There is a four story high-rise building in the Taishou mansion. The lower three floors are used for collecting books. The fourth floor is changed into a small conference hall by Liu He.

If you look out of the window of this chamber, you can see the "Anhan firm" two blocks away.

At this time, Guan Yu and others were training their troops in the school yard and camp respectively. Guan Yu, in particular, was training new cavalry with Zhang Liao and others, and was very busy.

Liu He, with Cui Jun, Shi Tao, Meng Jian, Qian Li, Huo Qing, Zhen Yi, Zhang Ding and Su Shuang, sat together in this chamber and looked at the firm.

At this time, the auction has been going on for two days, but there are still many people gathered at the door.

At this time, the door of the firm suddenly opened slowly again, causing a commotion among the people at the door.

From the gate, many people came out one after another. Some were ecstatic, some were lamenting, some were full of regret, some were full of excitement.

"It seems that these things have been shot."

Said Qian Li.

Huo Qing was originally a strange looking man with two eyebrows apart. But at this time, because of the tension in his heart, his eyebrows were locked. It was hard to get together the two eyebrows which had been "separated".

"I don't know what the results are."

Not only the two of them, Cui Jun and others all looked nervous.

Liu He's face is light, holding up a porcelain cup that Zhen Yi just gave him and drinking a sip of water.

"Don't worry, good news will come soon."

Shi Tao asked, "does the Lord expect it to be good news?"

Liu he said with a smile: "ha ha, all of you are not mediocre. Either you are old businessmen or you are rich in learning. If you gather together and plan together for a long time, how can you not succeed? What's more, you have seen the situation outside the commercial bank these two days. Is there any sign of failure? "

He said it well, and we all know it. But when the matter comes to an end, it's hard to avoid getting excited.

"The Lord is open-minded. Mount Tai collapsed in front of us and the color did not change. We fell down again."

"Ha ha, the state will praise me. Ah, here comes the messenger. "

Liu he heard the "Deng Deng Deng" rapid footsteps from downstairs. People were reminded by him and looked at the stairway one after another.

"Deng Deng..."

In the eyes of Cui Jun and others, it's like a long time, and everyone's heart has been raised to the throat.

All of a sudden, a head appeared at the top of the stairs.


Zhen Yi shakes his hand, and the porcelain cup he holds falls to the ground, which is split in all directions. However, he seems to be unable to see. He doesn't even lower his head a little, and still keeps his eyes on the front.

The head soon became higher and higher, and in a flash he became a big living man and ran towards Liu He and others.

"Great joy, great joy!"

This man is not someone else, but a general person in charge of the business selected by Liu He and others. He is thirty-two years old. He was trained by Zhang Ding and Su Shuang. He is of excellent character and proficient in business.

Zhang Dingzao couldn't help but stand up and grab Li Ang.

"Come on, what's the result of these two days?"

Li Ang's face was full of excitement, and he arched his hands and said, "it's really a great joy! In this auction, there were 30 licenses, 10 salt mines, 10 iron mines and 10 restaurants located in different counties of Yanmen county. In addition, there were 10 pieces of grain and grass in total with each piece of 10000 stones. A total of 38.72 million yuan was sold out! "

Cui Jun and others held their breath and did not dare to speak. They listened to Li Ang saying every word until they said the last number.

"What? so many! Almost all of our investment in the establishment of the business firm has almost been earned back at one time! "

Zhen Yi looks shocked.

"All profits with one capital, all profits with one capital!" Zhang Ding has been saying this sentence repeatedly.

Su Shuang looked at Liu He and said happily, "Lord Liu, this move, we are really convinced!"

Liu he repeatedly waved his hand: "ha ha, I dare not. In fact, you can also think of this. It's just that the three of them are the top businessmen of my big man. Every time they go out, it's a huge business. Thousands of people are escorted by their entourage. Ordinary bandits dare not to disturb them. So it's understandable that they can't think of the pain of those small caravans for a while. "

Meng Jian had some doubts: "my Lord, why don't we just issue more permits? Now we control Yanmen, except Pingcheng and Qiangyin in the north, the other 12 counties are under our control. Even one county should have 12 licenses. What's more, yinguan City, Guangwu City, Yuanping City, Mayi city and other places are now rich, and a few more are enough to accommodate them. "

"Hehe, Gongwei's words are not right."

Liu He explained: "everything is expensive because there are enough cities, but there are too few licenses. Therefore, only one piece can be sold at such a high price. The ten restaurants I photographed are all one in each county. There is not even one restaurant in bittern city or Wuzhou, which is a little poorer. Only in this way can those businessmen and families feel that they have greater interests to make, and naturally they are willing to invest more money for a license. "What a wise man Meng Jian is. After such a little bit of Liu He, he can understand.

"I understand. If the number of restaurants in each county can be put up for auction at one time, the value of each restaurant and license will naturally be greatly reduced. "

"Yes, that's the truth.".

Liu he said: "in addition, in some counties with more mountains and less farmland, I will auction a salt mine or iron ore mining license. In this way, the people there can work for a living. Mining, ironmaking and salt making will inevitably bring a large number of workers from abroad, so that the local residents can make a living by doing some small businesses. When there are more rich people in the future, I will auction the second batch of licenses. Only in this way can I make money for a long time. "

This time, Shi Tao was puzzled: "but how does the Lord know that there will be salt mines and iron mines in those counties with little farmland?"

Not to mention him, even Cui Jun and others are very puzzled.

Liu he just laughed, but did not answer.

Everyone looked at him like this, thinking that maybe it was his secret, so it was not convenient to ask him more.

In fact, this point is very simple. If we really want to say it, they can't understand it in any case and will not believe it.

In addition to a small number of these salt mines and iron mines, most of them were exchanged by Liu He from the system and then placed in the places needed. The scale of a mine in the system is not large, so the starting price is set. Otherwise, if it is a large mine, you can't buy it without tens of millions of money.

Liu He spent more than 2000 points for this, but he was heartbroken.

Liu He looked at Li Ang and asked, "Mr. Yao Gong, have we arranged the follow-up matters properly?"

"Don't worry, everyone. Everything has been arranged. Please wait for the good news."

Li Ang bowed his hand to say goodbye and went back to the firm to continue his work.

Zhen Yi asked, "Mr. Liu, can you really sell the things you put into the business and sell at such a high price?"

Liu he said with a mysterious smile: "ha ha, of course, no one will buy them in a short time, but as long as they have a head start, when they know the advantages of these things, hey hey, in the future, what we sell in the business, they will obediently buy what, that's when we really start to lie down and count money."

Liu he thought about the several things that he gave to Li Ang, which were the upper and lower volumes of the detailed Atlas of metallurgical steelmaking technology, the complete set of eighteen kinds of magic weapon forging atlas, and the detailed explanation of salt refining technology.

The first two were originally the top secret of Liu Hejun. Only three blacksmith masters could read and master all of them. Even the disciples of the three of them could only see part of them. Now what is put in the business house is only handwritten copy, not the original converted from the system.

As for the detailed explanation of salt refining technology, Liu he himself has just exchanged it and has never used it before.

In the past, it was easy to do this kind of security work when it was not well known. However, now that the Anmin army is so powerful that it has attracted close attention from many parties, it is very difficult to do such work again.

So Liu he simply went against the way and directly made them public. If you want to know my secrets, you can buy them with your own money.

In this way, it can not only divert the attention of those secretly hostile forces to their own secrets, so as to keep other bigger secrets, such as the Handbook of king of war, king of armour and king of beasts, but also make a small fortune.

Including the volume, there are four products in total, each with a price of more than 10 million. Although the firm does not have the technology that is forbidden to buy in private circulation, there is no doubt that how many people will give their high price goods to others at will?

Although after a long time, it is inevitable that these technologies will be widely spread, but by that time, the commercial banks have no idea how many times they have sold them and how much money they have made. At that time, Liu He's strength must have been far better than today's. If other people get some of their own obsolete technologies, what's their fear?

Liu he did not ask for more out of trust.

"It's just that we have to enrich the commodities we deal in. Otherwise, if we rely on the monopoly system for a long time, it will be too simple and unsustainable."

Zhen Yi's family has always advocated diversified transactions. A single business can naturally meet the needs of the family, but it is certainly not good for a business firm.

Liu he pondered: "let's work together on this point. First, the three can set up special exhibition and sales offices for their own commodities. Second, they can gradually attract merchants and families of other categories to settle in. As for the rest, I'll think of something else

Liu He has no choice but to look for it in the system. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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