For frohan and King Hugh, the news was the best they had heard during this time.

"Great! As long as Liu he dies, the Han army will be in chaos! "

Unexpectedly, the messenger shook his head and said, "it is not necessarily. If he could take this chronic poison for a long time, he would be killed. However, he was eager for the Northern Expedition and soon left his residence. However, the man did not serve with the army and had no chance to continue poisoning. In addition, he was always in good health, so he should not have been poisoned to death. "

The two men seem to be disappointed,.

"It's just that before he died, it's just as if he had been poisoned by nature, but it's not far away from his master."

But in the other two people's eyes

But here Liu He only felt that the pain in his stomach became more and more intense. Even with his perseverance, he began to have a cold sweat on his body, and his right hand, which was holding Yangming's anti chopping, was shaking slightly.

Cui Jun looked at him, his face began to turn white and his lips turned purple. He was very scared.

"My Lord, you I'm afraid it's poisoning! "

Although Cui Jun is not sure, Liu He is either sick or poisoned. However, he has always been in good health, has a regular life, is diligent in practicing martial arts, and often takes tonics. How could he suddenly become so ill without any reason? So think about it, can only be a chronic poison, now attack.

Liu He's abdominal pain was unbearable, and his weapons were almost unable to grasp. His brain fainted and he almost fell down from the black king's back.

"Back Go back, Mingjin Go back to our headquarters and guard... "

Although the situation is very good now, no one knows what kind of poison Liu He is in. If he is poisoned and killed, the morale of the Anmin army will definitely be hit unprecedentedly. At that time, it is likely that the war situation will reverse in an instant. Therefore, it is imperative to reduce the formation defense and let the military doctors check Liu He's injury.

Cui Jun and Liu He both fought and retreated. Fortunately, Liu he just killed a group of Hu cavalry who rushed to die just now, so they were still in fear at this time, and they did not all rush in. Finally, they were able to escape successfully.

A few miles away from the battlefield, there was a camp where some of the logistics personnel were in charge.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The clear and crisp voice resounded through the battlefield and attracted people to look back one after another.

"Well? How did you get gold? "

Guan Yu and others are confused. They don't know about Liu He's poisoning. Now the war situation is so smooth that they just take advantage of the situation to annihilate these Hu people.

However, due to the strict military discipline in the Anmin army, and because of Liu He's trust, people think that maybe he has some new strategy, so they don't think much about it.

They went back to protect each other.

Those cavalry of Xianbei and Xiongnu were trying to chase after them, but there were orders from Fu Luohan and King XiuTu.

"The whole army is in order, no pursuit is allowed! When the whole army is finished, the whole army will go out in unison and crush the enemy camp! "

It should be the same when you think about it. The previous battles were so rough. In the final analysis, the Han army took the lead in setting down the formation to restrain the cavalry. As a result, the impact power of more than 100000 cavalry was weakened layer by layer, and the combat effectiveness was naturally greatly reduced.

Now that the Han Army retreats, there is just time for Xianbei and Xiongnu to gather all the cavalry together and launch an offensive. It is really a thunderbolt. It is enough to wipe out the Han Army at one stroke.

Therefore, there was a strange scene on the battlefield. Just now, the fierce battle stopped suddenly, and both sides retreated. Ding Yuan and Lu Bu, who were watching the battle dozens of miles away, were also puzzled.

Guan Yu and others quickly withdrew to the camp, but only saw Cui Jun waiting here alone.

"Master, where is my elder brother?"

Cui Jun came over quickly: "all the generals, quickly set up the defensive formation. I think Xianbei and Xiongnu are assembling a large army. I'm afraid it will take a long time to launch an attack. Be sure to hold on! The Lord is in the camp and is being treated by military doctors. "

As soon as Guan Yu and others heard this, they were anxious. They wanted to run in to see Liu He, but Cui Jun stopped him.

"The Lord has an order. You can enter the account only after you have arranged the formation well!"

Although Guan Yu and others are impatient, they also know that the overall situation is the most important thing, and they cooperate with each other to set up an array.

Cheng Liang and others, who were fighting hard with the Hu cavalry in the valley, also heard the sound of Ming Jin coming from outside the valley. Although they did not know the situation, they also guessed that something must have happened. They were very anxious and wanted to rush out. However, it was so easy for the thousands of enemy troops to stop them?

"Get out of here!"

Cheng Liang was very angry, and the power of Tiangang soul chasing halberd in his hand was increased a few points.

However, Fu Luohan and King XiuTu kept cheering for their children. Those Hu cavalry were not as intimidating as before. Of course, Cheng Liang could not easily scare them off."Hateful, hateful!"

Cheng Liang is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he has nothing to do.

Guan Yu and others soon completed the task of setting up the array. All the soldiers firmly occupied their positions, then passed on the water bag and dry food in turn, and took a rest in situ.

"Big brother!"


They all rushed into the camp, but a military doctor glared at them and motioned them to be quiet.

Liu He's eyes were closed, his face was pale, his head was sweating, his body was shaking slightly, and his expression was very painful. Several military doctors were around him for diagnosis and treatment at the same time.

"Sir, my elder brother, he..."

Guan Yu urgently asked one of the military doctors.

The military doctor looked grave and sighed. He took Guan Yu to one side. Zhang Yong and others quickly followed him.

"Lord Liu is poisoned, and it is a kind of chronic poison. Now it happens to attack."

Everyone was shocked!

"What, poisoning? How could this be... "

At this time, Gao Shun was still calm. He asked, "is it possible to solve this problem?"

Everyone also looked at the military doctor with expectant eyes.

The military doctor shook his head: "this poison is called jiuhuazaixin powder. It is made from nine different kinds of poisonous flowers. If you take one of them every day, the toxicity is getting worse day by day. Once you take all the nine kinds of poison, it will be difficult for the immortal to save. How can we get the antidote..."

"What! This... "

As soon as everyone heard that there was no antidote, their faces suddenly fell into despair.

Liu He is now almost the spiritual pillar of all the people in the whole ANP, especially for Guan Yu and others. If he died, it would be a great spiritual blow to these people.

"Sir, Mr. Wan Wang must try to save my big brother. Guan, please!"

"I'm waiting for you, please!"

When people make a gesture, they must kneel down.

The military doctors could not afford such a big gift, so they were helped up in a hurry.

"You don't have to be like this. Lord Liu has incomparable benevolence and righteousness, and he has heaven's protection. Although the nine flower heart destroying powder is extremely poisonous, fortunately, Lord Liu only took it for seven days. Although it is still highly poisonous, at least he has no worries about his life for the time being."

When they heard this, they looked very happy.

"In this case, I hope you can treat me as soon as possible."

The military doctor said: "although I only took seven kinds of flower poisons, they will not be fatal for the time being. However, there is no antidote for this poison. If it accumulates in the body for a long time, the Lord's heart will be like a knife, and his abdominal pain will be unbearable. If it goes on like this, God and man will not be able to endure several times, and sooner or later he will die. Our medical skills are not good. With the help of some precious herbs carefully cultivated by Mr. Xu, we can barely suppress the toxicity. As for detoxification Well, I'm sorry we can't do anything about it. "

Mr. Xu, the manager of the medicine garden in langtiao county at that time, has been in charge of a large number of medicine nurseries for the Anmin army in Huangshui Township these years. Most of the herbs are converted by Liu He's system and continue to grow in the later stage. In addition, Mr. Xu cultivates them according to the systematic method, which naturally makes the medicine more powerful.

However, despite this, the military doctor still said that he could not detoxify Liu He, which made people feel as if the sky was going to fall down. Even Guan Yu, a nine foot old man, was dizzy, and almost one could not stand and fall down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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