Liu he had the idea of forming such a combination of secret service and special forces for a long time. He also wanted to have many names, but in the end, he was rejected by himself.

As soon as Zhu Ye looks at his elder brother, he frowns, as if he has caught a great opportunity, and starts to shout at the top of his voice.

"Ha ha, you can't think of it. It depends on Zhu Xiaoye."

Cui Jun said with a smile: "ha ha, the sun is coming out in the West today. General Zhu wants to play with his writing and writing? It's strange, and tell me what you think of a good name. "

Seeing that everyone is looking at him, Zhu Ye suddenly appears to be a bit magical.

"Well, it's not easy. I often hear people mention that there are pigeons and geese. You think, ah, such a force, looking around for information, how can the information be transmitted back? Do they all rely on the inquirers to come back and report? After that, we should not be tired to death when our territory is large. We must rely on these means. So I think it's better to call it the flying pigeon army or the swan goose army, which is concise and straightforward! Why, why do you all look at me like this? Do you think it's a great name? Come on, praise me, ha ha! "

Guan Yu couldn't bear to look at him like this. He turned to his side and said, "Oh, my fifth brother, it's really not the second brother who talks about you. The elder brother always asks you to read more and think more, but you always don't listen..."

"That's right, Zhuge. Your name is too vulgar..."

even leaves Xiang to make complaints about him.

Zhu Ye is not convinced: "how vulgar, the name is not used to listen to others, to others to identify it, just remember it."

You Lang probably can't listen to it. After all, this is the army he will command in the future.

"General Zhu, you are right, but these two names are still That's something. "

You Ming also said: "yes, and my elder brother and I have learned how to raise birds to transmit information since we were young, but we all raise eagles, not pigeons."

This makes Zhu ye, who was just a little depressed, feel energetic again.

"What? You two have raised eagles. Oh, it's fun to think about it! This young master Zhu, I will fight on the battlefield, and a majestic eagle will fly down from time to time to help me peck the enemy general's eyes. Haha, it's so cool! You two have to teach me, or I'll teach you a teacher now. Master, I'll accept... "

This time he scared you brothers. However, this guy was so strong that they couldn't help them. So they just dodged and drove away.

Liu He also can't help laughing: "OK, OK, Dehui, don't make trouble."

As soon as he opens his mouth, Zhu ye can only hold back the itch.

Liu he thought for a moment and said, "although Dehui is making a fool of himself, his words remind me. Well, since the two brothers of you family once trained flying eagles to deliver news, then you two will go back to your old business and continue to raise and train a number of flying eagles. The name of this unit is also derived from it. It is called "Flying Eagle guard". How about it? You should be the chief and vice commander respectively

Although they are all named by the name of birds, the flying eagle guard is quite different from the pigeon army and the wild goose army.

You brothers immediately arched their hands and said, "thank you for your name!"

"Good! However, there are no talents in our army who are good at this. The first group of old members of feiyingwei have to find out by themselves. Everything else can be discussed. Only one principle must be adhered to: no loss in virtue and loyalty. If there is no such provision, no matter how high his ability and prestige, our Anmin army will not need it. "

"Obey the orders of the Lord!"

Ever since they were born, the Ruyuan brothers have never thought that they would have such a chance to run their own swordsmen!

Cui Jun said, "my Lord, Jun has also known a group of loyal and brave men and is willing to introduce them to the two commanders."

You brothers are very happy: "thank you for your help! My brother has heard of the reputation of the military master in my Rangers. With the help of the military master, it will be much easier! "

"Well, that's settled. I'll give the first order of the eagle guard first! "

You's brother is immediately Su look.

"I order you two to find out within six days the evidence of these mighty men and destroy them all."

For both of them, where is the task, is clearly to give them a chance to revenge.

They cried out tears in their eyes and said excitedly, "yes

Jinyang City, rich, and in the east of the city, is located a huge mansion, the door plaque written "Chen Fu" two words.

In the back garden of the mansion, an old man is playing chess with a middle-aged man in his forties.

The middle-aged man looked out from time to time, his mind was not on the chessboard at all."Why is my son so upset today? How can such a state of mind achieve great things? "

After being scolded by his father, the middle-aged man rushed back to God to make amends.

"Father, don't blame me, but my son thinks that the battle in Yanmen should be over. What is the result? Those detailed works should be rewarded. So he is anxious."

Mr. Chen looked as usual and said slowly: "this time, the four strategies are implemented at the same time. Even if Liu He's child has wings, he can't escape from the palm of my hand. Playing chess at ease means that the news will come back soon. "

The middle-aged man managed to hold back his mind and lost another son.

Before the game was over, night had already fallen and the garden began to darken.

"Come on, lamp!"

The middle-aged man said to the man.

"Father, I always feel a little uneasy about this time. We have repeatedly framed the border army. If one day the east window incident happened, would not my Chen family... "

Mr. Chen raised his eyelids to have a look, and soon returned his eyes to the chessboard.

"You always do things like this. You are afraid of wolves before and tigers after. You are hesitant and have no responsibility. How can you support the burden of my Chen family after a hundred years."

"It's clear in my heart. It's just that Yanmen is the first gate in the north of Taiyuan county. If Yanmen is lost, the Xianbei people will go straight into Taiyuan county. Let's... "

Mr. Chen did not wait for him to finish speaking, then he began to scold him! The barbarians of Xianbei wanted nothing but food, salt, cloth and silk. The counties under Liu Hezhi were very rich, and the wealth of grain and grass in Yanmen was also huge. When they had enough supplies, they would naturally go back. After the imperial court sent other generals to stay at Yanmen pass, Taiyuan County would have no worries. I can't even think of that. You really let my father down! "

Although old Chen is old, but now his temper has burst out, his aura is still pressing down on the middle-aged people, who can't lift their heads.

"Yes, yes, the father taught him that the son knew."

At this time, a voice suddenly passed into their ears.

"Eunuch is very interested."

The middle-aged man instinctively took his sword and stood up.

"Who! Who dares to intrude into our Chen family? "

Chen Laohe said: "under the seat, even is the enemy is the friend does not distinguish clearly, knows to shout."

Then, he also stood up and cheerfully hugged the night behind him.

"But Bo Yu is here? You don't go to the main entrance every time you enter the mansion. Ha ha, it's just right. Let's have dinner together. "

The two figures came out of the night. It was you brothers.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw that he was his own, he put down his sword.

You Lang looked at two people and said without expression: "it's not necessary to have dinner. The villain has news to tell eugong."

When Chen heard this and saw his attitude, he was not angry but pleased.

"Oh? Is it the news from Yanmen? "

"Yes, it is related to the battle of Yanmen."

Old Chen and the middle-aged man were very happy.

"It's no wonder that the detailed works sent out didn't come back. It turned out that Bo Yu had come in person, so they couldn't be used. You came back at the right time. The leader of the Liu family didn't know what happened. His family came to me the day before yesterday and said that he had never been home these days, and he didn't know where he had gone. Now he lost his guard and indulged in pleasure. It was a mistake. I'll have to trouble your brother to come back tomorrow. "

You Lang said: "no, I already know the whereabouts of the Liu family leader."

Chen was surprised: "Oh? I said that Bo Yu has always been the most reliable. Now that we have found him, let's forget it. Let's talk about Yanmen. How is Liu he now? Has the traitor been killed? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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