Fatigued with the journey of as like as two peas, three people are walking along a mountain road outside the county town of wolf county. The three people are all very well dressed, but very mentally strong. Two of them are still wearing the complete Xuan Jia, exactly like the Xuan Xuan of the Min army, and holding the long guns of the people's army.

The other was dressed in ordinary people's clothes, but he was half a head taller than the other two, and his body was obviously more bulky. The weapon in his hand was even more peculiar. It was a big chopper used to cut grass in the countryside, but the wooden base was removed.

For two days, one of them looked at the distance and saw the shadow of some city buildings and buildings, which showed a surprise between his eyes.

"It's coming, it's coming! We are tired, but we are in front of the county

Another man also wiped his face and said, "no, but he did not live up to his trust and found his younger brother for the Cheng Mian brothers. But brother Mian is also worried about it. He is a brother of the same clan. He is as strong as a cow. Where can we take care of him

"Ha ha, yes, I look at the strength of the big man. Although he may not be up to the county magistrate Liu, I still have a chance to fight with general Guan and General Zhu."

The big man was very happy to hear the two praise themselves, and hammered his chest with his fist.

"Roar! Roar! Great strength, great vigor, and great strength

Two people looked at the excitement incomparable big fierce, secretly shook their heads.

"Alas, it's a pity that you have great strength, but your brain is a little bit It's not very good. It makes a little I don't know if I have a chance to play as a general

"Well, it's not my business. Liu county magistrate's methods are very good, and Mr. Xu's cultivation of herbs is also quite fruitful. Maybe he can cure the sequela of his fever when he was a child. "

"I hope so. Let's go. Let's hurry up. A few days ago, the Taiping Road rebelled. Now the world is not peaceful at all by the Taiping Road. We'd better go back to the city as soon as possible."

"Well, Dameng, let's go. We'll be home soon. You can see your brother, and you can eat in a big bowl in the future. You don't have to worry about starvation any more."

After listening to it, he became more and more excited.

"Brother! having dinner! Dameng will never go hungry again

A line of three people, regardless of the body's fatigue, accelerated the pace, to the direction of the county.

The two men with this fierce, and more than 20 miles of winding mountain road, finally tired to walk.

"Oh, take a rest. I can't walk."

They sat down on the spot, took out the water bag and drank the water.

"Ferocious, you also have a rest, come on, drink some water."

Big fierce hammer hammer chest: "big fierce, strong! Not tired

After that, they walked around freely. They knew the big man's temper and didn't say anything.

"You said that we've been walking for so many days, and we don't know how the training is. We're so far behind in training. What can we do if the training intensity has been improved after we go back?"

"Hey, what do you want to do with so many things? You don't know what kind of temper our boss Cheng is. Although the voice is loud, people are absolutely good people, and they will not be difficult for us. Maybe he'll make up for the training schedule for us

"Well, that's very kind of you! Although we are soldiers led by boss Cheng, few people can get such treatment if we get his advice personally. "

"What's more, brother Cheng Mian is now transferred to elder Cheng's staff as Wu Chang. We are looking for his family, which is equivalent to working for him. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to instruct us, we have the cheek to ask him a few words. Can we still agree with the elder brother's temper? Hey, hey, you can see

Another person listened, as expected, the stone in the heart completely put down.

"No wonder you didn't worry at all along the way. It turns out that..."

In the middle of the speech, the man suddenly covered his mouth and his expression was on guard.

"Wait, someone!"

The other person didn't hear anything: "where is someone? Are you wrong?"

"No, I have been hunting with my father since I was a child. As long as I enter the mountain forest, I can hear all the wind and grass. Just then a gust of wind blows and brings a few people's voices. Therefore, there must be someone on the windward side. In case of emergency, we should be alert."

Then he whispered to big Meng not far away: "ferocity, come here!"

This big fierce along the way with two people already familiar, heard him call himself, thought there was something to eat, quickly ran over.

"Dinner! Daming wants to eat

The man ignored Dameng and hid behind a big tree, looking in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, in the mountains dozens of steps away, the two people are also in a hurry.

One of them took out the water bag, took a drink, and then said, "venerable, this is a long mountain road. When do we have to walk here? We can either find a place to rob two horses or get an ox cart."Another man turned his head and glared at him: "stupid! On this mountain road, it is difficult for horses or bullock carts to move. If we take the main road, it is easy to find and catch up with Liu He's gang. This time, we are on the verge of success. Let's bear this hardship! "

It doesn't matter if he turns his head, so that the AMR soldier who first heard the news just saw his face!

"Yes How could it be him What is he doing here... "

The man next to him did not know who the face was, and asked in a low voice curiously, "what? Brother pan Yun, do you know these two people? "

The man named pan Yun nodded his head and said, "I was the county soldier in the city. Later, the county magistrate Liu came and collected the county soldiers. Then I followed boss Cheng. I have seen this man several times. Yan Chi, who killed Yang zhe county magistrate and fled, was wanted by Liu County Magistrate!"

A big surprise!

"What? How did he come here? After listening to what he said just now, it seems that he went to trouble with the magistrate of Liu County, but he failed. Now he escaped to escape the pursuit of Liu county magistrate? "

"Well, I knew this guy was not a good thing. He just ran away. I didn't expect to come back to find our trouble. Since we ran into it, it's his bad luck."

Pan Yun did not say a word, mention the spear and rushed to the past, another person also followed up.

"Yan Chi, old thief, don't leave!"

Yan Chi and his entourage managed to escape from the boundary of langtiao county. They were just about to sit down and have a rest. When they heard such a roar, they jumped up in surprise.


Pan Yun and another man jumped out of the forest.

"Dog thief, I didn't expect you to run back to langdiao county to make trouble! Today is the day of your death

Yan Chi looks at their costumes and is terrified.

"You two are not mistaken. My surname is Li. It's not Yan Chi in your mouth. We are just passing by."

"Don't pretend to be an old thief. I was a county soldier in langdiao County four years ago. I've seen you several times. Don't try to cheat me!"

Pan Yun gave another person a wink, two people a front and a back, will Yan Chi two people blocked in the narrow mountain road.

"Where are you going today?"

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, they suddenly ran away. They did not know why. At this time, they also quickly followed up.

"Where are you going? Are there any delicious food? Don't leave Dameng alone!"

Pan Yun and pan Yun looked at him instinctively. Yan Chi looked at them. They seemed to be better than the soldiers of the Anmin army. They grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and sprinkled them on Pan Yun.

"Go to you, run!"

Yan Chi gave an order, and his entourage followed him and ran towards the fierce side. Almost at the same time, the two took out a dagger from their arms and tried to seize Da Meng as a hostage.

Pan Yun exclaimed in a hurry: "ferocious, be careful, these two are bad guys!"

The big fierce one hears this, facial expression immediately changed!

"Bad guys, you are bad guys. You must be robbing my food. I'll fight!"

With that, he lifted the big chopper on his shoulder and split it out!

Yan Chi didn't expect that this seemingly stupid guy would change his face when he said that he would change his face. Looking at the big chopper waving with tiger and tiger, how could he not know how powerful this guy was in front of him?

However, at this time, they had already rushed to Da Meng's eyes, which was only three or four steps away. Now Dageng was angry and rushed towards them. In a flash, both sides were close. How could they escape?

Yan Chi is the first to rush to this side, and his entourage is just following, so at this time, Yan Chi still needs to run in front of him. The fierce chopper waves over and bears the brunt, and the first one hits him!

This chopper is too blunt, cut in Yan Chi's body, and did not cut him into two sections, but left a huge wound, and then smashed him out.


Yan chifei hits a pine tree with blood dripping all over his body. He only has a pair of eyes. He looks at Dageng like a devil.

"You Just Just refugees I Cough... "

Without saying a few words, the unfortunate "God emissary" opened his mouth, but he could not breathe any more. He thought he was extremely smart, but he absolutely did not expect that he would die in the hands of such a "mere vagrant" that he had never looked up to.

When he lifted the chopper again and cut it down again, the strict follower was scared out of his wits and knelt down with a "puff".

"Forgive me, sir! The villain was also coerced by the thief. Spare my life

Dameng didn't listen to these words. The chopper lifted up and was ready to chop.

"Stop it

Pan Yun a big drink, big fierce this thunderous big chopper, immediately stopped in the air, big Meng some puzzled to look at him."He's a bad guy. Why stop it?"

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