Outside the school grounds, people gradually dispersed to prepare for their own rewards and punishments.

Cheng Liangzheng is walking. Suddenly, he is photographed behind him. He looks back, but Zhu Ye is looking at himself with a smile. Guan Yu, Zhang Yong, Cui Jun and ye Xiang are also around him.

"Haha, the second and third brothers will not die. Our brother has to celebrate!"

Zhang Yong also echoed: "yes, I wanted to call on the elder brother, but just now my sister-in-law sent someone to say that I was slightly ill, so he went back first."

Hearing this, Cheng Liang was also worried: "what? My nephew is sick? I have to go and have a look. "

"No matter, it's not a big deal. The elder brother sent two doctors there. He said that the military affairs were busy these days. Now he can breathe a sigh of relief. He told us to relax."

After listening to Zhang Yong's words, Cheng Liang sighed, but he didn't mention it. He coughed a few times.

Guan Yu asked quickly, "it seems that the third brother was hurt more seriously than I thought. It's better to go back and have a rest earlier. Later, let the two doctors transfer from the county government to give you some medicine."

It was nothing to them at all. What's more, the soldiers who were responsible for the execution had deliberately reduced their strength, saying that they were thirty sticks. In fact, they were not even as strong as 20 sticks. Cheng Liang was injured, so the executioner naturally played lighter.

Cheng Liang shook his head: "Oh, it doesn't need to be. These small injuries are nothing at all, just Ah... "

He tried to stop, making Guan Yu and others a little anxious.

At this time, Cui Jun, who had not spoken, made a voice.

"Ha ha, it's just that the three generals have some thoughts in mind about today's punishment."

Cheng Liang is said to be a central thinker, but he seems a little cramped.

Guan Yu immediately pulled down his face and asked, "why? Is Gongyi really so confused about right and wrong? "

Cheng Liang looks at Guan Yu, who has been punished the same way as himself. He seems to feel that he is not right.

"Hey, how can it be? Big brother, rewards and punishments are clear. We all know that. How can we have any ideas?"

Guan Yu looks better now.

"That would be the best."

Cui Jun, however, laughed and said, "the three generals are not rational, but they are forthright. Their understanding of military law and discipline is not as profound as that of the Lord. Therefore, they misunderstand today's affairs. I wonder if Jun is right?"

Cheng Liang can't put on any more, so he is happy.

"Hey, brother, be strict with military discipline. I have nothing to say. Last night, I encouraged my second brother to go out of the city to rob the camp with me. The cavalry brothers suffered heavy casualties. I should have beaten old Cheng, but I should not have beaten my second brother! What's more, even if there are mistakes, it's also our military affairs. Why should we fight in front of those fallen soldiers and leave my second brother and I in our hometown. "

When we heard that, he was not happy because of this, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Third brother, you, let the second brother say hello..."

Cui Jun said with a smile: "three generals, you don't know the good intentions of the Lord today. If he doesn't carry out the military law in front of the thousands of soldiers today, you and I will suffer much more in the future than the thirty army staff."

After saying this, do not Cheng Liang, even Guan Yu and others do not understand.

"What's the meaning of the military master?" Guan Yu asked.

While speaking, several people have come to the gate of Cheng Liang's house, and Cheng Liang invites everyone to speak inside.

Cui Jun took a sip of water and said slowly.

"Have you ever thought that these soldiers are called the uprising army? In fact, their actions in these days have many similarities with those of thieves. They plunder places and have lax military discipline. Only by virtue of Taiping Road for many years and Zhang Jiao's commitment to them after the so-called change of Dynasty, can they maintain their military spirit and fighting spirit."

People nodded frequently, for which they also had deep feelings.

"Moreover, they are so numerous that more than 2000 people can be recruited into the Anmin army. Such a large number of scattered soldiers joining the army will certainly have a great impact on the military discipline of our army. But as the saying goes, "the law is not responsible for the masses." at that time, so many soldiers have violated military discipline. Should all of them be punished or even beheaded? "

Cui Jun such a question, people immediately fell into meditation.

Cui Jun struck while the iron was hot, and said: "therefore, the Lord specially wants to perform such a scene in front of the people today. And the people who are punished in this play must have a high status, so that they can frighten these soldiers, and let them know that as long as they violate military discipline, even if they are close to the Lord, they will never escape the responsibility."

Zhang Yong understood it completely when he heard this.

"Wonderful! After punishing and punishing, the meritorious people will be promoted and rewarded. The ancients said, "give both kindness and prestige". After such a punishment and reward, the vast majority of soldiers will establish the dignity of military discipline and dare not violate it easily. "

It suddenly dawned on everyone."Hey, that's the case. Why didn't you say it earlier? Hey, it's my old Cheng's family. It's time to punish. It's a good punishment!"

Cheng Liang swept the depressed color on his face and burst into laughter.

At this time, Zhu ye asked, "but if there was no military master who said that at that time, the second brother and the third brother would have been in a different place now. Did the eldest brother have guessed that the military master would come forward to plead for mercy?"

Cui Jun gave a mysterious smile: "the Lord is not a real God. How can you guess it. In fact, this is what he called me to discuss on the way to the school after returning to the city. The Lord is deeply in love with some brothers. Will he really be willing to kill you? "

This time, they understood it completely.

"Ha ha, it's me who is stingy today. Come on, let's go and find my elder brother. I'll make amends to him. By the way, I have to see how my eldest nephew is getting sick."

They say yes again and again. They are about to get up when Cui Jun stops them.

"Wait a minute. Actually, to tell you the truth, the little Lord is not hurt, but the Lord is so thin skinned that he feels sorry for the two generals today. So I'm sorry to come out and let me explain everything and probe into the atmosphere. As for the matter of the little Lord, it was just that he told his servants to come over and pretend to take the opportunity to slip away. "

With that, he took out two medicine bottles from his arms.

"This is a kind of wound healing medicine specially prepared by the Lord in advance. The two generals taught their wives to apply it to the place where they were beaten on their back. It will be cured in a few days. In addition, the two doctors the Lord asked for were not for the treatment of the young Lord, but for the internal injuries of the three generals. I'm afraid they are already on their way. "

Seeing Liu He's arrangement for Zhou Xiang, Cheng Liang feels very happy and proud.

"Ha ha ha, that's why. I said, after all, big brother cares about us! Let's go and have a drink with brother! "

"Well, the third brother is not healed. It's better not to drink alcohol."

"Nonsense, this injury is nothing. It's not too late to raise again tomorrow. Since we are happy today, we can't help drinking and walking!"

Within a few days, more than 2000 young soldiers were incorporated into the various divisions of the ANP, and the rest were arranged. Just before that, I copied the property of the great powers and got a large area of land, otherwise, I would be in a tight corner.

Qian Li specially selected more than 5000 mu of paddy fields for the army of the people's Liberation Army.

Liu Qian was responsible for the planting of the 100 kinds of vegetables. At this time, more than 30 kinds of vegetables have been planted successfully. This is a real event worthy of celebration.

With such a guarantee, the army's logistics will no longer worry.

In these two days, a news spread all over the Khanate States, shaking the world!

Taiping Road rebelled, Zhang Jiao's attack on Luoyang City was frustrated, and the two sides fell into a standoff. Yellow turban troops appeared in Youhe, Bingqing, Xu, Ji, Yan, Yu, Jing and other places, attacking all the cities. Now, dozens of cities have been captured in China!

"The time has come at last!"

Liu he held an imperial edict that had just come from Jinyang City, squinting his eyes and looking at the northeast through the pouring rain outside, murmured to himself.

"Come on, summon military division Cui and other generals to the conference hall immediately!"

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