Xu Huang and others knelt down in the Council Hall of the prefect's office.

"Are you Xu Huang?"

After listening to their self introduction, Liu he was surprised.

Xu Huang still lowered his head and clasped his fist over his head: "it's just a villain. The crime of villains is unforgivable. If you want to kill, you must cut it. Please deal with it. "

He was quite straightforward. The other leaders of the black mountain army couldn't do it. They cried bitterly, scolded Guo Tai and Zhang Yan, and changed their ways to beg for mercy.

"All right, all right, take these men down first. Well Isn't Zhang Niujiao still in the dungeon? Leave them company, and close the next cell. "

In their various appeals for mercy, a group of soldiers came into the door and dragged them all down.

Xu Huang looked at the only one who did not take away himself, a little puzzled.

"My Lord, you..."

Liu he reached out and stopped what he wanted to say.

"You don't have to ask. I left you alone, naturally because you are different from them."

"Why do you think so?" asked Xu Huang

Liu he came to him.

"First of all, I have just sent someone to inquire about you and your brother who was killed by Guo Tai. You and your brother who was killed by Guo Tai have always been a different kind in the black mountain army. They are not as cruel as others, and treat the people like grass roots. Besides, the last time Zhang Yan attacked, and this time Guo Tai came to attack, you have tried to dissuade you. Therefore, I think that although you have become a villain, you still have a heart of loyalty. "

"My Lord, you..."

Since Xu Huang was rescued by Yang Feng and had no choice but to become a mountain bandit, no one has said this to Xu Huang. Now Liu he suddenly gives him such a comment, which makes him feel a little confused and moved.

At this time, Wu Meng also stood up.

"My Lord, this man is extraordinary in martial arts, benevolent and righteous. He is no ordinary bandit. If he can be used by the Lord, he will be able to make contributions to the Han Dynasty in the future."

Xu Huang repeatedly retreated: "I dare not. How dare you say that you can make a great contribution to your life? Besides, my brother has just passed away, so the villain should help my brother's coffin and return it to his hometown. "

How can Liu He let him go? He has checked Xu Huang's comprehensive ability.

"Xu Huang, historical peak attribute: Commander 87, force 95, intelligence 81, politics 52."

"Current attributes: commander-in-chief 43, force 86, intelligence 66, politics 24, special attributes: none, special effects: none."

Whether it is for Xu Huang's name or for his attribute, Liu He must find a way to keep him in his own account. Once let him leave, who knows what will happen, and then he will be under the command of others, and he will cry too late.

"Gongming, as a soldier, obeys orders and has no serious crime. Besides, it is very valuable for him to persuade him more. Now he killed Guo Tai, the chief culprit, with his own hands. Even if there are some sins, they can be offset now. "

Xu Huang saw Liu He's identity, but he was willing to persuade him to surrender with such words. He was already moved.

Guan Yu also came out and said, "Guan Mou hears those soldiers mention that Gongming is also from Hedong? It's Guan, a fellow townsman. I see that you are good at martial arts. Now that the country is in danger and all people are suffering, why don't you use this good man's body and follow my Lord to stabilize the world, so as to live up to the man's coming here for a visit

Liu He, Guan Yu and several people around him all looked at Xu Huang with sincere eyes and made him make up his mind soon.

"I admire you so much! From today on, I'd like to be in the saddle before and after, and let it be sent! "

"Ha ha, good! I have to be open-minded, like a tiger with wings! "

Liu he helped Xu Huang up and laughed.

"Haha, we have a second person to use the axe in our army. The fourth brother has company at last."

Zhu Ye's words remind Liu He that the Tiangang Disha axe method, which was given to Zhang Yong at the beginning, needs two people to cooperate to use it, so as to exert its strongest power. Moreover, Xu Huang's character is just like that of Zhang Yong, so it is very suitable for him to be Zhang Yong's deputy general.

However, he had just joined in. At this time, he was given such a heavy reward. He was afraid that some people in the army would be unconvinced. Just now, Liu he had a new idea in his mind.

"I have a new task that I can't accomplish without public knowledge, but it's a bit dangerous. I wonder if Gongming is willing to go?"

Xu Huang clasped his fists and moved his countenance and said: "the Lord trusts Huang so much. Even if he is broken to pieces, he must fulfill his trust."

Liu He clapped him on the shoulder with a smile.

"Good! Gongming will go back and have a rest. Tomorrow, I will tell you more about it. "

"Here it is

Xu Huang takes orders.

"Well, it's getting late. Let's go back and have a rest. As for the third younger brother and the fifth younger brother, they should have been punished for breaking the military order and drinking secretly tonight. However, I want to make contributions to you, and the merits and demerits will be offset. No reward or punishment will be given. "

Cheng Liang and Zhu ye are still a little unconvinced, especially Zhu ye, who thinks he has the credit of the boss tonight.Guan Yu said with a smile, "you are satisfied. If you have to catch up with Guo Tai's attack and let you happen to break it, I'm afraid you'll have to smash your butt. "

They recalled the army staff and whip in the army, and they couldn't help shivering.

Liu he soon got 53 points due to the reduction of Xu Huang, but now he doesn't care about this point. He goes back to his room and soon goes to sleep.

The 20000 Black Mountain army captured more than 14000 people in the attack. After screening and punishing them one by one according to their character, ability, age and past criminal responsibility, less than 6000 people were absorbed into the ANP.

As a result, the size of the Anmin army has officially exceeded 100000!

However, before everyone could be happy, Xu Huang left yinguan city with 20000 soldiers half a month later.

No matter Guan Yu and other generals, or Cui Jun and other counsellors, are very puzzled about this. However, Liu He's face is very secretive, and he only said, "I have a special task for him, but I don't have to worry about it.".

Of course, Liu he said this not only by trust.

The basis of trust is his confidence. Liu He has enough confidence for the 20000 people, because most of the 20000 soldiers are 100% loyal to Liu He. What's more, there are not only soldiers in the army, but also many grass-roots officers who have absolute sincerity. Even if Xu Huang has the idea of rebelling against himself one day, these people will never follow him.

Xu Huang marches mysteriously here, and outside Jinyang, there are also a group of motorcade, slowly driving out of the gate.

A young man, riding a horse, came to the tower and looked back at the head of the city.

Another man, who looked a few years younger than him, followed and looked at him.

"Don't look, brother. Hurry up. This time, my father was very angry when he knew what you had done with the sixteen families. He asked the imperial court to resign your official post and ordered me to take you to Yuzhou as soon as possible. If you go back late, I'm afraid the old man will be more angry. "

Hearing this, the man sighed and asked, "is there really no name in the list of Liu He's reporting those family crimes to the court?"

"Yes, he just wrote a letter and told my father about it alone. Otherwise, my brother thought you would have a chance to go to Yuzhou? In his letter, he said that you had a conflict with him in those years. He was depressed in his mind. Therefore, it is justifiable to make mistakes. You can show your conscience is not lost when you discuss with those thieves. Therefore, you just ask my father to take you with you and do a good job. If you can mend your ways, you will still be a pillar of the court in the future. "

With that, the man looked at his brother.

"Well, it's not my younger brother who said that you've done too much this time. If Liu he really informs the imperial court, I'm afraid that Wang's family will be implicated if the criminal evidence is confirmed. I don't want this Governor Liu to be so benevolent and righteous. You can stop fighting against him in the future. It's just a little grudge. It's not a big feud. Why do you have to? "

Hearing this, the man nodded heavily.

"After this, if I get a new life, I will make up for my mistakes in the past. All right, let's go. After I go back, I will accept any punishment my uncle has

He waved his whip and headed south.

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