The Xianbei general could not help but sigh, but then, he was suddenly scared out of his wits.

Because he saw that the Han General's eyes were fixed on himself!

Zhu Ye licks his lips as if the beast had picked his favorite prey.

"Hey, you're a character. You'd rather kill your own soldiers by mistake than shoot arrows. The more you are, the less I can keep you!"

Zhu Ye suddenly bursts into a drink, his legs are clamped, and the silver armored beast hisses under his crotch, and he runs towards the Xianbei general.

"Stop him, stop him for me!"

Xianbei's general retreats in succession and shouts the soldiers around him to resist Zhu Ye.

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Zhu ye, covered with blood, pours forward with a ferocious smile. His ferocious face, coupled with the deterrence shown in previous battles, is enough to keep most of the enemy soldiers at bay.

What's more, the general's indifferent attitude towards the lives of his soldiers made them feel cold. How could they have died for him?

That is to say, with their hesitation, the silver armored beast has rushed over with Zhu Ye.

The Xianbei general looks at Zhu ye, who is only about ten steps away. He is scared to find his way. One accidentally bumps into another cavalry.

The two horses suffered from pain and neigh, and their front hooves rose in succession. The general did not pay attention to it for a moment, and then he was thrown off his horse.

Zhu Ye is very happy.

"Ha ha, the sky is going to die for you, and I will do justice for heaven!"

As soon as Xianbei general turned over and was ready to stand up, he saw a huge black hammer flying to his eyes.


Zhu Ye looks at the filthy things around him.

Seeing him, the soldiers retreated one after another, their eyes dodging, for fear of provoking the evil spirit.

Zhu Ye smiles contemptuously and triumphantly.

"Ha ha ha, Xianbei people, but so! I'm going to kill you in this camp today

Zhu Ye doesn't stop at all, so he continues to kill him, and the five hundred Thor riders rush out of the mountain path again.

There was not much movement here, but a battle of thousands of people. In the whole camp of 110000 people in Xianbei, it was not worth mentioning.

However, it was such a small conflict that Xianbei lost six generals and more than 3000 soldiers. Many people realized the seriousness of the matter and ran to report the situation to higher generals.

Mang Qian was a senior general in Xianbei army. After a lunch, he was dizzy and was resting.

However, this just did not sleep for an hour, suddenly, a soldier rushed in.

"General, the matter is not good! General

Mang Qian was still a little sleepy. At this time, Mao was awoken rashly. He was furious and took up the steel knife beside his bed.

"Go away!"

His steel knife went straight out with his backhand.

But with his eyes closed, where could he throw it accurately, the steel knife was inserted directly on the ground in front of the soldier, frightening the soldier into his whole body, which was almost drenched in the moment.

The soldier seemed to be hesitant and didn't know whether to go on or not, but after thinking about it, he felt that if he didn't report this incident, he would face even worse punishment.

"General! Wake up, the Han army is robbing the camp! "

As soon as he said this, mang Qian's brain suddenly woke up and sat up directly from his bed.

"What! I beg your pardon? The Han Army robbed the camp? How could it be, how could they know that our troops were stationed here? "

The soldier looked bitter and said in a hurry, "it's true! The vanguard troops of the Han Army emerged from the narrow mountain road in the southeast. I'm afraid the army will not be far away! "

Mang Qian quickly got out of bed and grabbed the soldier's neck.

"You said it was the mountain road in the southeast, are you sure?"

In the cave that the mountain road leads to, budugan and Ziman are imprisoned. This is known only to their generals, several reliable large tribal leaders, and a group of trusted Pro guards. Other soldiers only know that this road is important, but they don't know why it is important.

At this time, the Han army appeared here, which scared mang Qian to death.

The soldier was very sure and nodded: "yes, that's it! Although there are only a few hundred people in the vanguard troops of the Han Army, they are extremely brave and invulnerable, especially the leading general. Some people who have participated in the Yanmen war say that he is a general in the Han army of Yanmen. All of them use sledgehammers. We can't resist it! "

"No, it's Zhu Ye!"

My heart suddenly shrank.

He can't help but recall that when he attacked Yanmen twice, Zhu Ye's twin hammers were so powerful that they could not be resisted by human power. Hearing that he personally came to rob the camp, he scared the Xianbei top general."Hurry up, wake up the other generals and ask them to take their own soldiers to rescue immediately!"

Mang Qian doesn't care whether Zhu Ye is bringing hundreds or thousands of people. Although the credit is big enough, it is difficult to take. He is not a fool. He knows that it is very difficult to swallow the credit alone, and he may even die.

Soon, twelve Xianbei generals gathered in front of mang Qian's camp, including 13 of them.

Although some of these people have not experienced the battle of Yanmen, they have heard more about it. Even though they still have some doubts in their hearts, they still don't say any questions when they look at the dignified look of others.

Mang Qian said, "gentlemen, the Han people don't know what's going on. They know that our army is stationed here, and they have sent vanguard troops to attack them. The most important thing is that they came from the cave where budugan and Ziman were held. I don't have to say much about the importance of this? "

The other twelve nodded.

"I'm afraid budugan and Qianman have fallen into the hands of the Han Army, and we must take them back. Otherwise, they will take these two men and gather other tribes to fight with us, which will only consume the strength of our Xianbei people in vain, and it will be very bad at that time!"

"You all say how powerful Zhu Ye is, but after all, he has only a few hundred people. Can he turn the sky? Let's go up together, even if we take people to the pile, we will also take them down! "

Although the man seemed tough, he had already planned to rely on the sea of people. In fact, he had lost his confidence.

Another senior general said, "be careful of the big housework. These Han people are crafty and cunning. If they dare to rob the camp with hundreds of them, they must be deceitful. Don't be deceived."

"It's good. I think it's better to call those Huns. We can't bear all the losses. "

"That's right. Send someone to inform them at once. As for the leader and the Han emissary, there is no need to disturb them for the time being. Let them have a good rest first. "

Several soldiers run towards the Hun camp, and the 13 generals take their own group of thousands of soldiers to deal with Zhu Ye.

"Look, generals, it's over there!"

A soldier pointed ahead with a slightly trembling finger.

As soon as mang Qian looked at the figure that was wielding the double hammer, he couldn't help shaking his calf.

Among them, there were two people who did not participate in the battle.

When they see Zhu ye, they are furious.

"What a Han general, how dare I rush all the way to such a deep place in my camp

"Yes, if we let the leader know, we will have to peel off our skin!"

Mang Qian took a look at them and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, the two are the top generals in our Xianbei tribe. It's better for them to kill this general. The leader will be rewarded when he comes back."

These two people were originally angry for a moment, but when mang Qian said this, they suddenly realized that the matter was not so simple.

However, other generals also encouraged them.

"Go on, I just said it was so beautiful. Now why do you talk about it again?"

"Are you afraid that the Han will be too powerful?"

"Cutting is just a matter of lip service."

The two generals are also bloody men. How can they stand such ridicule?

"Well, go! We don't believe this man will have three heads and six arms, brothers, follow me

Leighton and suqiang rushed over with thousands of their own cavalry.

"Litton, you and I will separate the two sides and attack from the left and right. The Han will be brave enough to use the heavy double hammers. At this time, they will be exhausted. Mang Qian, they have been scared out of their courage. Such great contributions have been given to you and me in vain!"

"Well, it's a pity not to take such credit!"

The two men led the army, one left and one right, like two sharp arrows, inserted into the chaotic battlefield.

Five hundred Raytheon riders saw this scene from a distance, and several of the soldiers exclaimed, "the general is in danger. We should go to the guard as soon as possible."

At present, there are only less than 2000 Xianbei cavalry left, and most of them are demoralized and heartbroken. Where can we stop the 500 tigers and wolves?

Raytheon quickly broke through the siege of Xianbei cavalry and drew close to Zhu Ye.

Litton called out to an adjutant, "come on, take two thousand men to stop the Han army. Don't teach them to join up with this Han general."

The adjutant took orders and led the troops to encircle the past.

"Well, if you are alone, you can't believe that you can defeat both of us and thousands of elite!"

Zhu Ye is not afraid at all. He feels a little excited when he sees the mighty army rushing towards him.

He raised his hand and wiped the blood that was about to flow to the corner of his eye.

"Come on, these two look very good. They should be senior generals in the Xianbei army. Haha, it's enough to kill a few of them!"Although he noticed that a group of Xianbei troops were going to encircle the Thor riders, he didn't care at all. It was just wishful thinking that only 2000 people wanted to deal with the elite trained by themselves.

"Come on, let me weigh you a few catties or two!"

Zhu Ye turns his back on the guests and leaves behind those fresh and humble soldiers around him who have already been scared out of courage. He goes straight to the army of Litton and kills them.

Mang Qian and others, who watched the battle in the back, saw their eyelids jump.

"Is this man really not going to die? It's crazy to fight with thousands of troops with one person and one horse! "

"The Han people are always crafty. The more crazy and stupid they are, the more they prove that there is a conspiracy in them, so let the two guys of Litton and suqiang go to explore the way for us. Anyway, their tribe has always supported Qian man and expressed his heart to the leader."

With that, he glanced at the other five generals around him.

The five were once supporters of Ziman or budugan. After hearing his words, they had mixed feelings and different expressions.

Leighton rushes the fastest, and meets Zhu ye in an instant.

With a spear, facing the cold light, he stabbed Zhu Ye's face directly. At the same time, his body also fell down a little bit, making the whole person hide behind the head of the big horse under his crotch.

Seeing this, Zhu Ye sneered: "Hey, it's smart, but I don't think you'll be hit by the sledgehammer like this?"

Zhu Ye swings the hammer with his left hand, lifts up his spear, and smashes his right hand at Litton's horse from the side.

Leighton felt the powerful force from the hand holding the spear. He was shocked. When he saw the big hammer with sharp spines, he immediately put away his little underestimated heart. He quickly drew the reins and forced the huge body of the horse to the side to avoid Zhu Ye's hammer.

"It's dangerous and dangerous. If I don't have good riding skills, I'll lose this move. The courage of this general is much better than what is said!"

Zhu ye will not give him a chance to react. One blow fails, and immediately his left hand shakes, and the second hammer follows!


There was no time for Litton to fight back, and he knew that his spear could not compete with heavy weapons such as hammers at such close range.

Just when he thought he was going to die, a big knife came and blocked the big hammer.

Leighton breathed a sigh of relief and took a look. It turned out that Su Qiang came and said gratefully, "thank you very much."

Su Qiang nods a little and doesn't speak. He attacks Zhu Ye. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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