"Hoo The people are so enthusiastic. Look, my sleeves are full of tears. "

Cheng Liang shook his sleeve and said helplessly.

Huo Qing came over: "ha ha, the generals may not understand the feelings of the people. Let alone them, it is Qing. At this time, they are excited. For many years, hundreds of thousands of people have been abducted and enslaved by Xianbei, and countless soldiers and soldiers have been bloodstained. Now our army has won such a great victory over Xianbei, which is of extraordinary significance. We can't control our natural emotions for a moment. "

Last year, many of them died of starvation on the way to the north. Today's great victory is not only a victory in battle, but also a hope for their future life and for them to return to their hometown. "

Cui Jun looked at the distance, and then kept chanting the word "Hope".

Shi Tao looked at Cui Jun and said, "Zhou Ping is right. Most people are willing to give up everything for two things. First, in order to survive, if you don't go out and fight hard, you can't survive, and you have to fight. The second is hope. People can often pay more for hope than for survival. "

All of a sudden, a man came in from the outside.

"Newspaper Report to the Lord, the great victory of langdiao County! General Cheng Mian defeated the enemy troops, beheaded more than 2000 people, escaped more than 1000 people and captured about 7000 prisoners. At this time, he was on his way back to Yanmen. He is expected to arrive in two days


Liu he stood up.

Guan Yu and others heard the speech, but they looked at each other in a daze.

"Big brother, what's going on? Why is there a war in langdiao county

"What's more, Wu Meng took a group of people to the south of Yanmen pass before. Then he came back and said it was a great victory. Then he felt relieved, and then the whole army went out to fight Xianbei. What's the matter?"

Zhu Ye scratched his forehead and asked in a puzzled way.

Liu He looked at them and said with a smile: "ha ha, you brothers don't know. In this war, the enemy our army has to face is not only a Xianbei.". To the south of Yanmen, Zhang Yan led the 70000 Black Mountain army to attack. And the dozen powerful families who are against us have also made up a mob of more than 10000 people to try to capture langtiao county and capture our family members, thus upsetting our army. "


Guan Yu and others were shocked.

"How dare these thieves be! But why is the elder brother hiding from me and waiting for my brother

Cui Jun stood up and said, "it's not the Lord who wants to hide from the generals, but the Lord has received news that these families have sent a batch of new detailed works to Yanmen pass. Therefore, the less people know about this, the less likely it is to frighten the snake."

All of a sudden.

"I see. It's still considerate. I don't know how to deal with it? "

Liu he said with a smile: "it's not difficult. Do you remember that Cheng Mian, with 15000 elite soldiers, went south to help the governor? "

"Of course I remember that."

Liu he said with a smile: "I ordered Cheng Mian to go south to langdiao county and stop moving westward. Instead, he ambushed inside and outside langdiao city in the name of rest. This langdiao county is our base camp, the city and the countryside. All the people turn to me. With their help, it is easy for the 15000 Anmin army to deal with 10000 miscellaneous soldiers. "

"I see. It can deal with these bandits, and the governor can't blame him. After all, we also met the enemy who robbed the city, so we have a good reason to take charge of it."

Ye Xiang sighed, but then he thought of another question.

"These 10000 mobs are easy to deal with, but Zhang Yan has a full army of 70000. How did elder brother retreat so quietly?"

Hearing this, Liu he couldn't help laughing.

"Let's talk about it." Cui Jun said.

"My Lord has long predicted that this Yan Chongli is ungrateful, but he is as timid as a mouse. This time, he accepted the grain and fodder from those families and asked him to send troops. He would certainly come. But in view of his repeated losses in the hands of our army, especially after the last plot of the Chinese army, even if he reached the Yanmen border, he would only linger, and could not come as fiercely as before. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yong seems to have guessed the result.

"Ah, I see. The elder brother deliberately let Wu Meng take away all the flags and flags in the army. He must have ambushed Zhang Yan in the mountains outside the pass. With this suspected soldier's plan, he mistakenly thought that he was cheated by the elder brother again, so he must retreat and run away

Cui Jun thumbs up: "General Zhang is really smart, so quickly guess the Lord's plan."

Zhang Yong said with a smile: "ha ha, I just guessed it afterwards. It's better to plan in advance with elder brother and military master."Guan Yu stroked his five long beards and said, "elder brother, you've made a strategy. At the beginning of this war, it's extremely dangerous. But in the plan like this, the result of the battle is doomed. It's just that these families are really hateful. They even use the anti thieves and the foreigners to attack the border army of the Han Dynasty. Their crimes should be punished! "

"Yes, these people should be killed!"

"I don't care what kind of crimes they commit, they will die if they dare to plot against the Lord!"

For a moment, the crowd was raging in the chamber.

At this time, ye Xiang suddenly asked, "eh? How did the Lord know about these plans? Does the Lord make secret works in these families

People realized the problem.

These families plan to use these three armies to deal with Liu He. If they are allowed to succeed, Liu He and the Anmin army will almost certainly die. Moreover, they have nothing to do with them afterwards. After all, the remaining evils of the Yellow turban were all started, and the Xianbei Hu people, even the 10000 people who attacked langtiao county were disguised as bandits, so Liu he died in vain.

However, Liu he was able to know their plot in advance, pushed the boat along the river, and made a plan. As a result, he won such a great victory. This really puzzled everyone.

Liu He smiles mysteriously.

"I don't have the ability to put spies in these big families. It's down to one person, oh no, brothers. If you want to say who is the first merit of this war, in my opinion, it is the two of them. "

It's even more difficult for us to understand.

"A pair of brothers? Who is it? "

Liu He clapped his hands: "brother you, please come in and speak."

Everyone's eyes turned to the door of the chamber.

Two young men with similar body and appearance appeared at the door, and then stepped in. When they came to Liu He, they suddenly knelt on the ground.

"The two villains mistakenly believed in the treacherous words, which nearly harmed Lord Liu and other generals, and even more endangered the stability of our border in the northern border of Han Dynasty. They are really heinous. Please punish them!"

"Ha ha ha, you are so polite. Get up quickly!"

Liu he went down and helped them up.

These two people are not others. It was from Guan Yu and Zhang Liao that they rescued Zhang Yan's brothers Youlang and Youming.

Guan Yu and Guan Yu have seen both of them. At this time, they suddenly saw them appear here. Moreover, Liu he said that the great victory was due to their announcement. For a while, everyone was in a daze.

"Big brother, this..."

Liu he said with a smile: "second younger brother, don't worry, let you brothers say it clearly."

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