The Xianbei people were mainly cavalry. They were not good at guarding the city. What's more, they had no plan to defend the city. Therefore, more than 1000 soldiers were scattered in the city and in the north of the city, supervising the work of tens of thousands of Han slaves.

Guan Yu led the army, almost effortlessly rushed into the city.

"General, why is there no one in the city?"

Qian Ning looked around and could see a few streets, and there was no half figure.

Guan Yu also discovered this situation.

"It's OK. The villagers said before that there are more than ten thousand people in the city. Let's go and look for it."

Zhang Liao, Qian Ning, Zhou Yuan, Dai Le, Qin Chu, Yan Quan, and Guan Yu himself, with a team of men and horses, separated to find people in all directions.

Guan Yu and several thousand soldiers searched the east of the city for most of the day. Apart from the dilapidated houses and the streets covered with fallen leaves, Guan Yu could not see anything else, as if the city was a four city city that had been vacant for many years.

"What's going on?"

Guan Yu frowned and thought hard.

Just then, a messenger came up.

"General, we have found the people!"

Guan Yu's spirit came down: "lead the way quickly!"

Under the leadership of the herald, they turned seven and eight, and soon came to a place in the north of the city.

Zhang Liao and Qin Chu, led by thousands of purple and gold dragon riders, are confronting more than 1000 Xianbei cavalry. Seeing the arrival of Guan Yu, they look relaxed.

But Guan Yu was different from them. When he came here and saw the situation behind the Xianbei soldiers, his anger could no longer be contained!

Behind the Xianbei people, rows of houses were turned into blacksmiths.

In these blacksmith shops, a large number of people with disheveled hair and ragged clothes, describing emaciated people, are working under the whip of a small group of Xianbei soldiers.

These people can see what kind of life they live on weekdays. What's more, almost everyone's body is covered with all kinds of scars, shocking.

Beside them, as well as in various corners outside the house, Guan Yu could vaguely see all kinds of corpses lying down, some of them had become white bones, some had just died.

"It's our army. The court sent someone to save us..."

Some craftsmen saw the appearance of Guan Yu and others, very happy, dropped the tools in their hands and ran over.

"Looking for death!"

The Xianbei soldiers who were in charge of the work on the side were merciless. They rushed up and killed all of them.

"How dare you, thief!"

Guan Yu roared, and Zijin dragon rode forward several steps.

However, at this time, a sharp arrow suddenly shot at Guan Yu's face.


Guan Yu trained with Liu He with flying stones for many years, but he didn't pay attention to this trick.

He blocked the side of Qinglong Yanyue sword in front of him, and then opened the hidden arrow.

"What kind of hero is hiding and hiding? Are Xianbei people such shameless villains?"

Guan Yu's shouts spread all over the place.

"Pa pa pa pa..."

A clapping voice came, and then a man rode out. The Xianbei cavalry in front of him made way for him.

Guan Yu took a close look at the man. He was about thirty years old. He was wearing fur clothes. His horse was much bigger than other Xianbei cavalry. Although he was a little inferior to his own red smoke Jue Ying, he was a good horse.

"Well, you are the commander in chief of these Xianbei dog slaves?"

His words made those Xianbei people angry.

The man was not angry, and rode forward.

"I am Yidun, the great prince of Ilan tribe in xiaxianbei. This general rashly leads his troops to invade the boundaries of our tribe and kills our people. Is this the style of the so-called etiquette state of the Han Dynasty? "

This man is very fluent in Chinese, but it makes people a little surprised.

However, Guan Yu did not pay attention to this, just a burst of sneer.

"Hum, that's ridiculous. You, who grew up in the northern grassland, invaded the territory of the Han Dynasty and killed the people of the Han Dynasty. But now you speak such vulgar words with such a high sounding voice. It's really unreasonable for the people of barbarians and foreign countries. "

Guan Yu was a little higher than Yidun in terms of his position and his horses. At this time, he held his head high, his eyes tilted, and his attitude of disdain made Yidun a little uncomfortable.

"Hum, since ancient times, the stronger comes first. It is natural that you Han people are cowardly and have been robbed of their land by us. "

Guan Yu sneered: "since this is the case, there is no need to say more. Today, our army comes here and vows to trample you into powder, take back the city and shine the weapon!"

"Step on the ground and take back the city!"At this time, several other troops also came to the scene, with a total of 20000 troops, shouting in unison. They scared more than 1000 Xianbei cavalry in front of them, leaving their faces bloodless.

Yidun frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect that the Han army could send out so many cavalry this time. This is really a bit strange.

"Who is your name, please give me your name."

Guan Yu didn't answer, but Qian Ning stood up.

"Listen. We are from Yanmen. This is general Guan Yuguan. "

Yidun's face changed.

"Are you one of the garrison generals of Yanmen in the Han Dynasty, the red faced Guan Yu?"

Guan Yu squinted at him and made a voice from his nostrils: "I thought it was an ignorant child. It seems that you Xianbei people still have some brains. As soon as you know the name of Guan, you should release our Han people as soon as possible. Then you and our army will find a battlefield and fight to the death! "

The soldiers brought out by Guan Yu are not as good-natured as he is. Even in the face of weakness, they will never be discouraged. What's more, their own strength is so much stronger than the other side. Therefore, all the soldiers of Zijin dragon riding are holding their heads high and looking at the Xianbei people with their nostrils.

A few people at work, seeing that the situation is so beneficial to their own side, can't help but want to jump out.

The Xianbei supervisor nearby was about to have an attack, but as soon as his hand was raised, he heard a few "whooshing" sounds, and the supervisors fell to the ground.

Behind Guan Yu, a brave young man put his long bow down.

"You Xianbei people are not the only ones who can shoot arrows."

"Well done, Lunan!"

Zhang Liao gave a thumbs up to Yanquan.

Yidun could no longer keep his former appearance of light clouds and breeze. At this time, his face was gloomy and his heart was full of remorse.

"Damn it, I really want to die on my own. I have to ask my father for orders to run to this ghost place to do something. These Han people are the same. They stand guard at Yanmen gate to block our two attacks. They dare to send troops to attack us. Are they not killed? "

Although he was extremely remorseful at the moment, the situation in front of him could not allow him to do more hesitation.

He thought quickly in his mind, and soon an idea came to him.

Seeing that the other side didn't respond, Guan Yu got impatient.

"What? Stubborn? Try to see if Guan's knife is sharp! "

Guan Yu straightened the green dragon sword and drove his horse forward for a few steps. Zijin dragon riding also followed him and pressed forward.

"Wait a minute!" Yidun cried quickly.

"It's not impossible to let these Han people go, but you have to promise me one condition."

As soon as he said this, the Purple Gold Dragon Rider immediately became angry.

"Barbarians are really ignorant and ridiculous. Now that our army is close to you, 20000 people dare to offer us conditions for 1000 people, and they don't know whether to die or not."

"That is, we can kill you by moving our fingers at will. If you are wise enough to let these people go, you and I will have a good fight. Even if you lose, you will not be a man for a long time."

Yidun ignored these words. He just looked at Guan Yu.

"My request is very simple. I have listened to the soldiers who came back from the battle of Yanmen and told them how brave the generals of Yanmen are and how they can blow up everything in the sky and nothing on the earth. However, I don't believe it. In my opinion, mang Huo, the first Xianbei warrior, is just deceiving the world. How can you be as brave as I am

Guan Yu asked, "how are you staying?"

"Hey, if you have the courage, we'll take the commander-in-chief of both sides to fight against each other. If you win, I'll let these people go. If you lose, hum, you'll lead the troops out of the city immediately. You're not allowed to enter the city or pursue in a day. How about that?"

"Fart! What kind of thing do you dare to challenge general Guan? What's more, the strength of our two sides is so great that as long as we rush forward, you will all become the dead under the sword. "

Zhang Liao scolded.

"Don't pay attention to him, general. Let's go!"

All of them were furious and urged Guan Yu to order the attack.

Yidun didn't look at Zhang Liao at all, but just stared at Guan Yu.

But Guan Yu was lost in thought. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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