
"Ding! This is the system that the host brings with it when it is born in this world. According to the set conditions, it can be turned on after the host is eight years old, which can help the host realize the wishes in his heart

Liu he was overjoyed at the speech!

"That's great. There are golden fingers. I'll tell you. The standard configuration of crossing is ha ha! Do you give me this sudden power? "

"Back to the host, this is because when you are in danger at home, you can summon up the courage to face a strong enemy and protect your family. Therefore, you can activate hidden rewards and get the innate power."

"I see. It's good. It's not bad. Haha." Liu he was full of joy.

"What function do you have? Can you take the lead from thousands of miles away, just like those treasures in fairy tales?"

Liu he asked excitedly.

"Ding! This system has no combat function. "

"Well, I'm just kidding. Let me see What I need most now is money, food, army, weapons and territory. By the way, there are all kinds of talents. With these talents, we can develop our forces. For example, we should call for a few generals of civil servants and martial arts first. Is this OK? "

Liu he asked the system with a little expectation.

"Reply to the host, the system can not provide these things directly, but you need to rely on your own efforts to obtain them."

Liu Hutton was greatly disappointed and fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"I can't give anything. I have to rely on myself. What's the use of you?"

The system did not give a positive answer, but asked, "does the host need to open the system introduction?"

"Well? System introduction? OK, it's in my mind anyway. I'd better take a good look at what this thing is. Come on, let's open the system. "

Liu He, with the idea of "take it as you come, make it easy" and give orders to the system in his heart.

"System introduction is opening, please wait..."

"Introduction of the system: the name of this system is super cultivation system, as the name implies, its main function is to cultivate, and the contents that can be cultivated include talents, equipment, culture, medicine, technology and other categories."

Hearing this, Liu He's depressed mood jumps up again.

"Wow, it seems that it is still very powerful! Then hurry up and cultivate myself into a super general first, eh It's better to be stronger than lub. "

Liu he urged.

"The system does not have this function, the host must use points, exchange items from the system, and then use these items, and then through the host's own efforts, in order to achieve personal ability improvement."

Liu He is also a burst of disappointment: "the original need for integral ah, is really troublesome ah, sure enough, those look very convenient, fast and simple system, only exist in fantasy."

The eyebrows on both sides of Liu he were almost squeezed into a pile.

"Forget it. It's no use complaining. First check how many points I have now? And how do you get this integral? "

"Host current score: 0. Points are obtained as follows. "

"1. Complete the task of system fixed publishing."

"2. Kill or subdue at least one basic attribute whose peak value is 80 will get 10 points. If the attribute exceeds 80, the score will be increased by 1 point for each point higher than 80, and multiple attributes will reach 80 in the same way. If the other party is an unknown person in history, the points will be obtained in the same way according to the person's attributes at that time. "

"3. Every time the basic attribute of the host is improved by one whole ten levels, 50 points can be obtained. The corresponding reward for cultivating other talents will be halved. "

"4. Special rewards or tasks will be activated automatically in certain situations."

Liu he was a graduate student in his previous life. After listening to it, he remembered these contents.

"What's the use of integral? Is it true that all good things in the system must be redeemed with points? "

"Or in exchange for points in the host system, all things are consumed in order to complete the task. After some tasks are completed, you can open the lucky wheel and get items randomly. And every time the system is upgraded, the host will get a free turntable opportunity. "

Liu he was so excited that he seemed to have seen the broad road to dominate the world.

"Then I just killed a soldier. Should there be a reward?"

"Restore the host, the soldier's highest attribute is force. At its peak state, the force is only 51 points, so there is no point."


Liu He's words stopped. It turns out that the level of force of ordinary soldiers in an officer's army is only such a little. No wonder Lv Bu and Guan Yu, a top-ranking general, can be called the enemy of ten thousand people.

"What attribute am I now?"

"Ding! Host current attributes: Commander: 20, force: 40, intelligence: 40, politics: 20. Base attributes are capped at 100 points. "

Liu he was a little surprised by this attribute. Other attributes were OK, including 40 points of force. After all, he didn't know any boxing and foot weapons. He didn't have any combat experience. His body was just beginning to develop. His endurance and coordination were not enough. His strength was just explosive. His force was not high.But this intelligence is also 40, he is a little unconvinced.

"I was also a graduate student in my previous life. I know a lot about mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, history and geography, especially the history of the Three Kingdoms. How could I have only 40 intelligence?"

"Most of the knowledge of the host is from later generations, and they are not familiar with the life style, strategic pattern, military dispatch, tactical application, political governance, workers' and peasants' operations of the present era. Even if some understanding is limited to historical documents, the intelligence is only 40 points. However, due to the host's theoretical accumulation is very thick, so in the future, with the progress of daily learning and life, the speed of intelligence improvement will be very fast. "

Liu he understood this explanation in his heart.

"I see. It's also very good. The starting point is not high, and the promotion speed is fast. That means that I get my points quickly, ha ha ha, not bad!"

Liu He is quite satisfied with this.

Thinking of this, he can't wait to earn points. He quickly continues to ask, "what are the tasks I can take now, and the items that can be exchanged, please list them and have a look!"

The tasks in the system can be divided into four categories: livelihood series, military series, collection series and special series. At present, the system is in the first level state and can only receive the tasks of set series. At present, it can receive two tasks

"The first task is to subdue the first general, or to train the subordinates as a general. There is no limit to their attributes. Task reward: 10 points. "

"The second task is to take over the first minister, or to train his subordinates as a minister. Task reward: 10 points. "

"Exchange items can be divided into four categories: Ordnance atlas, training atlas, materials, and special items. Currently, the host can only exchange part of materials, and the host can open the material exchange interface in item exchange to view."

Liu he came up with the interface of the whole system in his mind. The interface "looks" and it is not much different from the previous computer.

With great excitement, he quickly opened the material exchange interface for a preview.

"A medicine garden, 80 points."

"A set of basic fitness prescriptions, 20 points."

"A set of basic weapon skills training manual, 80 points."

"Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, law and military miscellaneous, each with three basic classics, 60 points."

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