In Liu He's largest camp, all the generals of the ANP were gathered here. However, everyone's face was very gloomy.

"Elder brother, don't ask. It must be the aristocratic families who are fighting against me! Damn it, we are fighting to kill the enemy in the front line. They always plan on us behind their backs. They want me to say that all the Xianbei Huns will be put down first. We will lead the army to the capital and cut down those dogs and things first, and then we will be able to be peaceful! "

Cheng Liang clenched his teeth. When he spoke, a pair of eyes could feel the fire coming out.

Although Guan Yu is also full of anger, but compared with Cheng Liang, he should be calm.

He pulled a hand at Cheng Liang and said, "three younger brothers, please say two words at least. Big brother is now annoyed. You're happy with this idea, but you'll have endless troubles. Don't use it to make trouble for big brother. "

Cheng Liang was so reprimanded by Guan Yu, took a glance at Liu He, whose face was so heavy that he could wring water out of the water, and hurried back.

Inside the camp, there was no one to speak.

Cui Jun looked up and felt that it was no way to go on like this, so he stood up.

"My Lord, it's useless to sit down like this. For today's sake, I'd better think about emergency measures first."

Liu He took a look at Cui Jun, forced his anger and said, "what else can I do! In order to ensure the safety of grain and grass, I specially set up Quartermaster granaries in the counties under my administration, as well as in Yanmen pass. Although our army can't collect taxes in langtiao County, Yu County, Fenyang County, Yangqu county and Xihe County, there are also 890000 mu of fertile paddy fields accumulated over the years, and the grain obtained by killing many powerful people and purchased when the price of grain fell. It is enough to hoard more than 1 million stone grain and grass, accounting for more than half of our army's grain reserves. "

"Now all these grains have been burned. Originally, our army could have used it for at least half a year, enough to last until the autumn harvest. Now, there are only less than three months left. This has not yet calculated the relief food for tens of thousands of people in Dingxiang County, which has just been captured. If this is included, I am afraid that within two months at most, the army will be completely out of food. Those old men are so insidious that I will kill them sooner or later

Liu he changed his former calm appearance. At this time, he was so murderous that everyone in the camp was frightened.

It turned out that, just six days ago, a fire broke out in the granaries of these five counties, which were specially used to store food for the Anmin army. Although the patrol guards soon found out, the fire was too fierce to put out. The fire not only burned the military grain in the five cities, but also implicated some residential buildings around. Fortunately, there were no casualties It's also a huge loss.

Gao Shun said, "why is there nothing in Yanmen?"

"The granaries in Yanmen counties are small in scale, so it is easy to patrol in all aspects, so it is difficult to take advantage of them. The granaries in the five counties of Taiyuan county have developed to a large scale, especially the granaries in langdiao county are located in Huangshui Township, which covers a large area and has a complex terrain. It is inevitable that the night watchmen can not take into account the places that they can not take into account. Naturally, it is easy for those who have a heart to take advantage of them. "

Cui Jun explained.

Wang Han yelled: "burning big fierce grain, should kill, should kill!"

No one believed the fire was an accident because it was clearly impossible.

Those who have the motivation and the ability to do this, and can make the arsonists retreat completely, leaving no clues, must not be an ordinary force.

The Minister of the Tang Dynasty has always been in accordance with many people in the imperial court.

Everyone was full of resentment against these families. Now it happened, and the people were even more furious. Just when Cheng Liang said he wanted to kill the national thieves in Luoyang, many people on the scene almost jumped out to agree.

"Check! Immediately start to investigate, any clues must also be found, all the evidence must be in their own hands

Liu he roared.

But none of the people in the camp stood up to take orders, for they knew very well who the order was to be sent.

Sure enough, outside the camp, there was a sound of fast running feet. Listening to the rhythm, it was obvious that he was also a martial arts practitioner, but he soon walked away.

"Big brother, food shortage is a big problem. Or as soon as possible to send the news to the perineum museum city. Although we are short of food and grass, we still have some money in our hands. We can't raise too much in a short time, but we can always stick to it for a long time. "

Zhang Yong stood up and said with his fist clasped.

It is true that Anhan commercial bank has developed well, but after all, its time is still short and its coverage is limited. It can raise grain and forage by purchasing more than 100000 and 200000 stones in one or two months. If it is more, it will be very difficult.

Cui Junzhi's premise of the strategy of cultivating war with war is indeed a good policy, but it also needs time. Even if the ANP captured enough livestock, the caravan would not be able to raise enough food to trade in a short time.

At present, the size of the Anmin army is as small as 200000 stone grain and grass, even if the army reduces its expenditure in a period of time, it will be consumed in half a month at most.Liu he pondered for a long time and said with a calm face, "if orders go down, the whole army will rest and the March will be suspended."

It is obvious that they are unwilling to do so. Now, the soldiers of Anmin are in full swing and continue to recover other counties. However, we all know that this is also a helpless move.

When the army is resting, the consumption of grain and grass can naturally be saved much more than when marching and fighting. If you continue to go deep into Yunzhong County, I'm afraid that if you don't have time to knock down the whole cloud, you'll run out of food on your side, and it will be even more troublesome at that time.

All the generals went out of the camp, but Liu he left Cui Jun alone.

"What is the total amount of material seized by our army today?"

Cui Jun knew what Liu he asked about this, so he quickly answered.

"From Pingcheng, all the way up to now, more than 67000 cattle and sheep have been seized, more than 43000 war horses, and more than 26000 cabal horses. There is very little food and grass, less than 100000 stones. There are not many coins, but there are many kinds of gold and silver jewelry. Roughly speaking, it is worth about 40 million yuan. There are more than 10000 sets of armor of all kinds. "

Liu He has no interest in the following figures.

He narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes were full of essence.

"He sent someone to inform Li Ang that there were a large number of horses to be sold in the army. The number was set at 40000. All of them were fine horses captured by the Xianbei army, but they were not sold for money, only for food and grass."

Cui Jun was shocked: "if all the 40000 fine horses could be changed into grain, they would be worth at least 67 million stones in terms of the current grain price in Bingzhou. Of course, it can solve the urgent need of our army. However, these horses are of extraordinary value. The war horses traded by the Zhang and Su families in a year are definitely not of such scale. This will certainly cause great shock. I am afraid it will cause some numbness If the disturbing forces intervene, do you think twice? "

Liu he said: "war horses can still be obtained in the future, but once the grain is cut off, it will be a disaster. As for the troublemakers, hum, I'm afraid they won't come. "

Cui Jun knew that Liu he had made up his mind, so he could not persuade him any more. He just sighed: "that's the case, but with the dozens of large and small caravans in today's commercial firms, it's impossible to get together in a month or two. At least hundreds of thousands or even millions of carts and donkeys would be needed for the transportation of 67 million stones. Even if Zhang, Su and Zhen worked together to gather up the grain in a short time, they decided that there would not be so many people and cars to transport them. My Lord, you are... "

Liu he interrupted him with a wave.

"There is no need to ask more questions. Just do it. This matter is related to the survival of our army. The less people know, the better. Except for the military division and Li Ang, Qian Li can only know about it. Other people, even Yunchang, can't disclose it. There is also a secret letter here, which must be given to Leong himself. "

Although Cui Jun didn't understand what Liu he had in the end, he took orders to do it.

"Well, if you want to reach out to me, I'll see if your claws are hard enough! Fight hard and see who can endure it

Unconsciously, Liu He clenched his fists. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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