Mang Qian rushed to the front. With nearly 20000 people, he had already crossed the defense line of Zijin dragon riding.

He looked in front of him. There were long, shining knives. On the right, the bows and crossbows of Shenji camp were still shooting.

Mang Qian's eyes are cold.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways. You take 10000 people to stop the Han army with golden sword. I will take someone to kill these Han Army bowmen first!"

He had heard a lot about the golden sword camp, and knew that they were powerful. When he saw eight thousand gold Sabre camps lying in front of him, he also had some drum beating in his heart, so he let an intermediate general take the lead to test out.

However, the general did not know the prestige of the golden sword camp. They were all light and simple. They were neither shields nor infantry. They were suddenly emboldened.

"Don't worry, general. The young general will surely fulfill his mission and wipe out all these Han people!"

Mang Qian encouraged him. In fact, he thought in his heart: "you can hold them for a while longer. As for the total annihilation, I dare not think about it."

He personally led less than 10000 people and went straight to Ye Xiang's Shenji camp.

The young general was encouraged by him and full of confidence.

"Humble and cowardly Han people, let you know the power of our Xianbei people!"

At the front of the golden sword camp, Zhang Yongzheng was gloomy, holding the chopping axe tightly in his right hand, and his anger seemed to burst out from his eyes.

When Xianbei saw him, he was riding a tall horse, and his armor looked pretty good, so he knew that he was the general of this golden sword team.

"I'll cut you first!"

He soon came to Zhang Yong, a big axe roared.

Zhang Yong eyes a Lin, scornful smile: "hum, with you also match axe?"

As soon as he patted his horse, he rushed out and chopped it out with an axe.

Little general Xianbei didn't care: "hum, it's just doing to compare my strength with me What... "

The two axes collided with each other, and suddenly a strong force came from his arm. The Xianbei general's face changed greatly, and the whole person was almost attacked by this force from the horse.

Zhang Yong eyebrows a pick: "unexpectedly can block me a move, but this is enough, return my five younger brother's life!"

The chopping axe broke again. The young general quickly blocked it. How could he expect that the handle of the axe in his hand was directly cut off. Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest and completely lost his intuition.

The ten thousand Xianbei cavalry behind them were depressed to see that their commander-in-chief had died so soon.

And the soldiers of the golden sword camp were all excited and flushed with excitement.

It's time for Zhang Zhenyong to take revenge

A handle of gold knife, shining cold light, a roar, frightening people!

Among the ten thousand Xianbei cavalry, some of them had seen the power of the golden sword in Yanmen. They didn't want to rush too fast, but they couldn't hold back. Those comrades who didn't know the sky and the earth rushed forward, making it difficult for them to retreat.


Jin Dao Ying's strength rises from the ground, and the tip of the golden knife cuts out abruptly.

"Click Click... "

Under the sound of a crisp sound, a group of Xianbei cavalry rushed in front of them. Their bodies and horse heads were all split. They were dripping with blood and were full of white bones. Many people and horses had already turned into two before they even had time to scream.

"My God..."

The cavalry at the back saw this, and his teeth began to tremble.

"As soon as the golden sword comes out, people and horses will be broken! Kill, kill

Jindao camp is so murderous that it moves forward step by step.

"Click Click... "

In the eyes of Xianbei cavalry, all of the eight thousand soldiers in the golden saber camp became demons and demons!

Finally, some of the Xianbei cavalry could no longer stand it any longer and ran away.

"No, no more!"


Another Xianbei general who just broke through the Zijin dragon riding defense line was furious.

"Stop, who dares to be a deserter, I will be killed

He killed several of the fastest Xianbei cavalry with a knife, and then he could stop the rout.

He and another general, two people join hands, with this group of cavalry around again.

Over there, mang Qian took nearly ten thousand cavalry and went to Shenji camp.

On the way they rushed over, a part of the crossbow soldiers from Shenji camp launched two waves of shooting at them, killing more than 1000 Xianbei cavalry, which could have made the mang move to the edge.

"Well, now that you are fighting hand in hand, I'll see how you crossbow soldiers parry and die!"

Mang Qian took the lead in targeting Ye Xiang and directly attacked the past.

Ye Xiang is a mysterious smile, from the side of the horse took a long cloth cover.

Mang Qian saw the appearance, and his face changed. He seemed to notice something bad.Ye Xiang shook his hand and the cloth cover fell to the ground. It turned out to be a black gun with a dark red head!

"The fire dragon gun is a fire dragon gun. I have left you out in the cold on weekdays. Today, you and I will join hands to let you drink the blood of Hu people!"

This spear is one of the six warlords forged together with the weapons of Liu He and others. Although Ye Xiang practices it every day, it is rarely used in the battlefield.

But even so, ye Xiang holds the fire dragon gun, also does not have any strange feeling.

He put down the strong bow of three stones, the fire dragon gun trembled, and the red tassels on it leaped, straight to the front of mang Qian.

Mang Qian looks startled, will head side, dodge a move, at the same time attack Ye Xiang's abdomen.

Mang Qian was surprised to find that the young man in his early twenties had enough martial arts skills to level with himself, which shocked him!

"This Han army is incredible! How can all the generals in the army have strong martial arts? That's all. It's just that Liu He and his four brothers are good at martial arts. Even such a commander-in-chief of a crossbow soldier has such a terrible combat effectiveness! "

Not only Ye Xiang, but Qu hang also took a long gun from his horse's back, and even all the soldiers of Shenji camp carried a cloth bag on their backs. They took three iron rods from the cloth bag and twisted them together to become a long gun. This made Xianbei's chief General almost break his world outlook.

However, there was no time for him to think about it. Ye Xiang's long gun pressed him step by step, which made him not relax at all.

Looking at Xianbei's several generals, they were all entangled by the Han Army, but the Huns were overjoyed.

"It's time for the Huns to make a big show today!"

A Hun general saw Liu He and Cui Jun from a distance, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Ha ha, that man wearing gold armor must be the legendary Liu He. As long as we capture or kill him, we will win the battle!"

He turned to the two Hun generals and yelled, "Liu He is over there!"

The two men were also very happy. They realized that even though Liu he was so brave, his three generals and more than 10000 Huns around him could not win him down?

With this in mind, the three of them were greatly emboldened.

"Liu He, today is your death date!"

A group of people killed Liu He.

However, it is very strange that Zhang Yong and Guan Yu, who saw this scene, were expressionless and did not show any anxiety.

In the distance, Liu He smiles when he sees the Xiongnu people rushing to him.

He looked at Cui Jun around him and said, "do you really want to fight with him today?"

Cui Jun sword a horizontal, awe inspiring way: "exactly

The answer was very brief, only two words, but full of determination.

"Good! The military master is heroic

Liu He is not very worried about this. Although Cui Jun was a Wen Chen, he had been practicing martial arts since he was a young man. Even in the Anmin army, he was strict with himself. He often practiced with soldiers, especially with Liu He and others. Today, his military force has reached 75 points, which is one point short of the peak value of his original historical attribute.

In addition, cangming sword, the king of war, whose force has been increased by 2 points, and Shenjia, whose force has been increased by 1 point, is not as good as that against the general of Xianbei Xiongnu, but it is safe to deal with ordinary soldiers in a short time.

Since they had a tacit understanding, they no longer talked about it, but also rushed to kill more than 10000 Huns!

The two figures here, facing tens of thousands of people, have no hesitation and march forward bravely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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