After three waves of solid impact, Han soldiers finally began to lose their strength. Some soldiers were directly smashed open. Before the soldiers around could make up for the gap, the Hu cavalry swarmed in from the gap.

After the first breach of the line of defense of the Han soldiers, it was like a broken dike bitten by the ant colony. The flood came, and the internal and external cooperation accelerated the collapse of the dike.

"Shoot me an arrow!"

Ye Xiang shot and killed a Xianbei little general with one arrow, and at the same time, he yelled at shenjiying behind him.

"General, the men are running out of arrows!"

Assistant General Qu hang reported to him anxiously.

Ye Xiang turned his head and saw that, sure enough, many soldiers of Shenji camp had only a few arrows in the arrow gourd.

Even ye Xiang himself had only a dozen arrows left, but the battle was fierce and he had not paid attention to it.

"In today's World War I, there is only death, and we must not teach the barbarian Hougou and look down on our great men! Brothers, listen to my orders, the arrows will be sent out at your command. After shooting all the arrows in the gourd, you will follow me to fight with the Hougou! "

Ye Xiang said as he took out an arrow and put it on the bow string. The arrow turned and quickly aimed at a Hun general who rushed in from a gap between Han and Wu soldiers.

The soldiers of quhang and Shenji camp followed suit, drawing bows and arrows.

"Let go

The Hun general fell to the ground, and thousands of Hu cavalry fell down in succession.

Ye Xiang repeatedly called out "let go of arrows". A total of nearly 100000 arrows fell, and tens of thousands of Hu cavalry were dead or disabled, which really made the Han soldiers in the front line gasp for a moment.

The enemy troops in several gaps were shot and killed, and immediately soldiers from Han Dynasty rushed to make up for them. However, there were too many gaps in the end. It was just a drop in the bucket to make up for these gaps.

The bows and arrows were used up quickly, and the pressure on the soldiers of the Han Dynasty increased greatly. In a flash, those gaps became larger and larger, and they were difficult to make up.

"Hold on, brothers, hold on!"

Gao Shun goes back and forth in person between different gaps, running back and forth, killing Hu Qi.

"Go to three or four people and surround the general!"

A Xianbei general ordered four soldiers and immediately surrounded Gao Shun in the middle.

Although Gao Shun's martial arts were extraordinary, he was tired after a long battle. At this time, he was surrounded by four people and could not get out of trouble for a while.

As soon as he was trapped, the line of defense of Han soldiers began to collapse.

Many Han soldiers, drawing their swords, jumped at the enemy troops, cut off their horse legs, and even jumped up to kill the enemy from the horse's back.

However, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists and only a few thousand soldiers of Han Dynasty. How can they resist so many hooligans coming?

Looking at the soldiers who were recruited, trained and trained by themselves, Gao Shun was almost heartbroken.

Liu he cut Yang Ming in one fell swoop and yelled: "the soldiers of Han Dynasty withdraw to the rear, throw away the heavy shield spear and meet the enemy with a big sword! The others will follow me

With a roar, the black king sprang out.

Guan Yu and others had been impatient for a long time. Tens of thousands of soldiers, like a blowout, rushed out in an instant.

The more than 10000 horsemen who first broke through the line of defense of Han soldiers were the first to bear the brunt, and were cut down by Liu He and others.

The soldiers and soldiers of the people's Liberation Army have red eyes and each knife and gun in their hands seems to have the momentum to split the mountains.

Zijin dragon mounted a frontal attack. Shenji camp officers and soldiers changed their spears to attack from the left wing, and the Jindao camp attacked from the right. The remaining thousands of Han soldiers changed their swords and went to fight side by side with Shenji camp.

The collapse of the war situation was immediately restored, especially Zijin Longqi and Jindao camp. In the previous battle, the two forces had little damage, almost killing 1000 enemies, and only eight of them lost themselves. Such a powerful and incomparable combat effectiveness makes Hu Qi shudder and tremble when they meet them. Therefore, they are responsible for the whole front Bearing, obviously, it's faster to move forward.

However, the situation is only temporary.

There was a huge gap between the two sides. The Hu cavalry had been divided and besieged by layers before, and they could not play the impact advantage of large-scale cavalry. In addition, due to the gap in battle array, commander-in-chief, morale and equipment, the Anmin army reaped their lives with great advantage.

However, now more than 100000 cavalry rushed in, shaking the ground and giving full play to the advantages of the cavalry. Although the Anmin army resisted for a while, the following Hu Qi came in one after another. Especially when several generals of Xianbei and Xiongnu led some cavalry to both sides and surrounded them, the war situation was once again in a disadvantageous position for the Anmin army.

At this time, the Anmin army retreated after fighting and soon retreated to a place just a few miles away from the Yellow River.

"Watch out, master!"

Liu He took control of the black king, jumped up to the military division, and killed several Hu cavalry around him.

"Thank you, Lord!" Cui Jun gasped and arched his hand.The war situation is becoming more and more fierce. Not only is Cui Jun a little difficult to support at the beginning, but also many of his generals are already in a hurry, and some of them have been injured.

"Xuanwei, Yunlin, Boqing, Luning and Wenyuan, each of you, will lead a troop and horse. Follow me and charge ahead. First, tear up the dogs in front of you and break their encirclement ring!"

Guan Yu gave orders one after another to Zhouyuan, Daile, Qinchu, Yanquan and zhangliao.

The five men took orders and sounded the horn. Zijin dragon riders, who were killing the enemy, fought and moved one after another. A team gathered around six people including Guan Yu.

"Run for it!"

Under the command of Guan Yu, the six teams of purple and gold dragons were tens of paces apart. Under the leadership of their six powerful generals, like six sharp arrows, they inserted into the Hu cavalry at a very fast speed.

Like a six toothed climbing plow, the tens of thousands of Hu cavalry facing the front were soon opened six times.

However, before Guan Yu and others had time to breathe, several senior generals of the two clans, led by a group of cavalry, came back in a steady stream.

King XiuTu, who was watching the battle at the mouth of the valley, became impatient.

"A bunch of bastards, 130000 people, and even 40000 or 50000 people can't work out for half a day! Let's see the king himself and shoot the commander-in-chief of the Han cavalry! "

King XiuTu was able to take this position. Naturally, he was also a fierce general. He was so angry that he jumped down the boulder with his long bow and rode his horse out of the valley.

Seeing this, the Han emissary on one side urged Luo Han to help Luo Han: "your honor, the king XiuTu has gone to war in person, which will certainly boost the morale of the Huns. If you don't go out with you at this time, I'm afraid that the Huns will become more and more arrogant in front of you Xianbei people."

Frohan glared at him, but then seemed to be thinking about his words.

Then he waved in a few soldiers.

"Take care of this guy first, and then deal with it when the chief comes back!"

With that, he went down the boulder, mounted his horse, and rushed out of the valley with his weapon.

"Ah, you..."

The emissary was shocked, and without saying a few words, he was dragged away by several Xianbei soldiers.

Although Fu Luohan was out of the valley, he knew that his martial arts were average. If he really wanted to enter such a battlefield, the result would be absolutely good. So he just kept running around the periphery, shouting various words and boosting his morale.

However, King XiuTu was different. He actually rushed into the battlefield.

"Hey, let me see the fighting power of the cavalry of Han Dynasty!"

He would not hit Guan Yu's swords foolishly. Although he was quite conceited, he was old and weak after all, so he just picked a few purple and gold dragon riders and attacked them with weapons.

"There's an old man coming to die!"

Several purple and gold dragon riding soldiers didn't know this man was king XiuTu of Xiongnu. Seeing that he was white on the temples, but dressed in luxurious clothes, they thought that he was a noble General of the Hu people who did not know how to live or die. Naturally, they were very happy.

Three purple and gold dragon riding soldiers directly joined hands to attack King XiuTu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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