the people.

"What do you little bitches know! This langdiao county is our big family. You are the parasites that need to rely on our charity to survive! We are the pillars here

"Yes, you ungrateful fellows, what would you eat and what you would wear if we did not rent the land to you?"

This kind of sophistry made the people around him look askance.

"Damn it, these tortoise grandsons are beating the bones of the common people and deceiving the court, but they still say that they are so high sounding. Brother, don't stop me. I have to hammer them into meat and mud!"

Several owners of the house were immediately scared to retreat, and their faces turned pale.

"You, you, you You don't have to show off! I would like to tell you that we have cooperated with the great virtuous teacher of Taiping Road. The great virtuous teacher gave the divine medicine and mixed it with the wine and meat just now. Now all your people's army has been bewildered. There are five deer canal commander's army outside the city. Our families have arranged more than 1000 guards in the city. You are dead! "

After listening to his words, Liu He and others were nothing, but the people around him were immediately flustered. How famous and powerful the Taiping Road is, the common people, even if they don't know it, have at least heard of it. Is there any reason not to be afraid of such a huge thing?

Liang Hao and others are very satisfied with the response around them.

Liu He shook his head: "no wonder you are so bold. It turns out that you have such a big backing.". You are not only rebelling against me, but also rebelling against the imperial court. This is a big crime of killing the nine tribes. Are you not afraid of it

"Hum, don't bluff me!"

Liang Hao sneered: "the great virtuous division has been prepared for many years. In Luoyang City, there are ministers and generals in the imperial court as internal agents, and hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city attack. There are millions of believers in every state in the world. I'm afraid that the Great Han Dynasty has become a fly ash. How can we commit a big crime? There are only meritorious officials in kaichao, ha ha! "

The faces of the owners showed a proud grim smile, but did not find that Liu He several people were looking at them with sarcastic eyes.

Liu He looked at them and said, "the villain died of a lot of words. It's really true."

"Well? What do you mean by that? " Liang Hao stares at Liu He tightly. He always feels that things are wrong today.

Liu he spread out his hands and said, "you said there were thousands of people around? Well, you can call them all out

Liang Hao did not know why, but in any case, the hundred people in front of him could not restrain Liu He and others. They should call out the rest of the staff.

"Well, I'll let you die and understand! Come out and tie Liu He and others with me

Accompanied by this order, a burst of rapid footsteps from the streets in all directions spread out, which from time to time also mixed with some metal knock sound.

Liang Hao and others were overjoyed. It was obviously the sound of a troop of soldiers with weapons running over!"Ha ha ha, it's time for you to die! I'm going to give you to... "

Words did not finish, Liang Hao and other people's expression immediately stiff down, people in the stand on the spot.

Because they found that the people who ran out of the streets and alleys were not the guards and doormen of their own families, but the troops wearing standard Xuan armor and holding unified weapons. They were the soldiers of the Anmin army!

"This This How could this be You They... "

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm choked to death. Finally I can laugh. Oh, these fools really think that they have succeeded. We put on a show at random. They really believe it and laugh me to death. Ha ha ha!"

Zhu Ye laughs a little heartless.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock.

"Impossible It's impossible... "

Liu He walked forward slowly.

"In fact, just a few hours ago, I didn't know about your plot. If it hadn't happened a little accident, now you can really succeed. It's a pity. It's a pity that you should blame yourself for your poor popularity. If you don't treat ordinary people as people, you've made my contribution to Liu He

Liang Hao and others did not understand Liu He's words.

Liu He clapped his hands and saw several people coming down from the city. Liang Hao looked carefully. One of them was the servant who came in to fill the lamp oil last night. The others were the servants of Liang's house who had just moved the wine and meat to the upper tower of the city.

It's not uncommon for those servants to appear here, but the oiled servant didn't bring him out this time.

Liang Hao was not a fool. He thought of a possibility in an instant, and his face turned pale.

"Don't you..."

He suddenly looked sharp, pointed to the servant and yelled: "it's you! It must be you! You have made a mistake, afraid of being punished by me, so you secretly report to Liu He's children, right! If I hadn't accepted you as a servant, you would have starved to death. How could you repay my Liang family! I'll kill you

Liang Hao rushed over and grabbed at the servant's face.

"Presumptuous!" Guan Yu pushed Liang Hao back a few steps and then fell back to the ground.

"Brother Liang!"


The servant was still afraid of Liang Hao's Yu Wei. When he saw the other party rushing forward, he instinctively shrank back. However, seeing Guan Yu's tall body, he felt extremely safe in his heart.

"Dog thief, you still have the face to say! If you hadn't bullied others and took away dozens of acres of my ancestral land, how could I have sold myself as a servant to support myself! We have been fed up with the number of laborers who have been killed by you innocently in your Liangfu in recent years! I didn't know the reason why all of them suddenly lived in Liang's house, but I heard a few words that night when I added lampoil! It's heaven that will kill you

This person has been bullied by the Liang family for a long time. Now he can get revenge. The whole person is excited and trembles.

The servants also yelled: "good! We have long hated you and your Liang family, and the magistrate of Liu county is so generous. Only when he governs langdiao county can we have a good life! "

"We had a long time to discuss, and just now we gave you a signal on purpose. In fact, the wine and meat were not given to the soldiers at all!"

"Yes, we got the secret report in the early morning of this morning and learned about your plan, so we have already deployed some troops in the city. When your men come, they will give us a nest. Ha ha!"

Cheng Liang clapped his hands and laughed.

"You How dare you... "

In any case, the owners could not believe that their long-term plan was only destroyed by a few servants, which made them angry and frightened. However, looking at the Anmin army surrounded by them, they could only be angry and speechless.

"I You Puff... "

Liang Hao was old. He suffered such a blow at this time, and suddenly his mouth gushed blood.

"Ha ha ha, big brother, don't talk nonsense to them. My brother's hammers have been hungry and thirsty for a long time. Let my uncle Zhu take them on the road today."

With that, Zhu Ye bangs his hammer and comes over excitedly.

Zhu Ye's bravery was obvious to all yesterday. When he hit the hammer, ordinary people had to turn into flesh and mud.

In particular, Liang Hao, as the mastermind, Zhu Ye was naturally the first to rush to his side, frightening the head of the Liang family into a bloodless face.

"You How dare you I Well... "

Liang Hao was so scared that he shivered all over. Suddenly, he began to twitch all over again and spit out white foam in his mouth.

"You I Liu He Xiao Children I am Liang The Liang family... "

Before he finished speaking, Liang Hao's head tilted and fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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