Liu He looks puzzled. He is the prefect of the other county and one of the most powerful families in Shangdang. What can he ask of his own county magistrate?

Looking at a face of doubt Liu He, Zhao Taishou seems to have some embarrassed smile.

"There was no other, but Yu did not have talent. There was only Yizi under his knee. Today, six out of twenty, he took maocai into the government. At first, he was the county magistrate of Nie county. A few months ago, Yu donated a county magistrate for him with hundreds of thousands of money. Not long ago, it happened that there was a vacancy in Yi County, so Gouzi went to work."

Liu he didn't understand what he wanted to do, but he was glad to hear the news.


"Compared with the magistrate of Liu County, it is not worth mentioning. Yu's request is not for others, but for the dog. "

Liu he was puzzled: "your son's career is smooth. What can I do for you?"

"Not afraid of Liu county magistrate's jokes. Although the ability of Gouzi to deal with government affairs is fair, I can't flatter him for leading the army. Now the world is in chaos, and the county is in the northernmost part of Taiyuan County, close to Yanmen, so... "

Liu he understood what he meant this time.

"The sheriff's meaning is to send soldiers to be responsible for the security of the county?"

"Well, the magistrate of Liu county is really smart. However, Liu county magistrate can rest assured that the dogs will supply all the food and grass needed by the garrison. In addition, among the 70000 people, there are many old and weak women and children. It is difficult for langdiao county to settle them. Yu Hui wrote a letter to tell him that everything is up to Liu county magistrate. "

Zhao Taishou thought, it seems that this is not enough.

"Ah, by the way, my Zhao family has a lot of money. The magistrate of Liu county has settled down tens of thousands of people and needs a lot of materials. So, how about handing over one million yuan of grain and three thousand stones to Liu county magistrate?"

Liu he was surprised by the generosity of Zhao.

"The sheriff is a superior officer. If you have orders, you should obey them. Why are you so polite?"

"Oh, I dare not. Liu county magistrate is young and promising. Now he has made great achievements. I'm afraid that he will be able to rise to the top in the near future. At that time, I hope Liu county magistrate will give more support to the dog. What's more, the state affairs are difficult now, and the magistrate of Liu county is responsible for this heavy burden. The Zhao family can only provide some materials. It's not worth mentioning. "

"In this case, I thank the sheriff. He Ming remembers his son's affairs in his heart, and will never forget it! "

The other party is so generous, and gives money and food, which is equivalent to giving his son's county magistrate as his own territory. This kind of good thing has never happened once in eight lives. How could Liu he refuse?

To the north of langdiao county is Yuxian County, then to the north is Yangqu County, and then to Xiyi county. In the past, it is within Yanmen county. It is reasonable for the other party to have such concerns.

After Liu he bade farewell to Prince Zhao, he led his army back to the army. Tang and Zhou took 40000 troops and escorted the 30000 soldiers.

A few days later, they returned to langdiao County triumphantly. Cui Jun, Zhang Yong and ye Xiang learned the news and led their team out of the city to meet them.

The three men saw Liu he go to war once, not only did not have any obvious damage, but also brought back more than 70000 people, all of them were stunned.

After seven days of registration and screening, there are more than 30000 young people who meet the current recruitment standard of the Anmin army.

These people regarded Liu He as a God, and Liu He saved their lives from huangfusong, and now he arranged houses and fields for them. Therefore, more than 70000 people appreciated and admired Liu He. Although more than 30000 people who were incorporated into the ANP could not adapt to such intensive training in a short time, no one complained.

"My God, big brother, you are rich this time! Soldiers, money, grain, fame, one-time fishing enough! How could I have missed such an important battle. "

Zhang Yong looked at the registered account book, exclaimed and complained at the same time.

Cui Jun said with a smile: "ha ha, it's more than that. Old general Huangfu paid so much attention to the Lord. In addition, he really made extraordinary achievements. I'm afraid it will not be limited to the territory of one or two counties before long. "

At this time, Liu he could not hide his joy.

"I wish I could get a good position. Otherwise, now there are 40000 troops, even if they are divided into Huangshui Township, langdiao county and Yuxian County, they will be overcrowded."

People are looking forward to the coming award.

The Anmin army is now strong and strong. Liu he wrote a letter to Su and Zhang's relatives. On the one hand, he informed the current situation. On the other hand, he prepared to purchase 2000 horses.

When the two families learned of the results, they were surprised to see that the big tree they were climbing was about to grow rapidly.

Of course, it was impossible to give them 2000 horses. However, Liu He sold them to Liu He at a very low price. After checking the powerful men in the two counties, Liu he got the support of Zhao Taishou. At this time, he was rich in money and food. Finally, he spent 15 million yuan to buy horses and build harness.

According to the principle of one man with two horses, the ANP formed a cavalry team of 1000 men, which was still handed over to commander Guan Yu.In addition, let Ye Xiang specially trained 3000 crossbow soldiers.

After receiving a letter from his father, the son of Zhao Taishou made a special trip to langdiao county to visit Liu He.

His name is Zhao Jin, and his character is Ziyu, but he is also gentle, knowledgeable and reasonable. Liu he checked, his commander-in-chief and military force were really very common, but his intelligence and politics reached 71 and 74 respectively, which is really excellent for the post of county magistrate.

Liu He also had a good time talking with him. He left him for three days and visited the Anmin army's military appearance.

Afterwards, Zhao county magistrate also expressed his worries.

Today, there are 600 County soldiers on the surface of this county. In fact, more than half of them are powerful families with empty names and empty salaries. The actual number of servicemen is less than 300, which is not enough to cope with any turbulence and crisis in the current world, let alone the tense situation in Yanmen in the northern part of the country in the past two years.

With a big wave of his hand, Liu He sent Cheng Liang to take the lead of 5000 soldiers, and followed Zhao Jin back to chikai county. At the same time, 15000 other yellow turban soldiers who could not join the army were also followed. In addition, he also brought a group of agricultural experts trained and trained by Qian Li and Zhan Lian.

This county is covered with mountains and almost no plains. If there were no such agricultural experts, we would not be able to feed the 15000 people, let alone provide food and grass for Cheng Liang's 5000 army.

Zhao Jin is very grateful. If it's not the same position, I'm afraid this guy will kneel down to Liu He.

More than half a month has passed since all the 70000 people, army and people have been settled down. By the end of May, the three storey tower in the backyard of the county government has been completed.

Liu He and Zhang Yu coaxed Liu Zheng to sleep. After lingering for a while, Liu He looked at his wife and children who were sleeping by his side. Liu he was filled with emotion for a moment.

"It is said that the Yellow turban army is a huge experience package, which has vividly drawn a large number of heroes such as Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Jian. After experiencing it personally, I can see how terrible the experience package is. In a flash, it has made our Anmin army grow from 7000 to 40000."

Liu he estimated his current military strength. When the three blacksmith masters finished making weapons and armor for the army, he was afraid that his actual military strength would not be much worse than that of Zhang Zishi. In terms of combat effectiveness, he might be three points stronger.

Looking back at Zhang Yu, Liu He also showed a happy smile.

"Thanks to yu'er's initial policy of protecting the territory and the people, otherwise more than 70000 people would not have been under my administration. Even if I reluctantly asked for it, I would not have been able to make them feel grateful and work hard to train."

The little tower in the backyard can be seen through the window edge.

"Oh, by the way, when the Jingsi tower is finished, it's time to exchange it and make good use of it."

When Liu he built the tower, he had already spent 500 points to exchange Jingsi tower and store it in the system warehouse.

At this time, he extracted it, and immediately felt that there was a glittering three-layer Pagoda in his mind. He controlled it with his mind and made it merge with the tower in his backyard.

"The system indicates that Jingsi tower is successfully installed. The host can spend 100 points at a time to make a person enter any level of the tower for perception. Only one person can enter each floor at the same time. The host's current remaining points are 557. "

"Well Points are not very generous ah, you have to plan to use. Let's first look at the attributes of several of us. "

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