
Zhu Ye's face was filled with tears and blood, and he was in a state of grief.

Then, this grief turned into endless anger!

"Silver armor beast, good man, we are afraid to bury bones here today. We will go crazy before we die!"

The silver armor beast seemed to feel the master's mind, and suddenly he hissed up and rushed forward, and then he stepped on his four hooves and carried Zhu ye, and jumped directly from the head of the Xianbei Spearman surrounded by three layers of feet.

The Xianbei spearmen who surrounded Zhu ye and Huns machete soldiers who surrounded Lei Shen rode were close to each other, only a few decades away.

After the leap of the silver armor beast, he ran to the Hun soldiers in a flash.

"Die for me!"

Zhu ye only had a single hammer in his hand, smashed them out, hitting Huns from behind. These unlucky guys broke his spine and broken skull.

He bent and grabbed the hammer of a soldier on the ground by a dead thunderbolt.

"Come on, come out with me, and go back to the path, and you will have a new way!"

Zhu Ye immediately hit down several hammers and broke the machetes of several Huns, rode the remaining 200 people with the Thunder God and rushed out of the surrounding area.

"What, a group of waste, so they rushed out, quickly chase up, kill the Han general, the king will give him this golden knife!"

The face of King Xiu TU was suddenly changed, and he was frightened and angry, and he cried out.

When he saw Zhu ye and others escaping, he was not angry, but he smiled coldly.

"Hey, only then did you believe in the oath of Tu Wang. We are all waiting to see a good play, but we didn't expect Tut Tut, this is not as bad as our inferior children. We have been around them. As soon as you Xiongnu take over, they have been breaking through the Kung Fu for only a quarter of an hour. "

Mangqian and others also seized this opportunity, a good sneer, Huns face red neck thick, but nothing can be refuted.

But this time, the Han emissary looked at this scene, but he had no expression, no meaning of reconciliation, but the corner of his mouth was hidden meaning of fun.

"What to eat, not fast to catch up!"

King Hugh butcher howled all the fire at the machetes.

However, how brave are Zhu ye and Lei Shenqi. Now that they are together, since they have been out of the trap, how difficult it is to stop them again. Even the Zijin dragon riding of Guanyu may not be able to do it. What's more, the Hun machete soldier?

A group of wild horses, roaring out, where the corner knife breaks, Xiongnu gives the head.

After killing hundreds of Hun soldiers, Zhu ye and others finally returned to the exit of the mountain road.

"Come on, you go in advance, change horses, bandage the wound and come out!"

"Said Zhu Ye.

Where the soldiers of Lei God ride will throw him down, go ahead and prepare him to take care of it. However, he is staring back in his eyes.

"If I had listened to my father, why did not you go in as far as so many brothers died?"

They dare not violate it again, and rush into the mountain path.

Zhu Ye stands alone at the entrance of the mountain road. He is very awe-inspiring.

"Hugh will teach the Han Army to escape and chase in!"

"Shouted the Hun general.

Hun soldiers came after them in succession, trying to rush into the mountain road to pursue.

"Hum, if you want to kill my brother, ask the young master's hammer first and answer no!"

Zhu Ye killed a group of Hun soldiers by hammering himself alone, and he never let one rush into the mountain path from his side.

King Hugh Tu sighed: "what a brave man will be. That two assassins in both the same state and Liangzhou had never seen such brave generals, so killed, but it was a pity. "

Fu Luohan looked at him, yin and Yang strange airway: "Yo, when did king Hugh butcher also feel soft?"

"I am a prairie boy who has always admired the warriors. Although this man will be my enemy, he is so dead and brave. He is worthy of admiration naturally. If he doesn't say that, he broke the garrison place we waited for. He would not be able to let him go back alive. Otherwise, he would have to teach the Han Army to know that we were here, and all the previous plans would be wasted. This is what the king knows naturally. "

"That's the best," he said

A general of Xianbei who was near mangqian came and saluted: "chief, the road of that mountain road is narrow, and one man is in charge of the gate. If you drag on like this, you will not know how long it will take to kill the Han general. And he will take his life with this bow! "

The eyes of Fu Luohan are bright.

"OK! Reno is a rare Archer of Xianbei nationality. He is also a great master. He also shows his skill. Let King XiuTu and the Hun generals have a look at it. "

Before, the Hun general even shot more than ten Lei Shen riding soldiers. He also knew that he was worried about not having the chance to find a face. He knew the shooting skills of Rino. If he could shoot Han generals, wouldn't it be better than the Huns to kill several soldiers?Lino took the bow and ran over.

Zhu Ye is guarding the mountain pass at this time. He only needs to consider the enemy in front of him. He is safe behind and on both sides. Naturally, it is much easier to fight than when he was besieged before.

Lin Nuo stands in front of him dozens of steps, bows and arrows, and Zhu ye can see clearly.

"Hum, I still want to hurt me with a concealed arrow. It's really wishful thinking. I don't believe that your shooting skills are comparable to Ye Xiang's boy. I'm not afraid

Just in his mind, lino has shot the first arrow.

Zhu Ye doesn't care at all. Holding out the sledgehammer is the first block. However, it doesn't matter if it doesn't block. Although he blocks the arrow away from the first block, he still feels some pain on his wrist.

"Good fellow, this dog slave's bow is much stronger than before!"

Zhu Ye stops looking down.

He didn't know that the bow was no different, but Zhu ye had been fighting for a long time, and his arm strength was not as strong as at the beginning. If he had been in his heyday, it would be more than enough to block the arrow.

Lino obviously took a fancy to this too. A proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and soon shot the second arrow again.

Zhu Ye keeps blocking his arrow. The pain and numbness from his hands are more and more obvious, which makes him more and more anxious.


Linuo suddenly drinks, and Zhu Ye instinctively raises his hand to block it. However, he finds that there is no touch on his hand.

He took the hammer and looked at it. He found that there was no arrow. It was just lino shouting.

"You king..."

Zhu Ye suddenly feels that he is being teased. He is about to scold him, but he finds that a real sharp arrow has already flown in front of him.

Zhu Ye has no time to stop it. He feels a great force coming from his right shoulder and pushes him backward.

Zhu Ye looks down and sees that it is the sharp arrow. Although it is blocked by the golden silk armour, it can not penetrate into his body, but the strength is also great for him now.

As soon as he was ready to sit on the horse again, he saw two machetes on top of his head.

"Get out of here

Zhu Ye drinks, raises the sledgehammer and smashes it.

However, only one of the two machetes, which should have broken without accident, were broken. The other was only blocked but not broken.


Zhu Ye is shocked to see two more machetes, which have been slashed towards his chest!

Zhu ye can't get rid of it. He can only resist these two swords with his golden armor!



Almost at the same time that two machetes hit him in the chest, another sharp arrow from lino hit him in the chest.

Zhu ye did not have time to sit down again. At this time, he was hit by these three powerful forces. Even though he was not injured, he was finally shot out of the horse.

Silver armored beast knows human nature and runs back.

Zhu Ye turns to his feet and reaches out to grab the reins of the silver armored beast and mount the horse again. However, contrary to his wishes, he is forced to withdraw his hand with a machete.

"General, here we are!"

The soldiers on the Thor's horse heard Zhu Ye's movement inside and ran out one after another.

"General, we've bandaged our wounds!"

Zhu Ye glances around them. Sure enough, all the wounds have been simply bandaged.

"Well, it's the style of Thor riding that we only defend but not attack! I think there are three people over there. They must be the leaders of both sides according to burdugen, and there are some bullshit Chinese emissaries. Let's rush to kill them and let them have a big disturbance in the army. Then when the elder brother comes, everything will be settled. "

Several Thor riding soldiers are blocking the Hun saber soldiers. Zhu Ye is free and finally gets on the horse of the silver armored beast.

"Rush out!"

The mountain path is narrow, and the long handled machete is not easy to use. The more than ten Hun soldiers who follow in are almost helpless, so they are killed by Zhu ye and Thor.

Lino was not surprised but pleased to see them rush out again.

"Ha ha, I should have done so much for it!"

He took out an arrow again and attached the bow string.

"Don't be a dog slave!"

Zhu Ye shouts. He drives the silver armored beast out ten paces away. He throws the smaller hammer that he picked up from the body of Thor.

Linuo can't think that Zhu ye will use this move. In a hurry, he throws away his bow and arrow and prepares to return to his horse to escape.

However, it was also his bad luck. When he threw away his bow and arrow, it was the arrow of that arrow that accidentally cut the horse in his crotch.

The horse suddenly felt a pain, and then it neighed and moved. It didn't listen to the drive of Lena.

Fu Luohan called out: "Li, be careful!"

Suddenly, he looked back and saw nothing.Fu Luohan hated and said: "Oh, stupid, really stupid!"

XiuTu Wang said with a smile, "Xianbei people are really good at shooting. I admire them, I admire them!"

Fu Luohan looked at the proud XiuTu king, and his face suddenly became fierce.

"Come on, shoot me, shoot them! Let the Huns withdraw

A group of Xianbei soldiers, holding long bows, ran to the front, pulled up the bowstring, and started to shoot arrows.

King XiuTu was shocked: "Damn it, you Come on, let the machetes go

As soon as he said this, he immediately followed him and called out, "shoot me an arrow!"

Suddenly, the arrow rain soared into the sky and shot out!

Zhu ye and Thor have not yet reached the range of the bow and arrow, but the thousands of machete soldiers are squeezed within the distance of a hundred paces. When the arrow rain falls, they hear the Hun soldiers scream again and again.

King XiuTu drew out his knife directly and said to Fu Luohan angrily, "Fu Luohan, what's the purpose of your dog?"

The generals on both sides were hostile to each other, as if they could fight at any time.

Fu Luohan sneered and said: "hum, you Huns don't train strictly on weekdays. This order has gone down, and it's no wonder that we didn't leave at the first time."


When King XiuTu heard this, he was not angry.

Mang Qian said: "ha ha, you and I, one game on one side, can be regarded as even. From now on, when sincere cooperation, together with the Han talent is."

None of the Huns paid any attention to him. Don't overdo it and don't bother to look at them again.

The Han emissary glanced at the people on both sides and snorted in his nostrils, but he did not speak.

King XiuTu ordered: "let the machete soldiers withdraw quickly, and the sharpshooters of Xiongnu also attack to see who killed the Han Army more!"

Soon, all the alive machete soldiers withdrew from the battlefield, and a group of Hun archers also ran out and started to shoot arrows from another direction.

Zhu ye and others still want to pursue those machete soldiers, but after a few steps, they see two waves of arrows coming from two directions, covering the sky and the earth. It is like a dark cloud, stronger than Zhu Ye. They can't help but turn pale!

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