Daming's side is the opposite of his situation.

He was a man of one mind. When he started fighting, he only knew how to attack, but not how to defend. Moreover, this guy was ferocious. At this time, because he was angry in his heart, he was even more ferocious.



Big fierce every cut a person, on a hoarse, as the voice gradually hoarse, splashed on the body of blood is also more and more, the whole person is like a killing maniac in general!

He held up a big chopper, which was like a god of death, but made some of the enemy around him wince.

Without a lot of enemy's encirclement, only two or three people rush in at a time. It's a total death. Dameng is more and more jealous, but the enemy is more and more frightened!

"My God! Why are there so many monsters in langdiao county! Is this still human? "

"The great virtuous teacher clearly told us that we believe in the Taiping religion, as long as we fight bravely, we can have plenty of food and clothing and win a hundred battles. However, more than 1000 people died in the first world war yesterday. The daughter-in-law I just married, I don't want to die!"

"Don't be afraid. There are only two of them. We'll kill him!"

"Yes! If he dares to block us, he will break our destiny! Kill

"Lao Wang is right. For the sake of great virtuous teachers and for the future of us and our descendants, kill them!"

In the crowd, some different voices came out intermittently. Although they were still overshadowed by the voice of obedience, they still affected the morale of a small group of enemy troops around Da Meng.

Pan Yun looked slightly stunned.

"Is that ok? I thought they were really not afraid of death. They were the flesh of their parents. They were just bullies and bullies. Then I learned to be fierce. You are cruel. I'm even more cruel than you! "

As soon as pan Yun clenched his teeth and stamped his feet, he would die in any case. It was better to be as fierce as ferocious. Even if he died, he would have to pull a few more people on his back. Maybe Liu county magistrate would treat his brother kindly.

Having figured out this point, he did not worry about it any more. With a wave of his spear and a roar, he rushed at it!

The spear was picked from the top, protruded from the left and stabbed at the right, and killed three people in an instant.

As they kill, they slowly move forward.

The Yellow turban army had won the first battle in Yuxian County, and believed in all kinds of statements of the great virtuous division in the past, as if the officers and soldiers were really so vulnerable, and their success was in front of them.

However, they suffered a great setback in langdiao County yesterday, and many people who were not determined began to have some shaking. At this time, they saw two people so hard, especially the big man, who just split a man alive from his head. This shocking scene directly scared away dozens of people around him.

Under the influence of this kind of psychology, he even forced two people to kill more than 50 yellow scarf soldiers!

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

In a tent a hundred paces away, five deer came out with a look of discontent.

A pawn came running quickly.

"Tell Qu Shuai that there are There are two people Come to rob the camp... "

"What? Rob the camp! Why didn't you say it earlier! Come on, give me the armor, marshal okay? How many people did you say

Five deer glared at the pawn, as if he had heard it wrong.

A trace of embarrassment flashed over the pawn's face.

"Tell Qu Shuai that it is It's two people. However, they were very brave and still killed more than 50 people in our army... "

Wu Lu was more shocked this time.

"What? Let two people kill more than 50 of us. Are you all dry food! Waste, it's all rubbish! Hurry up, let all the soldiers around. If anyone dares to retreat, I will kill them! "

Five deer grabbed his leather armor and weapons, and ran to pan Yun and Da Meng.

"Hum, if these two people can be so brave, they must be the senior officials of langdiao county. If they can kill them or capture them alive, then the county will be broken! Originally thought that such credit has no chance with me, do not want to God so help me! Great virtuous teacher said, as long as I can take Taiyuan county and establish a new dynasty in the future, I can be Marquis! No matter how many people die, I must get the credit! "

Five deer heart secretly cruel.

Pan Yun also aims at the situation here. Although he doesn't know Wulu, he can't see that his tent is a little higher, and some soldiers obey his orders. It can be seen that he is a general.

"Dameng, the dwarf with his hair on his head is the head here. He brought these people to grab food. Go and deal with him first Cough... "

Pan Yun was injured in many places. At this time, he screamed and pulled the wound. He couldn't help but breathe cold air.

Although Dameng was also injured, it was only some skin injuries. At this time, after listening to pan Yun's words, he looked at the direction he pointed to. As expected, there was a dwarf running towards his side fiercely.

"Roar! You! Big villain! It's time to fight! "It seemed as if he was indefatigable. After half a day's fighting, not only did he show no signs of weakness, but his momentum increased a little.

A yellow turban army, who looked a little immature, had already been afraid of the fierce ferocity. At this time, his face turned pale and he could not help but step back two steps.


After a light sound, a column of blood rushed up, but it was the retreating soldier who had been decapitated by the five deer who had been driven over!

"Who dares to retreat is an example! Surround yourself for me, kill an enemy, and reward millet with three fights! "

All the soldiers around him were stunned and looked at the eyes of the five deer canal commander. It seemed that they were a little strange.

In any case, the dead soldier had nothing to do with most of the others. After a burst of surprise, they were soon confused by the threat of death and the temptation of three measures of millet.

The attack from the surrounding area increased a little bit. At this time, some soldiers who had been patrolling and guarding on other posts also left their positions and rushed to this side to try to get a share of the game. Hundreds of yellow turban troops soon gathered in this area.

Pan Yun and Da Meng were suddenly under pressure, especially pan Yun, who was a bit stretched. Now, as soon as the situation changed, he was stabbed in his left shoulder and his whole left arm could no longer be lifted.


Pan Yun's body was dripping with blood, his face was cold and sweaty. He had been fighting for a long time and was injured in many places. At this time, he had begun to lose his strength. The combat effectiveness of a single handed gun was significantly worse.

"If this guy doesn't work, kill him. It's my credit. Ha ha!"

An enemy found pan Yun's situation, ecstatic, carrying a short knife to cut over.


Pan Yun found that he didn't even have the strength to fight with a gun. Seeing the blade getting closer and closer to him, he could not help but hate and annoy.

Just when he thought he was going to die, there was a roar in his ear.

"Don't move him!"

Almost at the same time that the voice came, the guy who raised his knife and chopped, all the people flew out.

"You You can't die. If you die, who will give Daming cake to eat? Who will take Dameng to find elder brother! "

Da Meng helped pan Yun, who was on the verge of falling. In this moment, he exposed his back and made him cut a deep wound on his back directly by an enemy.

However, Dameng was not afraid of pain, and with a wave of his hand, he cut the man down.

Pan Yun's eyelids are a little weak. He looks at the big fierce.

"Dameng Run away by yourself. Go through the mountain forest and the big city. Your brother is in it. There is a lot of food there. Go

"None of you can run away!"

Seeing the victory in sight, five deer excitement is difficult to suppress. Although the two men as like as two peas did not see him yesterday, Pan Yun's armor was exactly the same as that of the wolf's guard.

"Ha ha ha, the credit is mine. I can be a marquis, ha ha! Come on, give it to me and kill them

In the eyes of nearly a thousand soldiers around, pan Yun and Dameng are no longer two people, but six buckets of millet. In addition, the canal commander Wulu, who holds an axe, constantly yells at them behind them. These people are just like clouds pressing on the top.

Pan Yun was as disheartened as death: "it's over. After all, our strength is too weak. We can't insist on the support of Liu county's order. Brother, I'll go first. It's a pity that Dameng was involved. Brother Cheng Mian, I feel sorry for you... "

At this time, not far away suddenly burst out a very noisy sound, which was accompanied by roar, scream, as well as falling weapons, horses neighing and other sounds.

"Guan Yu of langdiao county is here, and the bandit army will come to give the head!"

"Langdiao County Cheng Liang is here, who dares to come and decide life and death?"

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