Zhang Xian, they are not in a hurry.

Three days after Liu He and others set out, it was early in the morning and the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

In a very loose layout of the camp, one of the tallest camp, out of three people.

One of them looked at the sky and said to the man in the middle: "big brother, it's time to prepare for cooking and camp."

The leader wore a ragged cloth robe, and there were some Taoist symbols on it. His face was wrinkled and his face was full of vicissitudes, but his eyes were still very divine.

"Third brother, how far is it from the eldest son city?"

"It's only less than 20 Li to go back to my eldest brother. I have found out that there are only more than 2000 garrisons in the city. A few hours ago, although there were reinforcements from Huguan, there were only two or three thousand soldiers. Our army pressed in, and the city was broken in an instant! The eldest son city is the administrative office of Shangdang county. Its richness is far from comparable to that of other small cities. We can take a good rest in the city, and then we can garrison at Huguan to fight against Huangfu song's fellow! "

The man known as the elder brother had firm eyes and drew out his sword.

"Order to go down, Yin time to cook, Yin time three minutes to pull out camp to set out!"

At this time, another one of the three brothers said: "brother, my brothers have come all the way. All the food supply we need depends on the local strategy. How many people have been destroyed and killed, stupid brother I can't bear to... "

The big brother glared at him: "the benevolence of women! Since ancient times, when a general is successful, his bones are withered and his strength is exhausted. We are responding to the will of God and rebuilding heaven and earth. Some casualties are natural principles. What a matter! As long as we overthrow the Han Dynasty and our brothers are in charge of the world's artifacts, the people will naturally have a good life. How can the second brother defend against the great righteousness because of minor harm? "

The third brother who was the first to speak also helped: "yes, second brother, those ignorant people, knowing that the trumpet of Taiping Road sounded, did not respond to us. Instead, they continued to be stupid people of the imperial court. They died. It was their doom. No wonder we were. Besides, we only have enough food for two or three more meals. If we don't get supplies and don't have to fight by the imperial court, we will starve to death first. "

It seems that the second elder brother can't think of any reason to refute it. Moreover, if it is not, there is no source of food and grass supply. It is better for strangers to be hungry than for themselves.

"I don't know whether the Wulu guy has succeeded in capturing Taiyuan county. How come it's been nearly two months without news."

"Second brother, don't worry. Even if Jinyang city can't be won, Yu county and wolf county will surely succeed. There is a contact between Yan and the city's elite. There is a large army of more than 8000 people in Wulu. It's just a small county. How can we not take it. As for Jinyang City, even if they can't attack it, they can't send out too many troops to encircle us. "

The three brothers seem to be very confident about the plan.

The elder brother suddenly asked, "five deer don't have to worry about him. Is there any news from Yuanyi? Can ye city be attacked? I gave him the five generous men's horses. As long as we attacked Yecheng and then marched westward to join us, we might not be able to fight back against Huang Fu Song. The imperial court is full of cowards. Only huangfusong, Zhuju and Luzhi are the major problems of our school. Among them, huangfusong has the largest number of troops. As long as we destroy him, we will have a big plan in the near future. "

"Back to elder brother, ten days ago, Ma Yuanyi wrote that ye city had been besieged on all sides, and he should have got it by now. My younger brother has already sent a letter and ordered him to quickly lead the army to help. "

After listening to the third brother's report, the elder brother seemed relieved.

After a long time, tens of thousands of people finally finished their meal.

The elder brother got on the horse and raised his arms and exclaimed, "the people of Huang Tian! Twenty miles ahead is the seat of Shangdang County, the eldest son city! All the people in the city are the lackeys of today's fatuous imperial court. They are sinful and can not be tolerated by Huang Tian! Today, our soldiers are here to capture the city according to Huang Tian's will, and sacrifice Huang Tian with their blood! After the capture of the city, the money, grain and women in the city will be free to ask for, and rush

This words, let the original spirit of some of the people, suddenly become like a hungry wolf to see a lamb, both eyes are blooming green light.

"Kill! Kill all those who are against Huang Tian

"For my glory and wealth, rush!"

Tens of thousands of Shousha Zhentian rushed out of the woods and grass, and the whole earth seemed to shake.

On the city wall not far away, some soldiers fell scattered on the wall of the city. Originally, they were sleeping soundly. The cry of killing suddenly rang out. Even if it was nearly 20 miles away, these soldiers were immediately awakened.

"What's the situation? Why is it so noisy?"

"No, the yellow scarf rebels are coming!"

"It's not light yet. Why did they come to attack the city so early? My God, so many people!"

"Come on, go and report to the prefect!"

A man was about to report, but he heard a very hasty footstep. Several people boarded the tower anxiously.The first one looked at the dark area in the distance, and his forehead was sweating.

"My God How many people are needed here It's terrible. How can this city be held? "

"Lord governor, if you can't keep it, you have to keep it. As the governor's order said, teach us to hold on for a day, reinforcements will come. He also said that there would be a general named Guan, who would lead the cavalry as the vanguard, and would arrive today. "

The empress Zhao wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

"Yes, I almost forgot about it. The Yellow turban rebels are all footmen and lack of armour. It would be better if there were cavalry to kill them! It's a good thing that you, the governor, have made us transfer the Huguan garrison back yesterday. Otherwise, it will be really dangerous at this time. "

This Zhao prefect also seemed to be a little relieved and drew out his sword.

"Hurry up, let the soldiers and soldiers cheer up. As long as we keep the city for a day, we will wipe out the enemy troops when the reinforcements come. Then we Zhao family will prepare wine and food to reward the soldiers and soldiers!"

Nowadays, it is better to say nothing than to invite people to eat. With this sentence, the soldiers on the city wall really raised their morale.

Seeing that tens of thousands of yellow scarves have already run to the city, Zhang Jiao shouts after him.

"Huangtian's people, delicacies and beauties, make contributions to the Marquis, fight in this battle, follow me!"

Tens of thousands of yellow turban troops, like wolves and tigers, howled and rushed to the eldest son city.

Although Zhao's face turned white with fear, he still resisted the impulse to retreat.

"Shoot them with a bow and arrow! Hit them with stones! Come on

Countless arrows flew in, and huge stones fell on the wall. In a moment, hundreds of yellow scarves were killed.

However, this did not cause any waves in the army. The Yellow turban army came one after another like a tide.

"Dong Dong... "

Zhang Bao personally commanded the soldiers, carrying a huge wood, smashing the city gate.

After the gate, the Duwei of Shangdang County waved his sword and commanded more than ten soldiers to fight against the gate.

Zhang Jiao looked at the battle situation and cried out: "third brother, you lead 15000 troops to attack the south gate. My second brother and I continue to attack the South East Gate. There are few soldiers in the city, so I don't believe they can defend it!"

"Here it is

Zhang Liang took orders and ordered 15000 people to head for the south gate.

Zhao Taishou was shocked and said to a man in armor: "no, they are going to attack the south gate! Yesterday, I ordered all the powerful men in the city to gather all the servants and servants in the house and equip them with weapons. Although it is not helpful, it is better than nothing. Take these people to guard the South Gate as soon as possible! "

"Here it is

However, the gap is too big, as a ladder against the tower, the Yellow turban army like groups of ants, forming a black line, connected to the tower.

"Quick, quick pour oil!"

Zhao shouts to the utmost.

Several cauldrons opened towards the lower part of the city wall, and the boiling oil, like a waterfall, tilted down. Suddenly, a burst of meat aroma came.


"How painful Help me... "

Under the wall, there was a lot of screaming, but Zhang Jiao didn't care.

"Keep going up! After the overthrow of the Han Dynasty, the Marquis of all households will be granted! "

The grain in front of us, and the feudal marquis in the future, made the Yellow turban army's offensive more fierce under the double temptation.

Zhao Taishou looked at everything in front of him and was very anxious.

"How can it last a day? At most, one more hour will fall! It's over, it's all over... "

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