From Wuyuan County to the west along the Yellow River, the first city to see is Guangmu County in Shuofang county.

In the north of Guangmu County, a broad, majestic and magnificent river is roaring towards the East. It is the Yellow River that gave birth to the splendid civilization of China.

At this time, on the other side of the river in Guangmu County, a group of hundreds of cavalry were standing on the wilderness, looking at the river and the seemingly deserted and dilapidated county seat on the opposite side.

Zhu Ye rode his horse to the river and said with emotion: "the Yellow River is so fierce that it gave birth to our people. I don't want to make our descendants humiliated by the hoofs of the Hu people. I never thought that one day, the water of the Yellow River will be dyed red by the blood of the people it raised..."

A soldier came up.

"General, the Yellow River is turbulent. We don't have a ferry. I'm afraid we can't cross it."

Hearing this, Zhu Ye looks back and forth at the Yellow River. He seems to want to find a place to cross the river, but in the end, he gets nothing.

"That's all. I can't be anxious for a moment. First search the north, and then cut down some trees to see if we can build some rafts and find a river with a slower flow

The soldiers around him were preparing to take orders when suddenly a "grunt" broke everyone's mind.

With this one cry, Zhu ye, who is not easy to get serious, immediately raises the hammer: "what is it?"

The soldier scratched his head somewhat embarrassed.

"So what It's the belly of a villain... "

"Poof..." Zhu Ye immediately smiles.

"Your little boy's stomach is not small. If you make such a sound, you will be worthy of the word" Thor "on our Thor, ha ha

The soldier was a little embarrassed. He made fun of him. He was such a big man. He became shy.

Zhu Ye shook his hand: "come on, General Zhu, I'm hungry. I think there should be some game on the north mountain. It's too boring to eat dry food alone. It's not the food for our Thor. Let's go and have some game with the general

Hearing Zhu Ye's words, the five hundred Thor's dusty face suddenly bloomed!

"OK! General Zhu knows how to love people! "

After eating a little bit of dry food, the party ran wild. After more than an hour, the sun reached the middle of the sky, and finally came to the foot of the mountain.

"Come on, let's split up and meet here to see who gets more prey. I'll reward you, general. Ha ha!"

At Zhu Ye's command, the five hundred Thor rode away like a hare.

"Hey, these greedy insects."

Zhu Ye laughs and goes out to look for prey.

However, this kind of mountain is far less than the dense jungle of Taihang Mountain. Zhu Ye turns around and has no harvest.

"This mountain is really poor..."

Zhu Ye sighs.

All of a sudden, his remaining light aimed at a dark shadow from the side of the past.

He quickly looked at the past and saw dozens of steps away, a huge sheep with two horns was eating the fruit of a small bush.

"Hey, argali! This guy's meat is delicious

Zhu Ye's heart is itchy and his mouth almost drips.

He held up his double hammers and moved cautiously towards the argali.

Thirty steps

Twenty steps

Ten steps

Eight steps

Seeing that he has come to argali sheep, there are only five steps behind him. Zhu ye can't help it any more. He rushes out with a big step, and the double hammer is about to hit it!

However, it was under this big step that he made a lot of noise, which startled the argali sheep which was immersed in the delicious food.

With the instinct of surviving in the wild for many years, the argali leaped out of the field with a strong kick of its hind hoof.

"Don't run away. Let me hit you

Zhu Ye is not willing to let go of the prey to his mouth, and rushes to the past.

That argali sheep is not a fool, of course, aware of the crisis, powerful four hoofs, crazy start to run.

Even in plain areas, Zhu ye can't catch up with each other, let alone on this rugged hillside.

Zhu Ye tried his best to catch up with him for a long distance. After that, the argali sheep turned a corner and jumped into a rocky mountain depression. There was no shadow left.

Zhu ye said with a disappointed face: "it's really bad luck. It's just a rabbit. It's only a few kilos of meat. It's estimated that the prey won't be as much as those dogs. How shameless I am. I'm so angry! This argali is really not good

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Finally, he couldn't help but hit a stone wall nearby with a hammer.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

However, the hammer suddenly dropped to half the height of the hammer, and then he continued to smash the hammer."Well? The sound is not right... "

Zhu Ye frowns and looks at the stone wall and the sledge hammer in his hand. Then he lightens his strength and smashes several times on the stone wall.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

The sound of this smash up, with a kind of distant sound like reverberation.

"No! It's empty behind the wall

Zhu Ye immediately made this judgment, and then he looked very happy.

"Ha ha, isn't it the nest of some big insects? Hey, that's great. Today, we are blessed with Master Zhu's Wuzang temple! "

When Zhu Ye comes to the spirit, he doesn't care what kind of stone or wood he is, waving his own pair of sledgehammers, and "Dong Dong Dong" is not stopped.

He was just smashing it when several soldiers on the thunderbolt suddenly ran over.

"Ah? General Zhu, what are you doing? Why do you smash this wall

Zhu Ye turns his head and finds that all the soldiers are carrying a lot of prey in their hands. At that time, he is choked up and can't breathe.

"You don't mind, just watch here. We can have a good lunch, but it depends on this!"

With that, he continued to hit the stone wall.

"Is there anything good in this stone wall? This is strange. "

"Hey, what do you care about? If the general says yes, it must be. We'll wait and see."

"That is, stop talking and watch quietly."

Several Raytheon cavalry soldiers look excited and expectant at Zhu Ye smashing the stone wall.

And the more they are like this, the harder Zhu ye will be. Otherwise, he will lose face in front of his soldiers, and he will not be able to survive.

I don't know how many hammers he hit. Zhu Ye's arms are beginning to ache. Suddenly, he finds a hole about the size of his thumb on the stone wall, which makes him excited!

"Ha ha, it's finally broken. Let's see you work harder!"

With all his strength in his arms, he struck the strongest hammer ever!

I just heard "Bang..." At a sound, rocks splash, sand and dust all over the sky, and Zhuye is all over his face.

"Bah, bah..."

Zhu Ye spits the sand and stone in his mouth and slaps the dust on his hair and clothes.

Several Raytheon riders also rushed over.

"Ah, the general is so brave and invincible that he actually smashed a hole in the wall of the mountain!"

After listening to the soldiers' praise, Zhu Ye immediately raises his head high.

"Hey, that's for sure. You two stay and wait for the other brothers. You two will come in with me to catch the big bug!"

The two soldiers named were overjoyed and ran over.

Zhu Ye smashed a hole about three feet into the stone wall. They were all bulky and could only barely get in.

Zhu Ye looks at the situation inside the cave, but he doesn't pay attention to the ground under his feet. In fact, the ground is a little lower than that outside the cave. He steps into the air, and the whole person falls into the cave.

"Oh, my mother..."

After two soldiers see him this embarrassed appearance, cover the mouth secretly smile.

Zhu Ye stares at him and warns, "don't laugh! What's more, don't talk about it, or you'll be fined not to eat! "

When they heard it, they nodded in a hurry.

Zhu Ye stands up and pats the dust on his body. Then he begins to look at the cave in front of him.

The cave is really not small. It is tens of feet long and wide. On one side of the mountain wall, there is still water gurgling out, flowing along the mountain wall to the ground, and flowing out through a hole.

"General, there seems to be no big bug in it. Are you wrong?"

It seems that Zhu Ye doesn't see any sign of prey living here. But he breaks through the mountain wall with all his strength. How can he admit that he was wrong? That's a shame.

"Why How can it be? How could general Ben guess wrong? I think... "

As he spoke, he looked around to see if there was any clue.

The two soldiers knew his temper, and it was hard to tear them apart, so they waited.

Suddenly, Zhu ye called out: "ha ha, you see, there is a small hole over there, which must lead to another cave!"

Looking in the direction he pointed to, they saw a hole about half a man high.

Hey, I must be angry. Haven't you heard that there are three grottoes of cunning rabbits. Rabbits are just like this, and other wild animals may do the same. It's not surprising that they live in several linked caves. Let's go and have a look with the general! "

He is full of spirit, carrying the double hammer to go over, two soldiers also quickly follow.

The three squatted down, went through the small hole, and came to a cave again.

"Well That General, there seems to be no trace of wild animals here... "Zhu Ye starts to sweat on his forehead. He wants to slap himself twice and smash the mountain wall. This time, he can't finish. When he goes back, everyone has to laugh to death.

However, another soldier called out: "Oh, general, look, there is still a hole in there!"

Zhu Ye looks at it and finds out that there is a hole a little wider than the one just passed through. However, the hole is in the corner and the light is dim, so he doesn't find it at the moment.

He looked at the shouting soldier's eyes, as if he saw a savior.

"No, it's good to go back to the cave

However, when he was so excited that he found another empty cave.

However, similarly, a hole was found here.

Zhu Ye doesn't give up. He goes through again

In this way, he took two soldiers and drilled at least seven or eight holes.

"So what General, I think we'd better go back. This nest of wild animals is too cunning, and the cave is too deep. Let them go without any effort? "

In fact, the cave is natural. It's not a wild animal that dug it. It's just that the soldier knows that if he doesn't give Zhu ye a step on his face, he's afraid he'll get to the end of the cave, and that's endless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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