The first several powerful generals, one by one with a look of hatred, looked at a valley mouth several miles away.

A long bearded and red faced general with green dragon Yanyue sword and dark green armor said to a gold clad general nearby: "elder brother, Hu Gou killed my fifth younger brother. This hatred and hatred will never be shared! Ask elder brother to order, let younger brother take purple gold dragon horse to rush to kill in, if let go a Hu dog, younger brother is willing to engage in military law

This is Guan Yu.

His eyes were bloodshot, and a pair of lying silkworm eyebrows stood up. With his hands clasping hands, the blue veins on the back of his hands burst out.

Not only he, but also Zhang Yong, who is famous for his composure, is also full of hatred at the moment. He doesn't care about any strategy. He asks Liu He with Guan Yu.

"Give me your order, brother."

"My Lord, give orders. We are willing to die to avenge General Zhu!"

All the generals asked for instructions.

But Liu he frowned, although also with hate color, but did not order.

Guan Yu is eager: "big brother!"

However, they did not know that Liu he thought differently from them.

Liu He has received a secret message from feiyingwei that Zhu Ye is not dead. At this time, he has been brought back by feiyingwei and Lin Xin, and is secretly entrusted by Liu He to a group of military doctors to take care of him in the rear of the army.

This news, he deliberately did not walk in the army.

Zhu Ye has always been popular in the army. The news of his death caused a great stir in the Anmin army. All the officers and men were furious and wanted to avenge him.

Liu he wanted to fight with the Xianbei Xiongnu with his vengeance. Otherwise, there would be less than 50000 troops on his side. Even if the fighting capacity was stronger, the equipment was better, and the commander-in-chief was more skillful, it would be extremely dangerous to fight with 170000 Xianbei Xiongnu cavalry.

Since we want to take advantage of this hatred, we should exaggerate it to the greatest extent. If we let Guan Yu attack at this time, we will not only have 20000 purple gold dragon riders, but also let the anger that has just been generated be vented, which is also bad for morale.

Seeing that Guan Yu had been urging Liu He to order, Cui Jun came out to comfort him.

"General Guan, our army is less than 50000, and Zijin Longqi is only 20000. According to the information sent back by the eagle guards and General Zhu, the Xianbei Xiongnu's allied forces reached 170000. Although they were injured by General Zhu and general Cheng, they were just a drop in the ocean compared with 170000. This is a dangerous war. General, don't rush. The Lord has lost a brother. Don't let him be a mourner for the dead. "

Hearing the first part of his speech, Guan Yu originally glared at Cui Jun, but he didn't care. After Cui Jun finished the last sentence, his brow gradually widened, and then his face had some regret.

"Big brother, I know I'm wrong..."

Liu He took Guan Yu's hand and sighed.

"Well, how can you not understand Yunchang's mood? We are five brothers. We will share the same life and death. If the five brothers die, I will feel no worse than you. It's just that there is a big gap between us. This war should not be rash. "

Guan Yu didn't notice the word "if" of Liu He's saying "if five younger brothers died", but after listening to his words, he no longer urged to March, and stood aside.

Just then, two carvings came from the sky.

Liu He looks a change, suddenly looked up, followed immediately ordered.

"Gao Shun!"

"The end will be there!"

"You lead eight thousand soldiers of Han Dynasty in your headquarters, 500 steps outside the mouth of the valley, surround both sides of the valley, and let go of the side facing our army in this direction."

"Here it is

Gao Shun, without half a word of unnecessary questions and words, rushed out with an arrow and 8000 soldiers.

"Ye Xiang!"

"The end will be there!"

"You lead your headquarters to ten thousand Shenji camp, which is the same as Han soldiers. You only guard two sides and attack together behind them. If you let the Hu people escape from these two sides, you will be engaged in military law and law!"

"The last general will take orders!"

All the soldiers were already red eyed. They were looking forward to killing more Hu people. On the one hand, they would take revenge and on the other hand, they would make contributions. It is clear to all that once the battle is won, there will be no large-scale fighting on the northern border of Bingzhou. Without fighting, how can the officers and soldiers perform their meritorious service?

So we all want to firmly seize this opportunity. What's more, these Hu people dare to kill General Zhu Ye. To the soldiers, it's just like killing their relatives. How can we bear such deep hatred?

After receiving the general's order, the soldiers of Han Dynasty and the 18000 soldiers of Shenji camp set off in a fierce manner. However, the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers were staring at Liu He, one by one.

"Big brother!"

Guan Yu looks at Gao Shun and ye Xiang both have a task, but he is still in the air, can't help but start to be anxious.

Liu He looked at Guan Yu and the 20000 purple gold dragon riders behind him. Seeing that they were all staring at themselves without exception, Liu he was very pleased when he gave orders."OK, Mr. Yun, listen to me!"

As soon as the word "Ling" came out, Guan Yu immediately called out, "the end will be in!"

"I order you to lead the purple gold dragon cavalry, outside the gap left by the Han soldiers and Shenji camp, and after the enemy forces escape from the gap, they will only make feints, and do not have to fight to death, and let them go. We must wait until most of the enemy has fled to the grassland before we can really attack and surround ourselves with generals Gao and ye. We must annihilate the rear of them in the shortest possible time

Guan Yu was overjoyed and hugged his fist and said, "the last general will accept his orders!"

Liu He looks at Zhang Yong again.

"Gold sword camp obeys orders!"

Zhang Yong's face was shocked and he rode out.

"The end will be there!"

"The golden sword camp is facing up against the enemy's troops coming out and filing the enemy's spirit!"

"Here it is

Zhang Yonggang wants to turn around and leave, but he is caught by Liu He.

"Fourth brother, this time your golden sword camp is the most dangerous one. You fight for more than 100000 yuan with 8000 yuan. You don't want to kill the enemy, but you just want to make them afraid. How to act can work. The fourth younger brother can make up his own mind, but be careful. Among you and my brothers, you have always been the most calm. Don't be impulsive

Zhang Yong's face moved, and he clasped his fist and said, "don't worry, brother, you have your own ideas."

With that, he left with eight thousand soldiers.

Liu He shook his right hand and pulled out the Yang Ming who was stabbed on the ground. He got off his horse and stepped up on the black king.

Seeing this, Cui Jun quickly advised him: "does the Lord want to fight in person? Never, this war is not as dangerous as before. It must be very dangerous. The victory or defeat is hard to predict. The Lord is a heavy burden. You should not be involved in the danger yourself! "

Liu He is looking up to the sky and laughing: "ha ha! What a worry! It is because of the danger of this war that I should fight side by side with the officers and men. What's more, the blood feud of five younger brothers must be revenged. The Hu people and dog slaves want to take my head. I'm afraid they don't have this ability! "

Cui Jun still wanted to persuade him again, but Liu he did not pay attention to it. He patted the black king. He saw that the black tiger roared, jumped suddenly and ran out.

Cui Jun looks at the front, his eyes jump, and then becomes firm.

"In today's World War I, the power of the Lord and the people's army should be praised in the world and be famous in history. Although Cui Jun is a minister of literature, how can I fall behind others?"

He pulled out cangming sword with a "Cang clang" and beat his horse like an arrow.

In the distance, the Yellow River rushes and roars incessantly. The mother river of China seems to be watching the coming World War and cheering for her children , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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