His commanding tone and disdainful expression made Zhu Ye blow his hair on the spot.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch, you dare to ask me to do things. I think you are not good at hammering!"

Zhu Ye is so angry that he is about to smash his double hammer, which makes Qian man pale.

Fortunately, two soldiers quickly stopped him.

"General, this guy's mouth is not good, but after all, it's still useful. Let's keep it for later."

Zhu Ye thinks about it for a while, but finally he puts down the hammer.

Qian man looked at Zhu ye with some lingering fear: "you How dare you be so rude to me? Do you know who I am

Zhu Ye gave him a blank look: "besides, a trash that was caught and tied here by his own people should rely on me to save him. What can he do in front of me? If you have the ability to escape by yourself, if you have another half sentence in your mouth that makes me unhappy, you will be smashed into meat pie immediately, just like those Xianbei people in front of you! "

Qian man took a look at the huge hammer in his hand. He couldn't help but swallow his mouth. What he wanted to say was all held back.

Zhu ye said contemptuously: "cut, I thought it was a big man. It turned out to be a counsellor."

"You bastard..."

Qian man just wants to get angry, but he sees Zhu Ye lifting the sledgehammer intentionally or unintentionally. He can only give up bitterly.

"Come on, untie it for both of them and take it away."

Zhu Ye gives an order. Two soldiers take out their daggers and cut the rope.

After that, the soldiers escorted the two men to drill through the hole and enter the deep cave.

Ziman struggled reluctantly.

"Where are you going to take Ben Wang! What do you want to do! "

Zhu Ye is impatient: "shout, shout louder, it's better to attract those soldiers outside!"

The man on the other side also advised: "Qian man, don't struggle. You and I all know that the guy who helped Luohan took our great power. Now he has not killed us, but only to prevent the rebellion of our loyal tribes. When he calms down the opposition in the clan, we will be fed to wolves and vultures by him. It is better to be captured by the Han army than to die here. "

With that, the man took the lead in drilling.

Qian man a face unwilling, look at behind, the last bite teeth, also drill in the past.

Zhu Ye follows him and looks at the speaker with an appreciative look on his face.

"Oh, it's not bad. You've got the insight, and your words are to my taste. By the way, his name is Ziman. What's your name? "

The man said with a smile, "I've heard a lot about General Zhu's name in the next step. I've seen it today. It's true that he's outstanding in military and deserves his reputation."

Zhu Ye is so flattered that his teeth are exposed.

"Ha ha, I'm flattered."

All of a sudden, he looked sluggish, as if he remembered something.

"Well? Step root? Ziman? "

They looked at him with some wonder. They didn't know why his face suddenly changed.

Budugan asked, "it's just me. What's General Zhu's advice?"

Zhu Ye suddenly slapped his head and said, "Oh, aren't you two people fighting for Xianbei leader after Kui tou?"

When the two soldiers heard this, they all jumped up.

"Wow, general, we have made great contributions this time."

"What are you doing? What do you want to do with us! I am the God of Xianbei people. You'd better treat me well and wait for my return in the future... "

"Fuck you!"

Zhu Ye is so tired of this guy that he feels dizzy with a slap.

"You two guys carry him away."

The two soldiers look bitter, but Zhu Ye says something, but he dare not refuse, so he can only lift Qian man up.

Budugan looked at this scene and was glad in his heart.

He followed the three men through one cave after another. At last, he was dizzy. Just when he wanted to ask when it would be, he saw Zhu Ye stop suddenly.

Zhu Ye points to a small hole in front of him with a hammer and says, "well, let's go out from here first, and then we can do business after we have eaten."

Budugan looked up at the hole in front of him. He could barely hold a man to get out. The most important thing was that the hole looked like it had just been opened, and the ground beside it was covered with gravel and mud.

At this time, he saw that there was a lot of soil on Zhu Ye's two sledgehammers. He was shocked.

"Is it that he broke the hole out of the mountain wall? I've heard for a long time that the Han Army in Yanmen is invincible. I don't want to be scared here! "

Budugan seemed to have made a decision in his heart, and his face became very firm.

A group of people drilling out of the cave, came to the outside of the hillside, but saw here has been surrounded by a lot of Thor riding soldiers."General, you are out at last

"General, where are our prey? How can we carry two people out? We don't eat people. "

"That is, we can't learn from the Xianbei barbarian, eh? These two seem to be Xianbei people. General, have you found the Xianbei army? "

The soldiers were more excited to see budugan and Ziman than to see any prey. That is to say, Qianman fainted. Otherwise, they were afraid that they would be shocked to faint by so many naked eyes as if they saw delicious food.

Zhu ye said with a smile: "you are such a soft egg, your vision is too small! These two are not ordinary Xianbei people. They are Oh, I'm hungry. I can't talk

How can those soldiers not understand Zhu Ye's meaning.

"Hey, general, come on, we've caught a lot of prey. We'll cook and barbecue immediately. The general will eat slowly and tell us slowly!"

A group of people came to a relatively hidden shady side of the mountain, found a forest and started to make a fire.

Soon, the smell of barbecue came out.

"Come on, general. Eat first."

Several soldiers vie with each other to hand over the barbecue to Zhu Ye.

Zhu Ye is not polite. He takes them one by one and bites them.

"General, tell us quickly. How could you catch such two Xianbei people when you went out to fight for prey?"

Looking at Zhu Ye's face, he is very satisfied.

"Hehe, OK, well, you sons of bitches are very sensible. I'll tell you something about it. It's really stirring to talk about it. Thanks to my resourcefulness and courage, I can achieve such extraordinary feats... "

Zhu Ye makes a good addition to his experience. He says it as if he killed a million soldiers alone. The two soldiers who followed him and bu Dugen on one side were sweating on their forehead, but they did not dare to expose it.

Zhu Ye is eating dry food and barbecue, while blowing cattle, full of struggling for a long time, this flying spittle star son just stopped.

However, he didn't say anything about his dangerous character.

However, knowing that, no one will not be unintelligible to say it, everyone on the surface of Zhu ye all kinds of compliments, so that Zhu Ye is elated, happily patting his stomach and laughing.

"General, we've finished our meal, and we've got a clue about Xianbei's affairs. Are you going to let these two guys take us to investigate the movement of Xianbei camp?"

This man said that he was in the minds of all the officers and men. We all took great risks this time to make greater contributions?

Zhu Ye rubs his stomach and his mouth.

"Well, that's right. What do these Xianbei people want to do when they come to the valley? They don't know how many troops they have assembled and how they are distributed. We have to make a good investigation. "

Hearing Zhu Ye's words, bu Dugen's eyes brightened and he cried out.

"General Zhu, I know. I know about the Xianbei army!"

His cry attracted the attention of all the people.

Zhu Ye ran to him and asked, "what? Do you know about the Xianbei army? Don't lie to me. My hammer is not made of paper

Budugan shook his head and said, "where dare you cheat the general. Did you forget? Qian manben and I were fighting for the position of Xianbei leader. Only when they were framed by villains did they fall here. However, the situation of the hundreds of tribes in Xianbei, large and small, is naturally remembered by both of us

Zhu Ye patted his thigh: "ha ha, OK! It's wonderful that we don't have to go all the way

But a soldier on the side said, "general, the words of Xianbei people can't be trusted. Both the Lord and the military master have said that these Xianbei nobles are vicious and cunning. We must guard against them. "

As soon as he said this, burdugan's face became anxious.

Just as he was about to explain, Zhu Ye waved his hand and said, "Hey, what's the difficulty? If he talks about him, let's take a look at what he said quietly, and we'll know whether it's true or not? If he dares to play tricks on general Ben, hey, I'll smash it into meat sauce

With that, he suddenly waved the sledgehammer and heard the sound of "bang", and a huge stone on the edge of it split into pieces.

Budugan could not help swallowing.

"I dare not. I dare not cheat. I will tell you the truth."

Zhu Ye grinned and said, "I dare you. Come on, help him up. Sit here and talk slowly. Big brother said before, we should treat the friendly people among the Hu people with courtesy. "

can't help but make complaints about this: "this guy can change his face quickly. Just like the devil, he is smiling all over the world."

But he didn't dare to say this, but he was helped by two soldiers to a big stone and sat down."Our Xianbei people live in the northern part of the Han Dynasty. From the Hetao area to the north of Youzhou in your country, there are more than 120 tribes of different sizes."

Zhu Ye shook his hand impatiently and said, "Oh, these generals know that they don't talk nonsense, but directly say what's going on in Xianbei."

Seeing that his face was impatient, budugan was startled, for fear that he would squash himself with anger, so he nodded again and again.

"Well, since kuitou was captured by your army, Qian man and I began to fight openly and secretly for the leadership of the Xianbei tribe. In addition to a few tribes that are too weak and a few tribes that are too far away from the East, the vast majority of the other tribes are divided into two camps and support me respectively. "

"I know it. What happened? How did you two guys tie up your men in the cave? "

Zhu ye asked.

Bu Dugen sighed, and his face was desolate.

"Well, don't mention it. You Han people have a saying, "guard against day and night, but it's hard to guard against thieves.". There is a traitor in my family. He is my second elder brother. His name is Fu Luohan. Suddenly, he mobilized a group of cronies in the middle of the night. When Qian man and I were unprepared, he arrested them and established themselves as masters of Xianbei, and soon got the support of a group of tribes. "

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